WATCH: Morning Joe Panel Mocks Hannity's Efforts to Control Trump During Interview

After his big win in Iowa this week, Donald Trump conducted a Thursday night interview with Sean Hannity. As usual, the Fox host conducted a softball interview with easy-to-answer questions and no pushback whatsoever. 

Still, Trump couldn't keep himself from rambling, struggling to stay on topic in any way. The Morning Joe panel discussed the interview this morning and couldn't keep from laughing about Hannity's struggles to keep Trump on track. 

Eugene Robinson began, "Poor Sean Hannity. I don't often feel sorry for Sean Hannity, but I did because he had just absolutely teed up the ball, and Donald Trump, you know, hits the lamp on the table or whatever. It's just ridiculous. What more can he do?"

The Washington Post scribe continued:

"You know, the thing about Donald Trump, of course, is that he is pure id in the Freudian sense. He blurts out whatever is on his mind, so you know what's on his mind is trying to stay out of jail. You can tell from the recent appearances how worried he is that he is going to go to jail; he is going to have to pay massive, massive fines in all these various cases."

Robinson closed, "He's going to have consequences for his actions, not just over his presidency, over his long life in which he crosses the line all the time. He is all about crossing the line. He is so worried that he's going to have to go to jail, that this is what he is thinking about more than he is thinking about the campaign."