WATCH: CNN Pollster Explains Just How Badly J.D. Vance is Hurting Trump's Campaign

During a recent spot on CNN, pollster Harry Enten laid out just how badly J.D. Vance is hurting Donald Trump's electoral chances. 

When Donald Trump made J.D. Vance his running mate, he was running against Joe Biden and feeling good about his chances. But Vance has been a bigger disaster than could have been imagined, both unpopular and void of any actual charisma. 

The Vance problem has been at the forefront since Trump tapped him. Enten explained why the Ohio senator is nearly an unprecedentedly poor selection. 

The pollster began, "Frankly, I don’t really understand the pick. And apparently, neither do the American voters because we take a look at the net favorable rating for JD Vance. That’s the favorable minus unfavorable. It’s in negative net territory. Look at that. Negative six-point."

Enten continued, "He is the first guy after, immediately following a convention, a VP pick, who actually had a net negative favorable rating that is underwater. The average since 2000 is plus 19 points, JD Vance, making history in the completely wrong way."

The pollster also noted that while Vance won his senate race by 6 points, he well underperformed in a state that Trump had recently won by 19 points. Enten closed, "He was the worst performing Republican candidate in 2022 up and down the ballot in the state of Ohio. He adds nothing there."