WATCH: Karl Rove Explains Why Trump is in 'Subordinate Role' to Harris

During a Monday spot on Fox News, Karl Rove explained how Kamala Harris has taken control of the presidential race over Donald Trump. 

Karl Rove, who helped to run George W. Bush's campaigns, knows a thing or two about momentum. And the Trump campaign has negative momentum right now as the Harris campaign surges ahead. 

Rove appeared on Neil Cavuto's show and first said what he thinks the Harris campaign has to do. "She’s got to have a convention that unifies the Democratic Party and has a positive impact on the American voter. And then the week after — I think is going to be absolutely critical — the Democratic convention starts on August 19 and what that means is, is that they’ve got one week after that convention, one week and a couple of days before Labor Day."

The strategist then turned his attention to Trump and noted, "He’s got to frame Harris, he’s got to find the right message to go after her. Because as Lucas said, we’ve got 101 days as of today, and he’s got to get back in control of the dialogue. He [Trump] is clearly in a subordinate role here. He feels uncomfortable with it, I suspect, and he likes being the guy who’s setting the tempo of the campaign. And that’s not happening."

Rove closed

"Think about this, Neil: Nine national polls since Joe Biden announced on the 19th that he’s not running. If you take those those nine polls, it is Trump by 0.88. That’s basically 9/10 of 1%. And that’s after he gets the bump coming out of the convention that, that really showed a unity for the Republican ticket in the Republican Party. And so this is going to be a barnburner, and it’s very much up for grabs and the next two or three weeks are going to be critical for both camps."