This Woman Made Major Mistake In Setting $200 Of Lobsters Free

She Just Wanted To Do A Good Deed

Harley was pleased with herself for what she had just accomplished. She glanced from the moving sea to the vessel she was on. The vacant enclosures that were scattered around the boat gave her affirmation that she had done a great job.

She had spent some money, but the liberation they had gained was invaluable to her. Nevertheless, she was unaware of what consequences her actions would create.

Something Waiting For Her

The woman was patient as she anticipated going back to the land. She would soon be in the town, however, she had no clue that something was expecting her to return. Rumors had circulated regarding her kind act.

The man sneered as the little vessel returned to the pier. He extinguished his cigarette and headed towards the female - he was going to make her pay a hefty price.

Walking Towards Her

Harley saw the man wearing the uniform by the dock and felt a chill. Did he just look her way? Her suspicions were confirmed when he began walking towards her.

His thick shoes caused the pier to groan as he rushed towards her. She was unable to move. What did this person desire?


The man halted close to her and asked, "Have you committed an error?" This put Harley into a state of confusion. Did she do something bad?

Typically, she wouldn't permit anyone to give her orders, but the guy had a commanding presence. She questioned what she had gotten herself into, but the man was about to do something extraordinary.


The policeman had no tolerance. Right after informing her of his predicament, he kept shifting his position. It was obvious that he wasn't willing to take the time to explain everything to her.

He demanded that she accompany him immediately, but she refused. He might have been planning to take her somewhere unknown.

Taking Her In

The officer demanded that Harley accompany him to his car. When they arrived, he demanded that she come along with him for a drive. She was not aware of where they were headed but had no choice but to obey.

Although she was not officially being detained, she realized that it would be in her best interest to obey.

Horrors Of What She Said

The police officer brought her to a judge's court. She was confused, but then she saw another person. The man gave her a piece of paper, and once she looked it over, she realized what was happening.

Once she had gone through the paper, she realized the dreadful gravity of what she had done in letting the sea creatures into the ocean.

Harley Wright

Harley Wright was an enthusiastic young lady with lots of objectives in her life. As she developed, she had a great interest in nature and all of its features. She had a special bond with all of the creatures she met.

In her teenage years, she chose to give her time aiding animals at shelters and even taking part in animal rights protests. She had turned into a campaigner.

Staying True To Her Beliefs

After finishing her high school studies, Harley stayed devoted to her values. She obtained a biology degree to gain further insight into the world that she adored.

As she matured, Harley became increasingly willing to take chances to fight for her passions. She would do anything to defend the things that meant the most to her - the animals.

Seeing Something Terrible

Harley felt eating animals was a cruel practice. She had no control over the industry but one day, as she strolled down the street, she witnessed something that she considered awful.

She went by a shop that was vending fish. All the specimens were deceased, apart from one that made her shiver with fear.


She peered into the store window and was astonished at what she saw. There were living creatures in tanks of water, which were clearly crustaceans. She felt overwhelmed looking at them, realizing that they were soon going to be devoured.

She determined right then that she must take action, yet she had no clue what the outcomes of her choice would be.

Walking In

Harley ventured into the shop. The attendant noticed her unease. It was an unfamiliar spot for her. She went up to the counter and posed the crucial inquiry.

“Hi. What's the cost of a lobster?” She queried uneasily. The clerk gave her a response, but it was much lower than what she had anticipated.

$35 Each

She was stunned when he told her the cost of the items she wanted - 35 dollars. She couldn't tell if they were too expensive or if he was aware of why she wanted them. Harley was in disbelief; she was practically broke so she was uncertain how she would manage to carry out her plan.

She exited the shop, attempting to form a strategy. She would need a lot of money to buy all of them, but she had no clue what they actually were.

Finding A Means

Harley was fortunate to know many people who shared her views. She got in touch with them and, in no time, she had collected enough contributions to return to the shop.

She realized that she could discover a way to help the creatures. Her thought process had been coming together nicely, yet there was something she did not take into consideration.

Going Back

In the morning, Harley returned to the shop with a grin. When she inquired if she could take all of the remaining lobsters, the man's expression showed his surprise.

He paused briefly to contemplate, then uttered, "No, I'm unable to give you all of my stock." However, Harley was determined to get her way whatever it took.

Convincing Him

After a lengthy discussion, the shopkeeper eventually consented to permitting her to take all of his merchandise. She had to give him extra funds, but that didn't mean anything to her. The most important thing to her was rescuing a great number of lives.

She made arrangements to get them to the place she required, but she was not intending to bring them back to her house or to a diner, which is what the store clerk assumed.

Charting a Boat

Harley spent the remainder of her funds to hire a boat for a voyage out on the ocean close to her home on the west coast of America. She had the lobsters brought to the boat where the skipper was waiting.

The captain was not pleased when she told him what she was up to. He expressed his disapproval.

Difference of Ideas

It appeared that the two of them had conflicting opinions. The captain was adamant that they could not let the creatures go back into the sea. However, the other individual was determined to win the argument. In the end, the captain gave in.

They started to sail away from the harbor with the lobsters on board. Unfortunately, Harley didn't take the captain's advice, and he ended up regretting it.

Releasing Them

She had been eagerly anticipating this moment. As they reached the open sea, she began to tip the lobster cages, letting the sea creatures plunge into the ocean. She observed the lobsters dropping into the liquid with great excitement.

Once everything had finished, Harley had rescued 20 lobsters. Regrettably, she was unaware of the serious error she had made.

What She'd Done

Harley felt pleased as she recollected what she had accomplished. She glanced towards the sea and returned her gaze to the boat she was on. The vacant cages that were scattered around the boat gave her reassurance that she had done something admirable.

Certainly, her funds had decreased, but she thought the independence she had obtained was invaluable. She never suspected the consequences that she had started.

An Expensive Lesson

The woman was patient as she prepared to go back to land. She would be back to the town soon, but she had no clue that something was anticipating her arrival. People had started to talk about the nice thing she had done.

The man sneered as the tiny vessel reached the pier. He extinguished his cigarette and headed over to the female - he was getting ready to give her a costly lesson.

Man In Uniform

Harley spotted the fellow in his uniform loitering near the wharf. Her body tensed up as his eyes shifted towards her. Could it be that he was actually looking at her? Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw him advancing towards her.

The thud of his feet echoed through the dock as he strode towards her. She was unable to move, unsure of what the individual wanted.

Mind Ablaze

The man halted just before her and asked, “Have you committed an error?” This filled Harley's head with confusion. Had she made a mistake?

Generally, she wouldn't agree to being instructed by anyone, but the person had an aura of power about them. She was uncertain what she was involved in, but the individual was about to do something extraordinary.

No Patience

The policeman didn't appear to have much endurance. Right after he had said he was in a difficult spot, he kept moving his weight from one foot to the other. It was plain to see that he didn't possess the tolerance to explain everything to her.

He commanded her to join him straight away, but she had no desire to do so. He could have taken her wherever he wanted.

Taking A Ride

The policeman demanded that Harley accompany him to his car. After they arrived, he commanded her to go along with him in the car. Despite her not understanding the destination, she had no other option than to obey.

Although she wasn't officially being detained, she was aware that it would be wise to obey.

A Document

The cop escorted her to a judge's courtroom. She was confused, but then another person was there. He gave her a paper, and when she read it, she got the full picture.

After perusing the paper, she finally understood the horrible truth of what she had just done by liberating the crustaceans to the ocean.

A Hearing

The legal document was for a session in court. She was being punished with a financial penalty of $800. She had no clue why she had done something wrong. But the report made it clear.

When she read the clarification, her hair raised. She understood everything, but was astonished at what she had done unconsciously. She had to rectify the situation.

Incredible Damage

Harley had caused catastrophic harm to the nearby natural environment by putting alien lobsters into the sea. She had no idea that the lobsters weren't native. How could she have known?

She believed they were apprehended in the vicinity, yet the misstep had already occurred. All she could do now was attempt to rectify the situation. She'd brainstorm a solution to put everything back in order, even if it was pricey.

Appearing In Court

At long last, her moment in the courtroom had arrived and she spoke to the judge. She admitted that her actions were not intended to harm anyone, rather she was attempting to do the right thing without understanding the consequences.

After a lengthy discussion, the judge was ready to deliver his ultimate decision. She desperately wished it would not finish in a terrible way.

Learning Her Lesson

The judge determined that Harley had not intentionally caused trouble for the aquatic habitat. Nevertheless, she was still guilty of damaging the environment. Therefore, she was obligated to pay an 800 dollar penalty.

She had no clue that the lobsters weren't from around here. They were strange creatures. Nevertheless, she learned from her mistake and felt no remorse.