WATCH: CNN Analyst Thinks Stormy Could Cause Trump to Have Total Meltdown

Donald Trump has had a tough time during his court case in New York. There have been various reports of Trump having trouble paying attention to the events and even frequently falling asleep. 

The former President, though, was all ears when Stormy Daniels took the stand this week. As the adult film actress testified, Trump was reportedly upset at the details of their lurid alleged affair. According to CNN's Paula Reid, the continued testimony from the porn star could result in Trump having a meltdown. 

Reid explained on Tuesday night: 

"The greatest legal risks that Stormy Daniels poses to Trump today and over the next few days as she testifies is just making him melt down and violate this gag order. The fact that he hasn't lost it in front of the press pool, that is notable. He has been better about following the gag order, even before he was fined this $9,000. Conservative activists have said this — he shouldn't do this, and that was really what prompted him to stop. He did not violate it today. I think even people close to him are telling me they're a little bit surprised."

The legal analyst continued, "I mean, even a vague witness reference could potentially jeopardize his defense lawyers from getting the names of witnesses, and also potentially land him in jail because the judge was clear that ... that possibility was on the table."