WATCH: GOP Rep. Mike Turner Tells CNN Springfield Conspiracy Theory is Dangerously Untrue

During an appearance on CNN this Thursday, Ohio Rep. Mike Turner said that the situation in Springfield, Ohio is unfair and tragic but he tried to avoid blaming Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. 

Turner is one of the more respected members of the House of Representatives and is currently the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. He is also the Congressman who represents the town of Springfield, which is currently under seige thanks to the GOP. Host Jake Tapper asked Turner about the actions from the Trump/Vance ticket. 

Turner responded

"This certainly is incredibly tragic and completely untrue. And this should not have happened. It’s been tearing the community apart. I have not heard that they’ve continued these statements though, Jake, I do think that they have moved on. And really the community is a community that has been welcoming and is together. They’re trying to arise to the occasion of the needs of the people in the community and the Biden administration that put them there should rise to the to come to the aid of this community."

Tapper then asked the Congressman if Trump and Vance should go back on their statements and apologize. Turner seemed to imply that Vance has done so which led to the CNN host responding, "No, he has not."

Turner responded, "Well, he represents the area just like I do and certainly has the ability to vet these claims by talking to the community."