WATCH: Ronny Jackson Rips Dog Whistles About Kamala Harris on Fox News

During a weekend appearance on Sean Hannity's Fox News show, Ronny Jackson called Kamala Harris the lowest IQ Vice President in US history. 

Kamala Harris is not only the first woman to serve as Vice President but also the first African-American woman to do so, which has made her a constant target for Conservative media. 

Harris is quite accomplished having served as San Francisco's District Attorney, California's Attorney General and a United States Senator before becoming Joe Biden's running mate. Still, those on Fox constantly question her credentials. 

Hannity began by asking Jackson, a White House doctor under Obama and Trump, "Even before the 2020 election, I was able to unearth quotes of you on the record pointing out Joe’s cognitive decline. Like me, you took a lot of heat for pointing out what was transparent, clear, and obvious to anybody with eyes that can see."

Jackson responded, "I think everyone is seeing what we saw early on. And [Biden’s allies] knew it, too. Don’t kid yourself."

The Congressmen then appeased the Fox audience mocking Harris' intelligence, "They knew this man had issues early on as well they covered it up. And that’s why I don’t think it matters at this particular point if [Biden] backs out or not and she becomes the nominee. Like you said, she has got a double-digit [unintelligible]. She has got to be the lowest IQ vice president that this country has ever had."