WATCH: Donald Trump Mercilessly Booed at Libertarian Convention

On Saturday night, Donald Trump spoke at the Libertarian National Convention. Republicans and Libertarians do agree on some things, but for the most part, seeing Trump there was strange. It was yet another sign that the people running the RNC, especially Trump's daughter-in-law Lara, are not qualified to run his campaign. 

Trump's team did try to rig the Libertarian event, placing his supporters in the seats that were reserved for actual Libertarians who were attending the conference. Hours before Trump's speech it became clear that he was not going to receive a warm welcome. Instead, he took the stage and was booed and heckled throughout his speech. 

"Now I think you should nominate me or at least vote for me, and we should win together,” Trump said at one point. "Because the Libertarians want to vote for me … and it’s very important because we have to get rid of the worst president in history." Rather than being met with the typical applause from his rallies, Trump was roundly booed."

At one point, the booing got so bad, Trump experienced one of his glitches, with are getting more and more common. He stopped short on the word Libertarian, saying Libereeeee, before continuing. 

Near the end of the speech, , a clearly agitated Trump insulted the voters he was trying to win over, saying, "Only do that [nominate me] if you want to win; if you want to lose, don’t do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years."