WATCH: Claire McCaskill Absolutely Torches Convicted Senator Bob Menendez

Like Donald Trump, Clarence Thomas and several other Republicans, Bob Menendez was accused of intense corruption while in public office. But rather than attempting to cover up the things that the lawmaker was accused of, Democrats instead called for him to step down from his office. 

Those calls will only grow louder now that Menendez has been convicted. Claire McCaskill was asked about her former Senate colleague while appearing on MSNBC this morning. 

"I mean, who does this, she began. "Who is [previously] put on trial for criminal acts as a United States senator and it's a hung jury — he's not acquitted. Then he comes back and takes cars, gold bars and cash stuffed in jackets and then he stands up in the courthouse and acts like he's a victim?"

She continued, "The most selfish act possible is for Bob Menendez not to look in the mirror and realize for the good of his country — if he cares about his country he needs to get out of town. By the way, what jerk blames his new wife at the trial? Who does that?"

McCaskill closed her rant: 

"I would use a word right now they would not like me to use in the control room. He is just a word that starts with an an 'a' and ends with an 'e,'" she continued. "I think they should call the vote next week and let the Republicans stew in the fact that they prosecuted a Democratic politician and they maybe want to protect him? What kind of hypocrisy would that be? Let's call the vote and kick his amount a-- out!"