“Wait…What?!”: Women Share The Creepiest Thing A Guy Ever Said To Them In Public

Unsolicited comments are words we hear from people that we never asked for or will never ask for. Most of the time, these words are too offensive to entertain.

Sadly, most of those comments are too offensive to hear. Especially when it comes from a total stranger that you have met in public, these people share their horrible encounters with strangers, stating and doing the most awful things in public.

1. Biggest Confession

I was in Paris at a Christmas market, and a guy came up to me and told me I was very beautiful. Before I could say anything back, he said, "You know, I've been following you for a while and saw your friends walk away from you. I could get you so quick, they would never see you again."

Then he laughed, and my friend, who was only about eight feet away and heard this exchange, pulled my arm, and we started fast-walking away.

We cut down so many alleys, popped in and out of shops, and got on different trains since it was nearly impossible to know if he was still following us.


2. The Persistent One

I was walking down the street toward a bar to meet some friends one night. A man drove by me once, then turned his car around, drove ahead, and parked up the street.

He walked toward me on the sidewalk, then, when he reached me, turned completely around to walk beside me. At first, he tried to be friendly and suggestive.

When I wouldn’t respond and tried to walk faster to get to the bar, he told me he was going to put me in his car and take me to a special place. I started to run around a corner. He ducked behind the building there and cut me off ahead.

I ran full speed across a busy street to the nearest store, which was open 24 hours, and called my boyfriend, who sped over to pick me up. When we walked outside, the man was waiting by the exit with his front and rear car doors open, like he was waiting to force me into his back seat.


3. Know Your Limit

I was chillin' with this dude at a partyish thing while deployed once. I'd mentioned a few times that I had a girlfriend back home, and he seemed cool.

We had a lot in common, so we were fast buddies. Until about 4 am or so, when we were all sitting by a fire, and he asked if he could hug me.

Drunkenly, I was like, okay, whatever. But then he asked if he could kiss me. And I was like, “Nah, dude, I have a girlfriend. I'm gay as hell, you know that, haha.”

And his face went real cold, and he said, "Until I catch you walking back to your dorm alone later." I honestly could've cried, but I was so scared.

Thank god a group of dudes I recognized walked past a few minutes later to go get early morning french toast at the chow hall, so I tagged along as fast as I could. Never saw that dude again.


4. Check It First

I was waiting for an Uber home from a theater in Boston after rehearsal one night. It was after 11 pm. This black car that matches the make and model on the app rolls up, stops by the curb, and rolls down the window.

The guy inside asks if I'm waiting for Uber. I say yes and ask his name to see if it matches.

He says, "I'm uber, get in." At this point, I'm creeped out, alone on a street corner close to midnight.

I refuse, and he says, "I'll give you $300 if you get in this car right now. We're going to a party." At that point, I turned around and booked it back into the theater. Absolutely not getting kidnapped today, folks. Check your plates before you take ya uvahs.


5. Dodged A Bullet

I was super drunk out with friends. We were at a karaoke bar, and I had way too many drinks, lol. Probably an attempt to sing better.

Anyway, I went outside to puke in a trash can out front because the line for the bathroom was too long. After I puked, I just sat there for a minute in the fresh air.

A car pulls up, rolls down its window, and says, “Is this your Uber?” I was not so drunk that I couldn’t remember if I called an Uber, so I said no, thinking this dude must just be confused, and I decided to go back inside.

Anyway, the next morning, my friend texted me that someone had gone missing that night from that exact area. Freaked me out when I remembered!


6. Creepy Accusation

I was young, probably like 19. I went into a gas station to pay, and the clerk said to me, “Look at you dressed like a little witch.”

I was in a skirt & shirt. I was really shocked, and the only one in the store. When I didn’t say anything back, he said, “You get off turning men on, don’t you?”

I got so scared. I also lacked the confidence back then to shut it down. Thank god someone else walked in, and the clerk gave me back my change, and I went on my way.


7. The Director

An old man said he was a new adult film director in our small town, and he asked me if I'd be in one of his films. I was young at the time.

He then told me his entire name and full address, called my job every day to find out when I was there and always asked about my contraceptive recommendations.

Either that guy or the time I was walking down the street in midday in full view of a busy outdoor bar, and a guy pulled his huge SUV over.

He tried grabbing me to pull me into his car in front of everyone. I ran for my life, and he actually chased me on foot for 3 blocks before giving up. No one helped me. Thank God I'm fast.


8. The Smile Of A Beast

At work, I was taking off my sweater cause it was too hot in the office. By the time I'd hung my sweater over the back of my chair.

A colleague (middle-aged, I'm 26) whom I'd only seen a few times and had only said 'good morning' to so far was standing beside my desk and saying, "I'll just wait here to see if she continues." (He was talking to my mentor but looking at me.)

When I was shocked, I said, "Excuse me?" Then he asked, "You're not going to continue?" I, incredulous at this point, said, "No."

He, smiling, "That's too bad." After watching him exchange smiles with my mentor, I politely told him that he was very inappropriate and I'd appreciate him not saying things like that again. 

He said he wouldn't, but that small smile was still on his face like he didn't take it seriously. The creepiest thing about it was how unfazed both he and my mentor seemed by the whole interaction.


9. Wearing What I Want

I was a part of a Christian theater group when I was 11. My mom put me in it to make more friends. On my first day of rehearsal, one of the male instructors (probably about 25-30) approached me.

Well, he told me I needed to go home and change because my pants were distracting. I was dumbfounded. Guess what pants I was wearing.

Regular, old black leggings that went down to my ankles. He only said it to me and not any other girl because I've always had a rather curvy figure. I ran out crying because I felt so embarrassed. My mom was furious, and I never went back there again.


10. Random Question

I'm Chinese. This old guy next to me at a wine bar started a conversation and told me how he used to be stationed in Korea and how much "they" loved him there.

Then proceeded to ask if I "liked to kiss." I tried to play it cool by saying, "You mean the band? I guess they're okay."

I was giving him an out, but he barrelled ahead and clarified and repeated himself.

Asked for the check and paid so fast I knocked the bar stool over. It really sucked because I was a regular there and saw him a few more times after that. I wasn't alone, thankfully. I just pretended not to notice or remember him.


11. Standing Rat

It was non-verbal, but well. I often find myself riding the bus, and I usually sit in adjacent to the door so I can quickly exit.

This old guy was like a quarter of a mile from his stop and decided to wait in front of the door. Shamelessly, he would just stare at me, locking his eyes while my pulse was racing.

He wanted me to catch his attention. I tried to ignore his sigh, but he wouldn’t stop (the longest minute of my existence).

Once the door opened, I lifted my sight, and I found myself with the creepiest look I have ever witnessed; he proceeded to give me a crooked smile and compliment my eyes.


12. Worst Goal

​​I was at a bar, and this old guy kept talking to me while I was chatting to the bartender. My friend then showed up, and while I was chatting to him, the bartender immediately told me to go into the garden to escape the gentleman at the bar.

The bartender followed me to check the gentleman didn't follow and told me the creep said to him, 'She's going to be my next girlfriend.'

The good guy bartender let my friend and I leave out the side exit, which was not meant for customers. It was, hands down, a creepy af moment.


13. Cruel World

A random dude comes up to me while I’m walking home. Puts his arm around me and asks me my name and number and all this crap. I froze up and gave him a fake name.

Then, I ran home after I said bye and cried. The times guys have yelled at us from cars are too many to count. I was sitting at the multicultural festival with my friends, having a picnic on the hill like everyone else.

A dude came up to us, said hi, and sat down a few feet away from us. We started chatting and thought nothing of it til he started asking us all these questions and crap being weird, and we told him to stop talking to us bc he was making us uncomfortable. He got up and left.


14. The White Car

The other day, I was taking a walk during my lunch break. It wasn't a particularly cold day here in Chicago, so I thought I'd take advantage.

I noticed a white car pass me a couple of times, going past me on the street, and then he must have turned around because he passed again in the opposite direction.

Once again, I saw him coming toward me, and this time, he pulled over in traffic and said, "You should get in my car." He straight-up looked like a creep.

I was dumbfounded, and for a moment, I was speechless. Then I angrily said, "god no." He drove off. This has happened a couple of times on this road. I'm 29, but I'm shortish and petite.


15. Unprofessional Act

Once, I stopped to get gas at a station on my way to visit a friend. When I put my card into the reader, it said to please see the attendant inside.

I went in and said the card reader wasn't working, and he said, "Oh, are you sure you didn't just want to come in and talk to this handsome Indian man?"

I laughed awkwardly and asked for $15 on the stall I was on so I could go as quickly as possible. There was another man in the store as well, who looked like a friend of the guy and watched the whole interaction.


16. Got No Chill

When we were at my great-aunt's funeral, we finished up at the burial and went back to the church for a small reception to have lunch.

My second cousin (I think he was my great aunt's son), who was around his mid-40s at the time, sat next to me and wouldn't leave me alone.

This was my first time meeting him and some other family members because I didn't live in the same state as them. He didn't have the best upbringing and was basically a drug addict who had been living off of my great-aunt his whole life.

His appearance was really strange, too, and it just generally creeped me out with how much attention he was giving me. Ugh.

I remember him saying in front of everyone, even my parents, that it was a shame we were related because I had some "good-looking genes." I still feel my skin crawl just thinking about it.


17. Unwanted Interaction

When I was about 17, I was standing at a bus stop at around 11 pm. There were three other people at the stop. In front of me was a couple about my age, made up of a white girl and a Middle Eastern boy.

They were cuddling and talking to each other quietly (it was kinda sweet, not remotely PDA-ish). Behind me was an older Middle Eastern man.

After about ten minutes, the dude behind me walked up behind me and started asking what my name was and how old I was. I was not that social.

Conscious that I was stuck at this bus stop for at least another ten minutes, I gave short, noncommittal responses, avoided eye contact, and attempted to ignore him.

After a few minutes, he reached out and gently touched my upper arm, nodded toward the couple, and said, "You like the brown boy, yes?" Nope. Walked to the next stop.


18. Daddy’s Girl

My dad was in a motorcycle club, mostly older guys, some of the wives, and a few really cool lesbians. The group does a lot of charity in my area, and we were meeting for a clubhouse raffle and BBQ.

One of the group members I'd not met before that, nor seen after that day, came up and started asking a lot of questions. I tried to be polite, but I just got a bad feeling, and he wasn't asking questions you normally ask someone you've just met.

He kept touching me, put his arm around my shoulder, and pulled me really close like I was his girlfriend. He told me that I was pretty enough to sleep around if I wanted and that I should, at my age, break the whole daddy's girl bond before I got too old.

He moved his hand to my lower back, and I immediately ran to my dad. The man grew pale when he saw who "daddy" was because while my dad was short, he was strong and young.

He got along with all the heads of the club and all of their wives and kids. My dad saw my panic and just brushed it off as I was being shy.

I never gave more details other than that this guy was really making me uncomfortable. God, I wish he'd have kicked that guy, though I never saw him again, likely because that is exactly what would have happened if he'd stuck around.


19. Change Of Topics

I was walking my dogs at night on the little path behind my apartment building. A neighborhood guy I've met a few times stopped by me, and we exchanged pleasantries while our dogs sniffed.

We've spoken a few times superficially, and I knew some basics about his life- that he has a daughter, his wife passed away, and he invited me to a backyard BBQ once that I politely declined and didn't think anything of.

I said something along the lines of "dogs are the best antidepressants," and he replied that his dogs helped him a lot since his wife died of cancer a few years ago.

Without missing a beat, his next statement was to ask me "what team I played for" and how he thought that "two women together is a beautiful thing."

He also told me it was a "shame" since he would "love to sit by the fire with me." He asked me the quintessential "So, have you ever been with a guy?"

Then he ranted about how "it's just wrong when it's two dudes." On his way away, he shouted back, "If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." From a man with a daughter who looks to be roughly double my age.


21. Checking Out

My friend (girl) and I were walking down an alley to a party, and our guy friends were about 20 feet behind us. Two men made horrible comments to my friend anme me, but we ignored it, knowing not to entertain it.

My friend and I passed, but then the two guys said to our guy friends behind us, "Better get your girls before we do."

My guy friends caught up to us in a fury from that comment, wanting to fight.

But we calmed them down because it's better to stand down in our city. But yeah, my guy friends were shaken after that. We were all 18.


21. Big Warning

We were on the metro in San Fran on vacation. I (guy), friend (guy), friend2 (gal), and friend3 (gal) were talking, and one of us said something funny. We laugh.

Some guy in the corner goes, "You better watch out. You're clearly not from 'round here because you can be attacked for that."

We then moved cars, he followed, we got off, and so did he. We walked back to our AirBnB, and the other dude was legit walking behind, looking back every few seconds, ready to screw a dude up.

Turns out, the day after, one stop before ours, someone got attacked on the metro platform. I refuse to take public transportation in big cities because of this. And if I do, I make sure to have "protection."


22. Horrible Act to Witness

So I'm a guy, but I heard the creepiest crap from a cabbie that fits the bill. So, I was overseas, and there was no Uber. Just taxis with an Uber-like app. I get one, and we start driving.

The scene is set up; it is nighttime, and things are just starting up. I'm going to meet friends. So we are on the drive, and there are two attractive local women all dressed up for their time out.

The driver turns around, makes a slurping sound, and says, "I want to get them." I was shocked and just said, "Yeah?" And let the drive continue to the location

I gave no tip, rated him very poorly, and explained how much of a creep he was on the app. I don’t know what happened after that.


23. Awful Musician

Riding on the Amtrak down to Saint Louis, I was sitting by myself, sitting closest to the window. An old man comes by and asks if this seat has been taken. I say no, and he sits down and immediately starts talking.

“You know I saw you waiting in line for the train. You are so beautiful. You know I came to Chicago on a whim.”

“I’m a performer, a musician who spent 500 on a lady last night, and I hope that’s enough for you. The chances of us meeting each other are amazing. I saw you this seat open.” He continued rambling along those same lines.

I said, “Okay, great. Well, I have a test tomorrow, and I need to study.” He said, “You know how I said I was a performer? Can I sing you a song?” I said, “Sure?”

Then he sings: “I’m so glad I met you, I’m so glad I’m so glad I met (insert my name)” in varying tones and rewordings for about three minutes.

I said, “Okay, well, I need to study.” Then he said, “You are so beautiful when you read. I'll be quiet now.” About five minutes of silence go by.

He grabs my forearm and says, “J, I’m so glad I met you, but we aren’t ready for each other yet. I’m imprinting my soul onto yours, and when you are ready, we will find each other.”


24. Taking Advantage

When I was a teen, working as a bagger at a grocery store, I saw this little old man end up taking a liking to me. At first, he was just nice and said hello, but he progressively started talking more and more often/longer to me.

Being young, dumb, naive, and told customer service was important, I was always friendly back. It started getting annoying, and I started cutting our conversations short, but he stopped showing up for about a month or so.

One day, I was alone, replacing this giant trash can in our store's little side bottle room. He walked in, said he had missed me so much, hugged me, and then whispered in my ear, “I love you.”

I was mortified. I pushed him away, found my manager, and eventually, the situation was taken care of. It shook me, mainly because it was my first real experience where somebody took my kindness/personality to mean that I was flirting with them. I still get a little uncomfortable thinking about it!


25. The Scanner

I have very thick auburn hair that used to go down to my belt. At 4 AM, on my way to work, I stopped at a gas station, and a guy said, “Hey, I like your hair.”

I said, “Oh, haha, thanks, I—“he cut me off, blocking the aisle, to do a full body scan and say, “Yeah, long hair is sexy.” Ummm. Please do not.

I also remember this incident well because it happened a month after another incident where a cart-return guy at a store yelled across the parking lot, “I LIKE YOUR HAIR, IT’S REALLY PRETTY.”

I yelled back, “THANK YOU, THAT’S VERY NICE.” So, just for the record, gentlemen, if girls hate catcalling, it’s not because we can’t take a compliment. We definitely can.


26. Another One

I was trying to go to work. I parked and noticed a few guys slowly driving around the lot. They stopped in front of my car and were trying to shout at me.

I ignored them, and they drove off. It was literally a 30-second walk inside. They were basically out of the lot. One of the men must've noticed I got out of my car, and they came FLYING back.

Started cat-calling me. Said some disgusting crap. Usually, I can handle that with a witty comeback, but watching them come back for me was the creepiest, most terrifying moment of my life.

My manager sprinted outside with three of the other guys working to try to catch them, but they had actually left the lot.


27. Teen Nightmare

I'm not a girl, but I'm very feminine. A couple of days after I turned 18, I went to my younger cousin's house and her friend/cousin?

Who was 26-28, and I never once met before was there with a couple of other people. The dude had been kinda creepy to me after he found out I was 18 (so pretty much all night till he left)

We all went into my cousin's bedroom. I don't remember the exact context leading up to it other than it was something about sunburn.

Well, he pinched my cheek while smiling as he said, "All that sunlight would ruin that pale skin of yours." I left the room and grabbed a beer. (I only drank half of a can though it tastes like herbal piss and hand sanitizer)

Later that night, he tried to make my younger cousin (she was 16 at the time) and I "walk him home" after he had been drunkenly and disgustingly "flirting" with us, especially me. We refused, and he ended up walking home by himself.


28. Food Recommendation

I work the front desk in a nice hotel, so I get creepy comments quite often. One of the ones that I got was when a guest came up to the desk asking for dinner recommendations.

This man said, "If you were many, many years younger and would join me for dinner, where would a beautiful young girl like you go tonight?"

Mind you, he was probably 65-70 and MARRIED. I understand he was just trying to find someplace to eat, but why did he say it like that? Like, I had goosebumps from being so uncomfortable.


29. The Bus Creep

I was sitting on the bus, wearing headphones, minding my own business. The guy sitting in front of me literally pulled off my headphones.

I was too confused to react, so I just grabbed the cord and pulled a bit; looking at him, he said, “The shirt you’re wearing looks good.” He puts the headphones back on. I didn’t say anything and tried to ignore him.

Now, that's already weird. What made it weirder was that he kept looking at me with this weird, demented smile. I got off the bus near the college my friend was attending, and the weird guy followed me.

I had to call a friend to come to meet me. We talked in English (the language here is French), and I asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend.

When he joined me about five minutes later in the coffee shop in front of the college, he wrapped an arm around me to act like my boyfriend, and the creepy guy finally left me alone. This was the first time I felt the need to pretend to have a boyfriend to feel safe.


30. Unsolicited Comment

About a year and a half ago, I flew to Ohio to visit a friend. I was waiting for him to come pick me up at the airport, and I was sitting on a bench in the indoor area next to baggage claim, right by the counter where you can rent a car.

Because it was 2019, the vast majority of passengers were landing and taking Uber / other ride-sharing services. So, there were very few people around.

I was just playing on my phone and texting my friend, waiting for him to arrive (he was caught in bad traffic). Out of nowhere, I sense someone approaching me.

I looked up. It was a guy in his late 50s/early 60s, maybe. Pretty unassuming. I don’t really remember much about his appearance besides greying hair and mustache. He was about 15 feet away from me.

He says, “Hey, I came here to see you because you’re really beautiful.” I kinda smiled awkwardly. I might’ve thanked him or just half-smiled. I can’t remember. I returned to my phone because I didn’t want to encourage any further convo.

He then says, and I kid you not, “I’m gonna keep standing here for a bit so I can just look at ya.” I remember he had a water cup in his hand and just took a casual sip after saying that.

I got chills down my spine and started texting my friend even more frantically. The man then said something else. I can’t quite remember it word for word anymore, but it was along the lines of “what, not even a smile for the compliment?”

I kinda half smiled again and exhaled or made a noncommittal noise, eyes glued to my phone. I could sense him still just standing there. Ugh, it was so creepy and weird.

Luckily, he didn’t bother me or say anything else, and a couple of minutes later, he walked away. Seriously, it creeped me out. I still can’t believe someone would say something blunt and creepy to another human being and just think it’s okay and not awkward.

I remember just being stunned at the ridiculousness of it. Thankfully, he didn’t approach me any closer or stick around.


31. Not For Sale

My first key experience was with young punk/goth me on the train. An older, 20-30-year-old guy sits down in front of me and asks, "How much?"

I didn't respond because I didn't know what he was asking. The guy pulls out a serious wad of cash, and this is Canada, so the wad is a rainbow. He was asking how much I was.

As a person. For some.... Services. Managed to fake him out by getting off the train, and when he followed, I ran back on just before it left.

A second big one. It would have been 21-year-old me at a work stampede party, talking to a client about his daughter, who was my age.

He's getting drunker, then asked me what I would do for 1000. Goes on to say that's usually what girls charge the first time and then a couple hundred for the next time.

I was mortified. Walked away to find my boss, who was female, by the way, and the response I got was, "He said that to YOU? Are you sure he wants to talk to someone else?" all in a tone oWellll he could definitely do better.


32. Just A Baby

I was out shopping with my great-grandmother when a regular from my previous job recognized me and stopped us to say hello.

He's maybe in his early 40s, already going gray, telling me he was about to go pick up his three-year-old. He asked how I had been, and I told him I was doing great and that my new job was going well.

He commented about me finding a boyfriend, settling down, and having kids. I told him I was too young for that right now (21), and my great-grandmother chimed in, "She's still just a baby."

He looked at me and said, "Ain't nothing wrong with that, babies having babies," and winked at me, giving me a super creepy grin. I noped out of there with my granny as fast as I could after that.


33. Bad Pretender

It’s a long story, but the most scared I think I’ve ever been of a dude was when I lived in Georgia. I was walking home from a night class, and a dude pretended to be the security guard for my college (we were on campus, but it was a city campus.)

He tapped my shoulder as I was walking and very politely said they were closing this museum road off. He’d like me to go through the alley instead (a small connecting alley.) I realized his voice sounded familiar and asked if he was sure.

Then he completely dropped the security guard act and sounded pissed off, and said he had complimented me downtown a couple of weeks ago.

He had seen me leaving my class building and followed me six blocks, and I should be grateful he thought I was a “pretty girl.”

I was kinda in shock, just standing there, and then he tried to touch my hair, and as soon as the situation kicked in, I took off running down the parking lot.

He started screaming about me being an ungrateful witch. I filed a police report with my college, but that was last year and has still scarred me pretty bad lol.


34. Guys on Bikes

When I was young, I was walking to a bus stop. A guy on a motorcycle legit stared at me as he drove by, did a U-turn, drove by again, did a U-turn again, and then stopped to talk to me.

He asked me where the town was, which was literally right beside us, so I told him this. He then started to ask me increasingly awkward questions, such as if I had a boyfriend.

This man had to have been in his 30s, and I was clearly a kid. I remember saying something like, "Ok, well, you know where the town is, so can you leave?" or something like that.

Another creepy thing that happened to me was when a guy on a bicycle stopped me on my walk home and asked me for a kiss when I was young.

This guy was like 20. When I said no, he kept saying, 'Oh, come on, please,' and I told him I had a boyfriend. I can't remember how I got out of it, but screwing that guy was terrifying.

A few years later, my friend told me about a guy on a bike that cornered her, and we figured out together it was him. I also saw him at my University when I was an undergrad, and it scared the crap out of me.


35. Not With My Kid

A guy who looked like the sweet old grandpa type came up to me at a grocery store. I had my 1-year-old daughter in the cart, and he was talking about how cute she was, shaking her hand, etc.

It was a normal interaction until he turned to me, got super close, almost whispered in my ear, and said, "Her mama's pretty cute, too. I bet you're cuter with me. I have money and can take good care of you..."

He kept talking even after I pushed him away, but I don't remember what he said specifically. I was too busy moving as quickly as possible to get my daughter and me out of the store.

I had been crept on by perverted guys before, but this one made me feel incredibly vulnerable. I think if it had been just me, I would have reacted better.

I would have told him off, called an employee over, or something. Instead, I panicked. But he actually touched my kid's hand and used her to get to me. It is disturbing just thinking about it now.


36. Totally Not The Best View

I had a deposition in the middle of nowhere, PA (I’m a lawyer). I was dressed in a skirt suit and stopped at a rest stop to fuel up for my long drive home.

It was winter, so I had a lot of salt residue on my windshield, and I cleaned it with the complimentary squeegee. It’s the usual thing I do in this circumstance.

After cleaning my windshield (which naturally required some leaning), a gross trucker approached me and said, “I gotta thank ya bc that’s the best view I’ve had all day.” I quickly got in my car and left.


37. Potential Tester

Not me but my sister. This guy in school was being intentionally obnoxious, saying things he knew would get under her skin, etc.

My sister’s pretty hard to crack, generally very calm and tries to stay positive. But she finally asked him why he was trying to annoy her.

His response? “Maybe I’m testing your potential as a mate.”

Man, at that moment, he had all of her attention. Sis looked him in the face and, calm as ever, said, “Never say that to me again.” Thankfully, he avoided her after that.


38. Not A Daddy

When I was 18, I worked in a video game shop. I had a lot of creepy customers, but the one that really stood out to me was a guy in his late thirties who would always make suggestions.

Well, he suggested that I come around his house to meet his cats and would always refer to himself as their “daddy,” i.e., “You could come to meet X and Y at my flat and hang out with their daddy.”

He would come to the game at midnight launches and just stand outside waiting for me. He would come in to ask if I was working without buying the game. I would have to get colleagues to walk me to my car. He left this note for me once, too.


39. The Weirdest Customer

When I was 18, I worked in a park. I worked at the same facility every week and was on a first-name basis with almost all the customers.

It was a pretty lax environment, so customers often came into my office just to talk & hang out. One evening, I walked into the office by myself.

I went to the bathroom & changed clothes. After I walked out, a customer in his 30s walked in, saw me in a different outfit, and said, “Oh, if I had known you’d be changing clothes in here, I would’ve come in earlier.”

When I told my older (married) female coworker about it, she shared a similar story. She was alone with this customer in the office when she dropped a pencil.

She bent over to pick it up, and he said, “Better not do that. You’re making me have thoughts about a married woman I shouldn’t be having.”

We told our boss about these incidents, and almost immediately, the facility changed its policy, and customers were no longer allowed in our office.


40. For Your Information

​​I was at an event night with my sister, her boyfriend, and at least 5 of her friends at a table. I was sitting on a chair with my hand hanging off the chair back when an old guy in his 60s or 70s put his fingers in my hand to get my attention.

Startled, I look back to see what is going on, realize this guy is doing it, and he says, "I just wanted to let you know that I've been watching you." And just smiles.

I was honestly so uncomfortable and shocked that all I could manage was, "Thanks." (?????) and then turned back to my sister and told her what happened. He was literally at the table next to us and said that to me with people all around. It was surreal.


41. The Hoodie

I was 20 years old, newly married, and on my way home from work late at night. I stopped at a gas station that was just a booth with no shop to go inside.

I paid and went back to my Jeep to start pumping. I had my hood up because it was cold and noticed movement out of the corner of my eye.

The man had left his booth, walked, and walked up to me. He had a thick, I believe, Arabic accent, was around 40 years old, and was a little shorter than me but very stocky. He said something like why are you hiding your pretty face and reached up and pushed my hood back a little.

I froze. I never freeze, but I have never been so terrified. I couldn't believe what was happening and didn't know the next step.

Fortunately, I saw lights shine on the pump, and someone immediately turned into the gas station. I got home and told my husband but didn't get it across exactly how dire of a situation it was.

Until probably ten years later, when I brought it up and talked about the times we were the scariest, His reaction this time was horrified at what almost happened.


42. Made Up Nephew

Went into a pet store once to get some things for my dog and stopped to look at the reptiles because I always do. A guy approached me and asked me if I knew anything about reptiles.

I, who happens to be an experienced keeper, proceeded to spend upwards of 45 minutes of my life helping him decide what the best reptile choice would be for his nephew.

Fast forward to me checking out. I see Mr. Reptile walking out of the store. Then I see him walk back into the store. Then, I left for my car and thought nothing more about the interaction.

UNTIL this jerk blocked me into my parking spot with his crappy little car, he then proceeded to tell me (for whatever reason) that he didn’t actually have a nephew and that he saw me walk into the store, so he decided to follow me to try and get my number.

But wait, there’s more. Fast forward after a hard “hell no” to his face, I get home. Note that at the time, I lived in a house on the waterside.

I get a DM from a social media account. Can you guess who it is?? None other than Mr. Reptile himself told me that he wished he could be walking on the beach with me and told me about how lovely my house is.

This dude followed me home, found me on social media (I didn’t give him my name), and tried to ask me on a date again through DM’s. I'm not sure why he thought that I wouldn’t find him creepy.


43. His Gain

Well, shortly after, my ex and I split up, and I was living alone with my kids...I went outside for some air, and this guy walked by with his dogs and "stopped to tie his shoes" right in front of my house.

He then says hi and says it's a nice night, etc. I'm just like, "Yup," and he seems like a harmless enough old-ish man. And I was turning to go back in, and he said stuff about, " Where is your husband? I haven't seen Him around lately...oh well, his loss, my gain."

At this point, I'm like, wtf? Then he actually ran up on the porch, grabbed me in a bear hug, and said, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

He walked away, and I ran in to call the cops. They took down some general info, scanned the area, left, and told me to call if he came back.

A few nights later, I resorted to getting some air on my back porch instead. I went outside, lit my cigarette, and heard a ruckus in my trash can. I figured it was a raccoon, but nope. I look over, and there is the dude just looking through my trash.


44. Whisper Nightmare

My sister and I were visiting NYC together; she was in her mid-twenties, and I was younger. We were in a souvenir shop in the middle of Times Square, and we had several things in our hands to buy.

We were in separate parts of the store, and the owner's son (approx. 35-45) had spoken to me once, but as we split, he came over to me and pressed close, nose to my cheek, and murmured in broken English, "Me as you figure."

I ran over to my sister. She threw her stuff down, told him how disgusting he was, and we left. I didn't walk on that side of the street for the rest of the weekend. Almost 20 years later, I'm still grossed out by it.


45. The Nasty Flirt

​​I was working at a convenience store at the register, and this old guy was hitting on me, saying I was pretty (not to be confused with it being polite; his tone was flirty, too).

I felt uncomfortable with how he was talking and didn’t know how to respond, so I kinda ignored it and continued scanning the items of the customer I currently had.

When I wouldn’t respond, he tried calling me out, saying I was being rude, too. Then, it was his turn, and he stopped talking altogether.

My coworker told me a bit later he went around to her side and flirted with her, too. She thinks he may have been under the influence.
