[WATCH/COMMENTARY] President Biden Announces Plans to Reform SCOTUS

President Joe Biden promised to finish the job he started back in January 2021, and on Monday, he announced his first major action since his decision to not seek a second term.

The President released his plans to reform the Supreme Court, which is currently experiencing a low point in trust from the American people thanks to multiple controversies connecting several justices to dark money and efforts to dismantle the Office of the President.

Two justices--Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito--have been served with Articles of Impeachment by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). So far, no announcement has been made regarding the process.

For now, the same immunity offered to Donald Trump by the conservative major on the Court also applies to Joe Biden. But instead of taking full advantage of such literal free reign, the President is going to tighten it.

President Biden lays out his court reform plan in a new Op-Ed in The Washington Post

"This nation was founded on a simple yet profound principle: No one is above the law," the President begins. "Not the president of the United States. Not a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. No one."

The President goes on to explain why immunity is dangerous when handed to the wrong people. Presenting a case for calm over chaos, he then lays out his plan:

1. No immunity for crimes committed by a former President. That one seems pretty self-explanatory, since it falls under that whole "no one is above the law" societal rule we're all supposed to honor.

2. Term limits for Supreme Court Justices. Eighteen years, tops. HALLELUJAH! So say we all. 

3. A "binding code of conduct" for the Supreme Court. A new one was recently implemented, but even the liberal justices weren't sure how it would be enforced. The President's new plan would provide stricter rules and guidelines.

Vice President Kamala Harris released a statement saying the reforms being proposed are "needed because there is a clear crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court.”

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson called the proposal a “dangerous gambit” that would be “dead on arrival in the House.”

That's because they wouldn't benefit him or Donald Trump, of course. But with a new House Democratic majority, that wouldn't be as much of a concern.