Ted Cruz Still Saying That Democrats Want to Run Michelle Obama

During a recent interview on the Fox Business Network, Ted Cruz claimed that Democrats will attempt to replace Joe Biden with either Kamala Harris or Joe Biden. 

Republican lawmakers have felt pretty good about themselves since the presidential debate two weeks ago. They would prefer Biden to remain in the race, but they also know that Biden could eventually drop out. 

If that happens, Ted Cruz believes that it will be one of two candidates. He told Fox, "I put the odds at about 80 percent [Democrats] dump [Biden], and if and when they dump him, I think their replacement nominee will be one of two people — it will either be Michelle Obama or it will be Kamala Harris."

The Texas senator continued

"Listen, they’ve all known for six months, for a year, for longer, that Biden’s mental capacity was severely diminished, that he was not up to doing the job. But they’re not worried about having a commander in chief who’s not capable of fulfilling the responsibilities, the only reason they’re panicking is because now they realize the American people have seen that, and they’re terrified he’s going to lose in November and so now, they’re willing to dump him."

Obama, of course, has never showed any interest in running for President, though she'd be a popular candidate if she did. Harris, as the current Vice President, would be the favorite to get the nomination if Biden was to drop out.