“Oh, That Stings”: Men Share Their ‘This Girl Is Definitely Not Into Me’ Moments

A romantic relationship is hard for some people to acquire. Going through phases of dating is surely challenging for some. It’s a matter of taking the risk versus just letting it go. For men, sometimes it’s so awkward to realize that a girl is uninterested.

It’s shown from subtle clues to straightforward rejections. It’s like swallowing a rock. But then again, it must be accepted. Be ready for a mixing of emotions as these men from the Reddit community recount their painful ‘she’s not into me’ moments.

1. More Time, Please

“Can I have time to think about it?” Then nothing, radio silence for like a month. The next time we talked, it was as if that moment had never happened.

I’ve had every rejection under the sun used on me. Laughter, a straight-up no, coming up with an excuse halfway through the date to leave, being ghosted, it’s not you, it’s me, etc.

One even claimed that she liked me, but her parents disapproved of me, so nothing could happen, only to find out later that her parents thought I was great and would repeatedly ask her about me (in that case, I think she just wanted to make out and nothing more which I should’ve seen from the start)

But that one, “can I have time to think about it?” damn. I’m over it now, but I’ll never forget how much it hurt. It will definitely last.


2. Learn To Say No

When I was a younger lad, I asked a gal to meet me for lunch. She said yes. We agreed on a time, but she never showed. I got pissed caused I was waiting and waiting.

That night, I went to a party, and that girl was there. I asked her what happened, and she said, “Oh my god, I am so sorry,” and me being me, I forgave her cause she was pretty cute, and I loved her smile.

We made plans for the next day, and I went to wait to meet her and then. The next day, I was waiting and waiting, and one of her friends happened to walk by and said, “Oh hey OP, whatshername is hung over and can’t make it.”

I was like, “Okay friendofflake,” and after that, I never spoke to her, even when I saw her at parties. I don’t know why she didn’t say “no thank you.” I would not have been super offended.

BTW, we were in the same circles, but she was a friend of a friend, so if she had said no, it would not have affected my social circle. This was when I was at university, living on campus, so we would see each other often.


3. Instant Wingman

At Senior Prom with the girl I went to prom with. She wanted to know if this one particular guy I knew, who was pretty much an arrogant jerk, was available because she had a crush on him.

So, I took the high road, took her over there to introduce her to him, and then wandered off to the punch bowl.

Turns out he rejected her pretty harshly a bit later.

A few years later, she apologized for putting me in that situation when I ran into her in a store somewhere, so that was nice.


4. Several Rescheduling

I made a date with a girl, but she canceled the day of. Set a second date, but she canceled the day of. Set a third date. She canceled the day of.

I stopped trying at that point. A while later, she unfollowed me on all social media she followed me on and, apparently, deleted my number from her phone as I texted her and got the "Who is this?" message back.

Okay, yeah, I'm pretty sure she wasn't into me. I eventually found out she had a boyfriend (but she told me she was single) when the date thing was happening.

I don't know what was happening and why she even said yes when I asked and kept rescheduling. It's just confusing when I look back on that entire time.


5. Confusing Act

I've had that happen. We went on a first date, and she claimed she really enjoyed it, as did I. She asked for date number 2, in fact.

I agreed. We kept in touch on the phone, and she said "she forgot" when the day came. I played cool and kept in touch, but twice more when the rescheduled day came, something came up.

I told her I'm not really looking for another phone friend or pen pal (in kind, direct language) and that forgetting a date isn't a sign of interest.

She got really defensive and upset and said repeatedly that she was interested. We set another date - I didn't hear from her. I left it alone. I think I have a message from her on IG that is still sitting unread.


6. Left Out

I was with two guy friends at our mall once (years ago in jr. High). A small group of girls started following us. So we stopped and waited to see what they would do.

Eventually, one comes over and says that she and her friends think we're cute and can have our numbers.

I remember feeling pretty cool just then - I didn't realize yet that I was omitted, lol.

So one buddy says he has a girlfriend (he did), the girl looks at buddy #2, and he gives her his number. She says thanks and leaves. Didn't even look at me. Ego did a 180 that day. Lol


7. My Friend

Yup. Had this one. I can say, I was super interested in this lady. We laughed and seemed to get along well. I was starting to get hope.

She pulled me aside once at a party, and I was so excited at what she had planned. My hands were sweating and ready for good news.

So we get out of the crowd, and here it comes!! “Hey, is Peter (my best friend) seeing anyone?” My heart shattered. I came to find out that she was nice to me when I got in with Peter. Peter ended up trying to date her. She was CRAZY. Dodged that bullet lol.


8. Back And Forth

In my case, we actually went out once. She said we should go out again the next weekend. I was told to meet her at her house.

Get there, and her dad says she's at the stylist getting her hair done, and I should just go over there. Get there; she ain't there. Head back to her place. No one comes to the door.

This was the late 90s, and neither of us had cell phones. She also stopped returning my calls. Ghosted in real life after one date.


9. Mistake Of Encouragement

My roommate encouraged me to ask this girl out. He said she really liked me. So I asked her out and set a dinner date. I pick her up, and at dinner, she barely responds to me.

I ask questions about her major, her family, etc.; all I get back are short answers and no follow-up. I'm frustrated, and she's unhappy, and I guess we both look miserable when the waitress tells us that we need to perk up and be happy!

She then asks how long we've been dating. Her face falls when I tell her this is the first date. She goes,” Oh...” and walks away and doesn't talk to us again.

After dinner, we were supposed to go to a friend's house where she was having a party, but I looked at her in the car and said, ”Look, obviously, neither one of us had a good time. Instead of going to the party, why don't I take you back to your dorm?”

She said yeah, and that was it. I went back to my roommate FURIOUS and asked him why he thought she had a crush on me. He said he thought she would once she got to know me. Yeah, well, she didn't.


10. Playing Feelings

Yeah, when I was younger, I knew this woman who was really flirty, always wanting to go out, but when I tried to actually set something up, she'd conveniently "forget" to look at her phone.

It wasn't until the next time she was like, "Let's go out." Gave her the benefit of the doubt, but it happened a couple of times before I really caught on.

I didn't do anything about it afterward because I didn't care enough by then, but I'd humor her and just nodded along every time she came back and said, "Let's go out."


11. Silent Judgement

Back in college, I took a girl on a lunch date. We had a really nice time. When it was time to leave, I told her I had to get to work.

She said, "Where do you work?" I said, "At a fast food restaurant." I literally could see her attitude shift in one second. "Oh, cool..."

So I was driving her home, and I said, "So, can we hang out again?" She replies, "Yes!" So, the next day, I texted and asked if she wanted to hang out. She never responded.


12. The Lock Screen

Oh, snap. So, last fall, I went to class and ran into this really cute girl, and I thought, “Hey, I’m gonna try to talk to her more,” and over the next two weeks, I found 0 openings until we were told to get into groups for a project.

Small class, but I wasn’t in her group, so I asked her if it would be cool if I joined her group because they seemed more serious than my other group. (Bunch of losers)

She said yes. So it was me, her best friend, and another girl I’d talked to for a bit. We agreed to meet up on Friday at the library. We talked a bit more before then and became friends.

She’s really touchy, so she’d grab my arm, lean on me, etc. I thought she was into me. I showed up early, and she was there alone, so we began to talk, and she was so much like me.

He has a weird sense of humor, is very smart, and is super friendly. She even liked Dragonball. That’s the dream! Also, her favorite Spider-Man movies were the originals and not the Holland ones.

Then the other two girls arrive, and I see her phone. The lock screen is of her best friend. The other girl comments, “Aww, your best friend, your lock screen?” And she says, “Nope, my girlfriends, my lock screen.”

So that really made me realize she wasn’t interested in me at all. The funny thing is, we all are still excellent friends. We’ve tried to take classes together, and she’s helped me out when I had trouble.

I accidentally ruined her surprise birthday party. We hung out while we could. She’d buy us lunch, invite us to her place, and have a good time together. Those three girls are the best friends I’ve made in university.

It’s kind of sad, but before, I went six months without anyone in college saying my name or talking to me. They weren’t mean. They were just not my friends.

But I met these girls, and I have a friend network and a constant study group, and she’s even helping me lose weight because I couldn’t do it on my own. She wasn’t into me, but I honestly couldn’t care less. I’m way happier now than I was before I met her.


13. Height Concern

I was chatting with a group of 3 girls at a bar and was having great banter with 2 of them. They invited me to another bar, and the taller one of the group, whom I wasn't really getting along with, said to her friends, "Don't invite him. He's too short."

When she said I was too short, she actually patted me on the head like a child. Absolute mad lass. Never even thought of myself as short until then!

Her full-on savagery made me burst into fits of laughter. Her mates were really cool, and we ended up having a great night, but man, what a way to let someone know you're not into them. I wasn't even hitting on her ffs


14. Double Up

I was once in a relationship with a coworker. One day, she randomly asked me if I thought another coworker, a pretty good friend, liked her.

She said that he was always giving her looks. I thought nothing of it until my buddy and I were on a road trip, and I told him that I was sleeping with her.

He then told me that he had also been sleeping with her. It turns out that when she asked me that question, she was just trying to probe me for information to see if we talked about her or if her secret was safe.


15. Too Obvious Not To Notice

OMG, this happened to my friend, and it still wasn't enough to get him to realize. I've known this girl, M, since we were little and met B (the guy) after high school.

B and M met in college student government. B had a huge crush on M and realized I knew her, so he wanted me to gauge M's interest.

So he dragged me and another guy to M's work. She asked B if her friend was single, and B said yes. She then told him to give the other guy her phone number.

B dutifully did so because he thought M was just being friendly. B was dense! Of course, I tried to break it to him that M wasn't interested.

Ugh. He still thought he had a chance until M started ghosting him a few months later. It was painful to watch! I asked M to let him down easily.... I guess she took it as "easiest for me."


16. The Whistleblower

I remember a time in junior high school when I told some girl that I liked another girl and told her not to tell anyone. I was so wrong.

Lo and behold, in the next class, I’m talking to the girl I like, and she asks the group, “Hey, do you guys know who jewfro667 is?”

I, being the shy kid, have no idea what to do, so I play dumb until someone points to me, and I raise my hand a bit. The look on this girl’s face was not at all one of pleasant surprise. Needless to say, it stuck with me almost 20 years later.


17. Sound Of Disgust

I had gone to a restaurant with my best friend (F) since I was in town. We got a table, but I had to go park the car somewhere else since where I parked was a place reserved for VIPs

One of the friendly waiters asked her, "Where's your boyfriend going?" and she immediately responded with, "Ew, no, he's not my boyfriend," rather defensively.

I was within earshot. I didn't even have a thing for her, but it did sting. In fact, when I think about it, it still does. I made a mental note to never ask her out if I ever developed feelings for her.


18. Complicating Things

I asked out a girl. She said yes. I told a friend (who had told me to ask her out because she wanted me to) about her saying yes maybe 3 minutes later.

He asked her about it, and she said she had not said yes. Then, after school, her friends messaged me on AIM and asked me why I never thought she'd go out with me.

The next day at school, I decided to ask her what was going on, and she asked me why I would tell anyone that she said yes. Whatever, I was embarrassed, but life moved on.

Then I was ditching the second half of church, playing hacky sack (when she and I would normally talk and hang out), and she came out and asked if I wanted to get food before church ended.

I told her no. She had been a good friend for like a year leading up to this mess. It wasn't like I asked her out of nowhere. I had no intention of ever-escalating it until my friend told me that she wanted me to. It's been 15 years. I'm still confused about how that whole thing went down.


19. No Double Date

We flirted for several weeks and hung out every day. I kept feeling a closer and closer connection, but due to circumstances I could not control, we were never alone enough together for me to test it.

Had some friends plan a camping trip, and I invited her, and she said yes. I even specifically told her there's gonna be two couples there, so we're gonna be in a tent, just the two of us.

She said yeah, she knows. Get to the trip. We have a few drinks, and I ask her if she wants to take a walk with me to look at the stars.

Once we're a little away from everyone, I tell her how much I like her and attempt to go in for a kiss. NOPE: "Sorry chipsconqueso... I'm not what you're looking for," shattered me, utterly gutted.


20. Wasted Time

I waited an hour at this girl's work to hang out with her on her break, which she had originally asked me to do. At first, I couldn’t blame her because they were super busy, and she looked genuinely in a rush to get stuff done.

But when the time came, we sat together, and she just ate and didn’t say anything.

I asked her some questions to start up a convo, but she gave me a short answer and went on her phone for the entirety of the hangout.

After about 10 minutes, I just got up and left, “You're leaving?” “Yup, later.” And that was it. Biggest waste of my time ever. Whenever I question whether or not it was my fault things didn’t work out, I think of that, and I’m reassured.


21. Years of Regrets

Well, I asked her if she wanted to dance with me in PE class, and she said sure. We danced, and it was super awkward for me. I was somehow interested with her.

But when the days passed, and we did the final activity in the dance chapters, she said something like, "That was the best experience in my life." So I stay there without saying anything, and then she goes. I still had a huge crush on her, tho.

Eventually, I asked her out, only to find out that she was with my best friend (my best friend didn't know that I had a crush on her) and that they started a few weeks after the dance incident.

It was three years ago. I still feel super stupid. I think that if she had told me, "Hey, I like u," I wouldn't have realized what was going on. To this day, I don't surely know if she told me that as a hint, but Oh God, I feel stupid.


22. Lucky Unlucky

In middle school, students voted for a couple they wanted to see dance together. I was the new kid, and people hadn’t quite figured out that I was a complete doofus yet.

I got voted to dance with my crush, a popular girl who I’ve sat next to in class before, and we actually got along very well. Some people told me they liked me and that they voted for us. Hot dog.

Dance comes, and 8th grade me thinks this is a dream come true. I might actually get a GF out of this! They announce our names and the names of the other couples that were voted for.

As we went out to the center of the gym, she did not make eye contact with me once. Not a single time. Her head was always turned at a 90-degree angle, looking to the side.

I try picking up conversation, small talk, and jokes from our class. Nothing. She doesn’t respond with anything more than a “yeah,” “ok,” or “mhm.”

The song ends, ends, and she BOLTS for the sideline and disappears into the crowd with her friends. I walked back to the side of the gym alone.

One guy even said the equivalent of “That’s rough, buddy.” Luckily, we moved again after that year, and I never had to see those people again.


23. Best Bud

The girl I liked found out and looked at me with disgust from then on. Got revenge by proxy and unknowingly. She was pursuing a friend of a friend, and because of what he heard about how she treated me, he brutally rejected her and started to date a different girl.

For context, the girl I liked, solely because of her looks, hated me because I am a strange nerd. The guy she started chasing in high school is a complete otaku.

But he was one of those good-looking ones. (He got me into anime and manga) The girl he wound up dating is an artist, and, as far as I heard, they were happily married. The other girl faded into obscurity after she was rejected.


24. Took The Risk

I didn't realize it until I asked her out. We had been talking and hanging out for a few months; she and I had matching personalities, and we were both more energetic around each other than around others.

I had a massive crush, and I felt like taking a chance, so I told her I liked her, and she said, "Damn, I'm really sorry. I feel we're better off as friends."

I guess I didn't realize she wasn't into me until she said as such. I moped for a while before finally being able to have a "bad things happen" attitude towards it.

Nowadays she's happily with someone. Our friendship has faded away, which is actually more upsetting than being rejected romantically. I'm still single, but I'm happily single, so it's alright. If I ever feel that feeling again, I will always take that risk.


25. Not The Only One

I had a coworker who was in another office, and every time she was in the area, we'd get dinner almost every night, go out bar hopping, etc.

I was looking at relocating to where she was, and she was talking about how much time we would spend together and all that.

Eventually, we had "our bar" with a bartender who knew us, and we could sit down, glance at a menu, and immediately know what the other would want to order and had our game plan on what all to split worked out in minutes.

She was never interested in me, and I found out through other folks that she was apparently dating people. She never told me about that part of her life and instead always said she was too busy to date and home alone. She also has a few other guys around the country with whom she hangs out who are similar to me. That crap hurt.


26. No More Than That

We met at work. We had a good vibe. We constantly flirted and even spoke about other ‘personal’ aspects of our lives from time to time.

We decided to link up after work twice. We had slept together twice. We then fell off because she lost the job we worked together.

She ended up in a relationship. Fast forward six months, and they broke up. I shot my shot. We planned to see Avengers: Endgame, and then I was going to spend the night like before.

As I pulled into her apartment complex, some mini dog ran out in front of my car. I swerved to avoid hitting it and busted two tires on the curb.

I couldn't get replacements until after work the next day. I couldn't leave my guest room confinement if I wanted to, and TRUST I wanted to. Lmao

I called an Uber to get to work in the morning. We got some air while my tire was getting fixed. We haven't spoken since. She likes pics on IG, everyone but Dasit. Damn, she had some good lovin'.


27. That Manager

So I had a chick I was talking to at work for a while. We were flirty touchy-feely at times, so I asked her out. We go out to a bar and sit to have some drinks.

We're shooting the crap and having a good time. Somehow, we got on the topic of work, and at some point, I mentioned how disgruntled I was that our kitchen manager had just recently transferred(and no one told me why he was).

Her face dropped, and I noticed immediately and asked what was up. Apparently, the 2 of them had been hooking up. I was dumbfounded

Usually, I would shrug it off and not care that she was with someone before me, but first, he was a damn good manager, and it sucked losing him.

Second, he was married with kids, and she knew damn well he did (not excusing him for cheating, but both parties are guilty, in my opinion). Third, I don't usually get petty like this. The dude looked like a gremlin. And she was hot, blew my mind away.

Needless to say, though, the rest of the night was awkward until we left. Thankfully, I worked in the kitchen. She’s a server, so it was easy to avoid having to talk to her besides passing by what's up.


28. Quick Replacement

So I was on one of the nightly FaceTime calls with this girl I was super into, then at around 4 in the morning, she said that she was getting a call from someone and needed to answer.

The next morning, I saw her Snapchat story of her on FaceTime with another guy.

The next night, I called her, and she said she was already on a call with someone.

Well, that was so weird. Man, it turned out to be the same guy. We lost touch, and I am pretty sure those two got together. It stings.


29. Do Something

She kept talking about how she needed more commitment from me. The relationship had turned long distance; I was paying for the travel and doing the majority of the traveling (I was the one who had moved away).

Sustained it for about a year, but I just realized that she wasn't into me enough to take what she perceived as a risk in moving a 5-hour drive away from her family.

Never spoke about her needing to show commitment to me. Think what it finally was when she got a raise similar to what I was making, and I brought up her starting to contribute to the travel costs.

She laughed like it was a joke. I clarified I was serious, and she brushed it off... Nope, I'm out. I stuck around longer than I should have. It was her first serious relationship, which, in retrospect, I think was a big factor in some of the immaturity.


30. Dry Conversation

I know they are not interested when I feel like I have to constantly be the one that has to start the conversation, that it takes so long for them to answer, or worse, that they sometimes don't answer at all.

I can sometimes get the conversation going again in that last case, but if it happens two or three more times, I'm usually done. It's pretty clear to me.

Other case is when she shows a clear interest in someone else or starts dating someone else. And this has happened to me SO MANY TIMES. I guess I'm not that good at online chatting/texting, I'm not interested at all, or I don't know when it's time to be more direct.


31. Straight To The Point

When we ran into her friend while on a walk, she introduced me as her friend. She then asked me what I thought of “us” and then explained how she was still hung up over her ex and not ready for a relationship.

She enjoyed being friends and still wanted to do that, but wanted to be clear that’s all she could do.

It was the first time a woman was ever direct with me instead of suddenly not answering my texts.

I told her I respected her for that, and she apologized to women everywhere for ghosting so much. I didn’t try to date anyone for many years after that. Her direct response changed my outlook on looking for a spouse (in a positive way).


32. The Newest Stranger

Met this stunning girl through common friends.. ex-ballerina, perfect body, beautiful face. We were at a barbecue, we started talking, and she kinda looks interested.

All green flags. At the time, I was just out of my previous relationship, and I was working out a lot; I was in very good shape.

At the end of the night, with me being a bit drunk, I forgot to ask her number. I realize she looked kinda pissed when we said goodbye, and I didn't ask to see her again.. but it is what it is.

One of my common friends (close to her) asked me about her, and I clearly said I was really into her and couldn't wait to meet her again the next time.

Because of several coincidences, we didn't manage to meet again for a few months.. in the meanwhile, stressed by heavy work and my studies (I was graduating while working a full-time job), I stopped working out and put in some kilos.

The next time we meet is at a birthday party of another of our common friends. She arrives late because of work issues. I greet her, and she acts like we have never met before. She even introduces herself as if it's the first time I've seen her. Flags start turning red at this point.

A few minutes later, the music starts, and people start dancing. I was in a corner drinking wine, and I saw her close friend talking to her and indicating to me.

I don't understand what they say (because of the music and also because they are both Russians), but I clearly hear my name. Her face turns horrified. I finish my drink, find an excuse, and leave.


33. Ignored Or Not

She messaged me on a dating app saying, "Hey," and we talked for the next two hours back and forth just talking. Things were going surprisingly well, and she was really easy to talk to.

All of a sudden, she just lost interest, with no reason, no explanation. She leaves me on read, so I'm thinking, "Oh okay, guess you aren't interested anymore then?"

I said hey a couple of days later because she was clearly interested by the way she was talking to me, but she didn't even open our chat.

It says she was online an hour ago when I sent the message 2 hours ago..? So yeah, I came to the conclusion that she's not interested.

Then she sent me a message the next day saying, "Hey," which confused me because she ignored my messages for a couple of days, but regardless, I said hey back. Then she just goes offline and doesn't reply again? What the heck am I doing wrong?


34. The Worst Scene

This didn't happen to me but to my buddy, and it was absolutely soul-crushing to watch. Dave and Kat worked with me at a restaurant. We called Kat "Crazy Kat" because while she appeared normal, a few minutes of conversation easily revealed the roiling pit of crazy just under the surface.

Dave was the classic quiet guy. He was a tall guy, but very passive and easy to just sort of... forget. He was hired as a server but didn't have the pep to interact with guests, so they made him a food prep/runner.

Kat started pursuing Dave. Nobody knew why because she's usually all about "a man in uniform," "a man in a suit," or really any other guy who literally wore his social status. We all supported it, though, because she was pretty hot, and he had literally zero experience with women, so why not?

They messed around for a couple of weeks, but he was too afraid to push it further. Then, my best buddy, Jake, visited from his first year in the military.

Some friends and I went to his mom's place to chill and were having a great time drinking and chatting. Dave was gonna show up later.

Fast forward three hours, and we're all on the trampoline when, literally out of nowhere, Jake and Kat are making out HARD.

That also happened to be the exact moment Dave showed up. Kat didn't even acknowledge the poor dude. Just brutal, man. She was the worst. Dave never hung out with us again... probably blamed me a little. Still feel bad about it.


35. Someone To Talk To

We lived together in Boulder Creek as a couple. I was working hard hours every night for the railroad down in Watsonville, 29 miles away. My car wouldn't start one night after a long shift, so I called her to let her know what was going on.

She just showed absolutely no concern. I got the most uncomfortable vibe on the phone. It actually felt a lot like the title of this thread. This girl doesn't care about me.

So I told her, "Alright, well, I guess if I can't get it started, I'll just sleep in it or something" Cold night, no blankets or anything.

She just said, "Alright, good night." I called my ex-wife of 14 years (who I am still very good friends with and always have been). She was 136 miles away in Fresno. I didn't want her to help me. I just needed to hear a voice that cared, as I was emotional from the last call.

She had so much concern in her voice. "Oh no, Jason, what do you need me to do?" I said, "Nothing, I'll be alright. I just needed to talk; I'm a little bummed out". So she talked to me, and I just felt at that moment like, "Nobody is ever going to love me like this woman did".

The ex-wife had no interest in getting back together with me. That wasn't what I was calling for, but she was my friend. She cared about me; I just needed to hear that in someone's voice right then. The ex is in a relationship with another guy and has been for years. I'm totally happy for them both.

I feel like I'll probably be forever alone, but I'm totally fine with that. I don't want to feel that feeling again: "This person doesn't even care about me." If I ever get into another relationship, it won't be until I know the other person actually cares.


36. Tons Of Delays

This was years ago. We’d been on a few dates. I thought we were hitting it off. Tried to schedule another one. She said she was free that day.

A few hours before the date, she said something had suddenly come up. That’s no big deal. Things come up. No reason to lose faith.

Anyway, that continued for three months with varying excuses. She kept saying, ‘Next time, I swear!’ March through May—all spring.

I eventually figured it out and texted her, ‘You know, you can just say you're not into me.’ ‘I didn't want to hurt your feelings. We should still be friends, tho!’ She never answered any further texts and never texted me again.


37. Faded Relationship

I was seeing a girl for a few months. Well, I was at university, and we hit it off incredibly well. We had so much in common and had been really good friends the entire first year before progressing romantically.

After school, we visited each other as we lived about 8 hours apart, and then, randomly, she stopped talking to me. We had hung out at my place in the morning, and she was flying back to her city that afternoon.

I dropped her off at the airport and kissed her goodbye, but then she stopped talking. Every once in a while, she would text me or call but was quite short and often rude or blunt.

She was coming to a wedding with me as a date, but leading up to it, I felt she was totally not into me anymore, although occasionally, she would start flirting again, which was confusing.

Anyway, we went to the wedding together and hung out and talked about how we “should just be friends.” I left back to my city only to find out the next morning she was not only not into me anymore, but she actually had a new boyfriend I was unaware of as she definitely wasn’t seeing him when I was last with her.

I was obviously disappointed as we connected well in the beginning, but I’m glad it ended before progressing to something more serious.


38. The Nonchalant One

Dated this girl for about a month. Do you know how you put your arm around someone, and they naturally lean into you? Yeah, she never did that.

I didn't expect that on a first date, but after a couple of weeks of seeing each other, I was expecting some kind of response from me. Oh, she told me she liked me, but the way she acted was completely different.

The moment was when we were at a concert. I was jumping up and down and yelling and singing. I looked over at her, and she was standing there as rigid as a pole. Asked her if she was having a good time, and she said yes.


39. That’s Enough

We had three dates. The last one was one I was trying really hard at, but she either missed or forgot about dates. Wouldn't talk to me for the last one, then texted me the most generic breakup, "We need to talk. It's not you. It's just that I'm too busy to date. We can still be friends."

I was pretty puzzled since it was such a generic breakup and didn't sound like something she'd say. Plus, I get super paranoid, especially with stuff that is so cookie-cutter. So, I replied with, "What's the real reason?"

That shook her cause she got super defensive. I also tried keeping true to her offer of "we can still be friends" with one-word answers when in person and no response in text.

Three days later, she hooked back up with her other ex, who started berating me for saying "Hi" to her. Just walking by, I noticed her, said "Hi," and was moving on, and the guy just started flipping out and yelling an me. She hasn't talked to me since.


40. Change of Heart

I am not in the mood to type out the whole story, but it's sorta a long one. Anywho. I knew the point when this girl I loved and considered my very best friend.

Immediately, she went cold and stopped talking to me. As soon as she found another dude she vibed with better. It was so damn quick.

Just that sudden switch in literally one day, like, "I love you, thank you for being here for me," talking for hours too. Nothing. Cold. Dry. Ghosted. At that moment, I knew this girl was definitely not into me.


41. Pain Of Rejection

I had been single for a very long time, so a friend of mine set me up on a date with one of her friends. I was at the bar first and saw her walk past; I got up, introduced myself, and showed her to where we would be sitting.

Before she even sat down, I knew she wasn't interested. The date lasted an hour and a half, and we went our separate ways. Nothing special.

I had been afraid of rejection for a long time after an ex broke up with me, but it turns out that it's not a problem. Not everyone is for you.

It set me on the road, and after a few dates here and there of varying degrees of success (i.e., no success at all), I met the woman who became my wife. Long story short, things work out if you keep trying.


42. Leave Me Alone

This girl I was dating chose to spend all day shopping and blowing hundreds, if not thousands, on random stuff. When it was my birthday, she never showed up.

Here, we discussed this huge dinner date and other stuff we had to do a week before. I didn't hear from her the entire day of my birthday. It was wasted.

That crap made me feel not so great. When she got back, I asked what the heck was wrong. Of course, she's the one who gets mad and storms off.

Oh, I found out later that she also went to a bar, got trashed, made out with a guy friend, got preggo, and when that guy friend didn't want to be in the picture, she came back to me with hey, you think we could fix some things and try again? NOPE!


43. That Was Odd

Think I was 18 years old or something. Met a lovely girl and had a few dates with her. Some kissing/feeling work, no more than that. We were talking nonstop.

Even a friend of hers (whom I later met) messaged me on social media that I should take a relationship with her. At that point, I wanted that pretty much.

On the last date, she came over to my place and was supposed to sleep there, but she was acting a little bit strangely. A few days later, she asked for some tips because she was going to see some other guy and wanted to leave a good first impression.

What was going on? She said that she wanted to be excellent friends with me instead of a relationship. My messed up mind agreed because I liked talking to her.

After two weeks, I couldn't handle it anymore because she was talking about sleeping with other guys, etc. Screwed up my mind for a few weeks.


44. No Show

A few years ago, I started talking to a girl on a dating app. We talked for a few weeks and got to know each other. It seemed we were on the same page and dug one another.

So I finally asked her for a date, and we picked the date and time. That evening, I got ready. Shower, dress, shave, etc. I leave the house and drive towards town.

We had even texted earlier that day, expressing excitement over the date. So I sent a text confirming that we're still on....and got nothing back. Never did. And no, she's not dead. I saw her a few weeks later at the mall when I was, of all things, on a date.


45. Not Today, Miss

Met a girl online. On the first date, we were getting food at a restaurant. She pulled out her phone and blatantly took a picture of me. I asked her what she was doing.

She said it's a game she and her friends play, but she wouldn't go into details. We ordered food, and I tried to talk to her, but she was playing on her phone the whole time and didn't wanna talk.

Then she finally snapped and said, "I am only here because I was dared and wanted a free meal, so just shut up, okay?" I excused myself to the bathroom.

Went to the front and explained the situation. Paid for my meal, tipped, and returned to the table. No words were said, and no, I did not pull out my phone to make it less awkward.

I "shut up" for her and thought for a bit about what I would say. Food shows up, and she's very confused because mine is packed to go.

They even hooked a brother up with fresh breadsticks. I grabbed mine and started walking out. She says, "What the hell?" I told her, "If you want a free meal, you'll have to look elsewhere," and just walked out.
