WATCH: Rand Paul Has to Explain the First Amendment to Maria Bartiromo

After Maria Bartiromo asked why the government doesn't do more to shut down the press, Rand Paul was forced to explain the First Amendment to her. 

During the spot, Bartiromo was arguing that Google and Meta should have to promote Conservative views and that maybe Congress should force them. But Rand Paul was quick to correct her comments and explain how the law works to her. 

The Fox host asked the Kentucky senator, "But I mean, is that all you can do? You're an elected official. Can't you stop so-called free press from censoring information and do something to ensure that these companies are, in fact, living up to the letter of free press?"

Paul answered:

"The First Amendment's very clear that Congress, government shall make no law restricting freedom of press or freedom of speech. The New York Times doesn't have to print my op-eds, neither does the Washington Post. They don't ever really print my opinion, they have a right to. It's the same way with social media. You can leave it, you can force them to expand their horizons if you vote with your dollars and go somewhere else, and so this is the way the marketplace works."

The Kentucky lawmaker continued, "But if we set up a government entity to say to Google and to Facebook you have to publish this, my fear is that people who will populate that government entity making the speech decisions will be people who end up being people who don't like my opinion, either."