WATCH: Lindsey Graham Whines to Sean Hannity the GOP is Getting 'Creamed' Fundraising Wise

During a recent interview on Sean Hannity's Fox show, Lindsey Graham complained about how badly Republicans are being outraised this election season. 

If the GOP wanted to distribute money to candidates all over the country, they shouldn't have made Donald Trump their candidate. Because most of the money needed to compete in races around the country is going right to the top. 

In addition to being one of Donald Trump's main toadies, Lindsey Graham is often tasked with begging Republicans for money in humiliating interviews. That was the case this weekend, where Graham talked about the fundraising gap between the two parties. 

The South Carolina lawmaker told Hannity's viewers, "I’m here tonight to give you a wake-up call. You said every vote counts. Well, every donation counts, too. We’re getting creamed on the Senate when it comes to raising money. Wisconsin, Ohio, and Michigan, our candidates are being out-raised 3-1." 

Noting that more money could help the GOP capture senate control and appoint more Conservative-minded judges like the ones who overturned Roe vs. Wade. 

Graham closed:

"We’re getting creamed and outspent four and five and six and eight and 10 to one. The conservative world needs to step up and help these men and women who are running for the Senate to help President Trump."