The Darkest Confessions: People Shared The Most Horrible Things They Have Done

When we were younger, we did awful things out of spite or out of selfishness that we surely regretted today. 

These horrible acts haunted us until the present moment, but as they say, “apology is long overdue.”

These are the experiences of people who have gone too far with their childish acts. Prepare yourself for a roller coaster of emotion.

1. Deception Gone Too Far

My cousin and I used to vacation with one another's family. One year, as a teenager, he met this girl and hooked up with her on the beach. Most people would understand, that vacation romances stop when you leave the beach.

She didn't. She continued to call e-mail and message him 15 times a day. She confessed his love to him and was planning on moving to Pittsburgh just to be with him. This wouldn't be cool with his girlfriend at home.

Anyway, a couple of weeks after we came back from vacation, he and I devised this plan to get her to stop calling and e-mailing him. I called her up one night and told her that he was taken to the hospital with a football injury.

A blood clot that formed while he was in surgery went to his head and he passed away on the operating table. I may or may not have left this on her answering machine.

The next day, after my cousin left for school, his mom got a call from this girl's mother, expressing her deepest sympathy for the loss of her son. Holy crap, did my aunt lose her mind.

She thought something had happened when he was driving to school or something like that. She called my mom, and they had a huge screaming match with my cousin and me.

In the end, I had to call and apologize to this girl and her mother, and explain that what we did was wrong, etc. So that night, I sat down to call her in front of my mother, so she could verify I did it.

I dialed my phone number, which went right into my voicemail. I carried on a 10-minute half-conversation with my voicemail, crying, apologizing profusely, making my mom cry in the process. And that was that.

He and I never heard from her again. He and I talk about it now and then, between ourselves. But nobody else ever knew about it.


2. Prank Wars Escalate

I sprinkled some IV lidocaine on the toilet seat in the men's locker room at the fire station in response to a prank they initiated.

The male firefighters took all the toilet paper out of the women's bathroom, and everywhere else in the station, and then hid it all in the attic.

The guy who sat on the toilet seat was an older firefighter and a nice guy who had nothing to do with the pranks.

He was really freaked out about his private parts going numb and thought he was having a heart attack or something. I felt terrible.


3. Selfishness To Regret

I used to live at the home of people with disabilities back in the early 80s (my dad was in a wheelchair) and there was a computer lab there.

I used to play a game on the only game machine there, which was the only decent machine there. I didn't like it when I got to the lab and someone else was using the machine.

So, whenever I'd finished playing the game, I'd steal the monitor cable and take it home, so none of the people with disabilities could use it. I will burn.


4. Weight Of Childhood Guilt

I had this 4 months pregnant teacher when I was in the second grade. As a kid, I'm really active and like to run around the room during break. One day, the bell rang and we needed to sit down on our chair.

Me and two of my buddies, keep running around and playing. Suddenly, my teacher pops out in front of me and I bump her belly real hard. She said that it hurt and she needed to talk to my parents.

Two days after that incident, my teacher called in sick and we got a substitute teacher. A week after that, my mom told me that my teacher had a miscarriage.

I've never seen that teacher again. I never really know if I did it or not. But in my young mind, it's my fault and it'll forever scar me.


5. A High School Firecracker Incident

When I was in high school, I put a firecracker in a friend's toilet. I don't know why, I thought it would be funny. When it went off, it cracked the toilet in a few places and it started to leak a little.

My friend (who was a bigger guy) came to see what the noise was and I explained to him that it was the toilet seat dropping.

He told me to get the heck out because he needed to use the bathroom and I figured it was a great chance to have a great prank play out and to get out of trouble.

After about 10 seconds, I heard a noise from the bathroom (like plates hitting a floor but not breaking) and then an agonizing howl.

The scream scared the crap out of me and after a few minutes, he came out of the bathroom in his boxers with blood all over the place.

Turns out that he sat on the toilet and it broke, slicing him up pretty good. I never told him what happened and he blamed his weight for it, which gave him a complex for the rest of school. I still feel bad about it.


6. Tragedy Of Hamster Babies

I still feel horrible for doing this. I used to fight with my sister over stupid things like the television remote. Well, when I was about 8 years old I got angry and punched her where she was resting her hands on her stomach.

Her hands were covering a lump under her shirt where her hamster's newborn babies were resting. I had no idea until she showed me. I ended up ending the lives of 3 out of 5 hamsters. I felt so sick. My sister and I are best friends now.


7. Web Of Deception

Back in my teens, I had an ex-girlfriend who was bullied horrifically by another girl. I wanted to impress her so with her help I hacked into her bully's PC/email (it was easier in those days). 

I learned some things about her and created a fake “perfect boyfriend” for her on a dating site she had signed up for. She only spoke to this guy through email, and she fell in love with him (we knew this from hacking her email). 

Then, on my girlfriend's birthday, I had this guy stand the girl up brutally in a club in front of us while she watched my girlfriend have a great time.

This is pretty evil, I regret it and I can't blame my ex for talking me into it. What I do blame my ex for is lying. I found out later that my ex was the original bully, all along.


8. Playing With Emotions

Back during the tail end of my high school years, I was friends with a guy who was the laughingstock of the school. He was morbidly obese, incredibly nerdy, and totally pompous.

But when you got to know him, he wasn't a bad guy. We used to play online games. I felt like trolling him, So I "Recruited a friend of mine from the next town over" into our guild. Her name was "Wendy.”

In short, I downloaded voice-changing software pretended to be this girl, and made him fall in love. To the point where he wanted to move into an apartment with her after senior year.

I had mocked up a social media account, with pictures of a random, average but good-looking girl, and added a bunch of people from our school, and from the school she was supposedly going to.

He was sickly obsessively in love with this girl. One day, I just dropped it. I made all traces of her just disappear. He asked me about her for months, but I said that I hadn't heard from her either and that I was worried.

I crushed him. He was ready to give up everything for this girl. I helped him get over her, though, And got him hooked up with his current girlfriend.

But man, In retrospect, I have no idea why I took it so far. The fact that I probably messed up this guy, who I was friends with, up for a long time. It's scary to think that a person could do that.


9. The Drowning Deception

One time, during a pool game of "Minnows And Whales" at a public pool I faked drowning. I was being brought to the surface which is part of the game and decided to let my body go limp.

I lay face down for a few seconds on the surface before someone dragged me out. They laid me beside the pool and began panicking. I just lay there with my eyes closed and breathing as slowly and deeply as I possibly could.

Everyone around me was convinced I had stopped breathing. An ambulance was called to the scene and arrived with siren blaring and lights flashing.

The paramedics did not know what to make of it as I began sporadically panting and then holding my breath again. They decided to rush me to the hospital. It took the doctor about 30 seconds to realize I was faking it.

I heard my mom arrive and heard the doctor say to her "He is just laying there with his eyes closed, take him home.” She came and got me and we went home. I then proceeded to bury that memory as deeply as I could. Sorry world.


10. The Painful Journal

When I was a kid, I wrote in my journal an entry called "Reasons I Hate My Mom." The reasons were incredibly petty. My mom found it and I walked in the room and saw her put it down.

As I grew older, I realized my mom was suffering from extreme depression and would often literally curl up into a ball declaring she was the worst mother.

That diary probably didn't help. Hell, it probably started it all. I'll never forget the look on her face when she put down the diary.


11. Road Rage Regret

A couple of summers ago I got into the 9-5 routine, doing an internship at a big insurance company. Driving to work one day, this one guy was pissing me off.

He was speeding at the worst times, cutting through traffic, and making bad lane changes and I ended up catching up to him at the next red light, in the lane next to him and a few cars ahead.

So me being a douche, I decided I'm not going to let him change lanes this time and boxed him in when he tried next. I ended up doing this for a few kilometers.

Turns out when we hit the next traffic light he pulled into the Emergency Animal Hospital, didn't even park his car in a parking spot, picked his dog up out of the backseat, and ran inside.

The worst part was my window was open, so I heard the dog wailing/screaming in pain, all the way inside.

It scarred me forever.


12. Weight of Peer Pressure And A Sucker Punch

I sucker-punched a kid in middle school after he accidentally hit me in the face with a basketball. I only did it because my "friends" pressured me into it and he was a slightly bigger nerd than I was.

It has been 22 years since that happened and I still feel like a piece of crap about it. Jeremy if you read this story, sorry man, at least I was a weak little sissy back then.


13. Reflections on a Painful Game

When I was little my family used to play a game in public places where we competed in identifying the most grotesque-looking person. When I was around nine or so, we went to a theme park with just an obscene amount of the morbidly obese.

The game was going great and being a little kid I started getting a little too enthusiastic. I spotted probably the fattest person I have ever seen in my entire life.

I knew that this one was gonna win me the game so at the top of my lungs I shouted, "Look at that fat man! He is so fat I win!”

I am unable to describe the pain in the look he gave me. I knew I had overstepped some sort of boundary. Jesus Christ looking back now I still cringe. Like I had destroyed any vestige of self-worth he had left in one horrific incident.


14. Regretful Echoes From The Past

As kids, my sisters would always make fun of my brother who was a wee bit fat as a child. He always turned to me for encouragement as I never picked on him.

One day when I was visiting them, my sisters said something so impulsively funny, that I just laughed without thinking.

My little brother was standing in the doorway to go outside and heard the comment about him, and saw me laughing at it. I will never forgive myself for it.

The other is when I shrugged off my grandmother's present which was a collectors doll when I was 11 or so. I learned years later that she had saved for months for that doll, as she was quite poor.

She passed away later that year, alone, when my family was on vacation. It took 2 weeks for people to find her body. I will also never forgive myself for not showing my love for her.


15. Sixth Grade Remorse

When I was in sixth grade we had a teacher who would keep female necessities in her classroom. One day this girl asks, during an activity, the teacher to step outside of the classroom so she could talk to her.

We all started talking to each other about what they were doing and right as they both walked in I said, real loud, "Hahaha She probably started her period!"

The girl proceeded to run back outside crying and the teacher sent me to the principal's office.

I felt so bad.


16. A Sibling’s Near Miss

I nearly ended the life of my younger brother by forcing him inside a large ice chest, then proceeded to sit on top of it with a friend of mine, playing a game for an hour.

When we opened it, he was unconscious. I was ten so I wasn't thinking, we were playing a video game, I feel pretty bad.

That's not the worst thing I've done to my brother, he never has forgiven me and hates me to this day, I wasn't being brutal just slightly sadistic.


17. The Hidden Fire

When I was younger my friend and I were at the park and we were bored, in the meantime we found a worn-out teddy bear, we thought about it and decided to set it on fire.

After the teddy bear caught on fire, the fire got uncontrollable, being young and naive we didn't know what to do so we ran.

When I got home my parents talked to me about there being a fire at the park. No one knew about it except me and my friend. It was a scary day.


18. Broken Melodies

When I was in my early teens, my mom and I never got along. We constantly fought and I was always grounded. So, once she grounded me I waited until she left the house and snuck into her room.

I grabbed her favorite music CD (it was her only CD) and I scratched it all over with my nails and some keys. Then I left it back in its place and retreated like a ninja.

Months later, on a road trip, we were playing some music in the car and my mom put on the CD and it sounded like crap. Not even 10 seconds of normal music.

She then said, "Oh, looks like my CD isn´t working anymore. I really liked it.” I felt so horribly bad that day.


19. Words That Sting

The worst thing I've ever done was tell my mom I never loved her. I did/still do love her but she said something extremely hurtful to me and that was the most hurtful thing I could think to say back to her at that point.

It worked. She burst into tears and ran out of the room, and then I ran out of my house and went to a friend's house for two days without telling anyone where I was. I just didn't want to talk to her.

I talked to my dad but my mom and I didn't say a word to each other for a couple of days even after I came home.

Every time I think about it I realize I should have just said how I felt about what she said and not that. I can't get the look of her face scrunching up and the tears forming out of my head. It hurts to think about it.


20. An Act Of Revenge

In college, I had a class with this real stuck-up wench, the kind of girl you silently hate from across the room. Well, one day I was in the library using one of their computers.

When I went to log into my email account someone else had yet to sign out of theirs. I decided "What the hell" and proceeded to look through the emails.

I found several in the sent folder with attachments of photos and guess who's posing naked for her boyfriend. Yes, that same girl, who has a great body, and an email account full of these pictures.

I don't know what possessed me but I proceeded to forward them to her father, signed off, and then I left.


21. Broken Promises And Healing Tears

When I was about 16 I did something pretty terrible. It was the only time in my life my dad hit me. He popped the crap out of me because he was scared and worried and panicked (and I deserved it).

I turned to him and said, "You promised you'd never hit me like your dad hit you." My dad grew up in an abusive household (like the kind of homes that show up in Lifetime movies).

My dad stopped, stood there for a minute, walked out, and got into his car. He didn't come home for two days.

When he did we fell on each other crying and apologizing. I'm 31 years old and every time I think about it I hate myself.


22. Reflections Of Regret

I dated a virgin just to sleep with her.

It took 4 months to finally reach the promised land and I broke up with her a week later. She switched schools the next semester.

She transferred to a small catholic school and turned into a huge god-worshipper. She would constantly talk to me just to know how I was doing.

Small talk always ended with arguments over us breaking up and me moving on so quickly. I did apologize to her many times but I doubt it made much of a difference.

She was engaged right out of high school, yet would still contact me telling me that she missed me and commenting on girls I was currently dating.

She's now married with a kid living on an army base somewhere in the U.S. I'm semi-reformed, but still find myself thinking with the wrong head at times. I'm working on it.

At the time I didn't care, but now I feel like a total douche.


23. Unrequited Feelings

When I was in middle school, I fell head over heels in love with my best friend's girlfriend. After he broke up with her, she friend-zoned me, messaging me to complain about how miserable she was without him.

One day, I got sick of it and told her how I felt about her. I naively believed if she knew that I loved her, she would give me the chance to treat her better than my friend ever did.

Of course, that doesn't happen. She made clear she didn't have romantic feelings for me, and I played off the confession as a joke.

But the conversations continued and got more and more disturbing. She told me her parents hurt her, but later admitted her father had only slapped her once.

Her weight became an obsession; convinced she was unattractive to my friend because she was overweight (she wasn't), she contemplated bulimia.

Finally, one night, she started a conversation with me. I responded, "Hey cow," and she never bothered me again. Now she's a stripper, no joke.


24. Game Card Hustle

In high school, I bought a lot of game cards. I rode a bus to school with a bunch of younger kids who collected them. Don't get me wrong, I liked that game and was really into other games, but the card game never caught my attention.

These kids (between 3 years and 7 years younger than me) would buy the cards from me on the way to school.

Turns out they were stealing money from their parents and siblings just to be able to purchase them. I made over $550 that school year just on game cards. I sold this gullible boy a holographic card for $120.


25. Lessons In Tolerance

I was like 7 and scrolling through TV channels with my uncle in the room. It stopped on a children's show and it was the whole "I love you, you love me" song bit.

I said to my uncle, figuring I'd be cool with my new lexicon, "I hate that. He's so gay."My uncle stared me down like a freaking mountain lion and asked "Is there anything wrong with that?"

My uncle is gay. I'd like to think I'm a very tolerant person now because of that. Also, I feel terrible just typing it out.


26. Harmful Teaching

This happened when I was just in grade school. One time, the teacher forced me to help a retarded kid with her reading, as I was one of the brighter students in the class at that time.

I taught the girl that the letter "D" made an “S” sound, "O" made an “Uh” sound, and "G" made an "N" sound. I was only six, but I taught this poor girl that "DOG" spelled "SUN.” What an evil wench I was.


27. Extreme Childish Act

When we were a child, my friend had peed in some bottles. When I say some I mean in about ten 2L bottles and he had them stored for like 7 years, there was even salt at the bottom, don't ask why, I don't know why he kept them.

So one night, we decided to pull a horrible prank. We got one of the bottles he had his pee on and poured it all over a drunk man who was passed out on the street.


28. Unspoken Love

I realized when I was young that I had an interest in girls. Then once junior high hit (so 13 years old) I ended up coming out to my best friend. She never told me she was interested in girls, but she was curious.

So we spent the whole summer together as girlfriends but wanted to keep it a secret. We still thought it was wrong. Either way, once school started she continued to want to date openly.

We were kissing, holding hands, writing love letters, etc. but I was so scared someone would find out. So I ignored her. I ignored her for the first half of the school year. I didn't talk about it, didn't look her in the eye, nothing.

Then one day she came up to me in class crying with a letter saying things like "I miss you, I've never been happier in my life when I was with you, please be mine again," etc.

I looked her in the eye and ripped it up in front of her. She completely broke down in front of the class and I wouldn't explain why.

Of course, whenever someone asked about it, I would say she was a liar and it never happened. We're still friends on social media but we don't talk. She's kind of a woman with an ill reputation now.


29. Fishy Prank Gone Wrong

When I was about 16 my friends and I were out getting high and decided that it would be a great idea to put a can of sardines in someone's car. They would hop in their car and the smell would hit them. Hilarious.

So we drove around for a while until we found this car parked in a little block of offices. I got out and checked the door and it was unlocked.

So, I opened the can of sardines and sent oily fish and tomato sauce all over the backseat of the car.

As I'm running back to my friend's car I look up into the office that still has its lights on. Inside is a woman in her mid-30s or early 40s vacuuming this law office at 1:30 in the morning.

This poor woman is a night cleaner, just toiling away, and now has to deal with what I just did. I still feel terrible to this day and can't believe I could have done that to someone.


30. Social Media Stunt

A few years ago, shortly after I graduated from University, I faked my passing. Social media just started being popular, and I was annoyed that people from high school wanted to friend me.

As in, people who never bothered to talk to me during high school. So I got a few of my close friends and asked them to have “RIP plus my name" as their message names and social media statuses.

The first week went as planned, but then I discovered someone burst into tears upon hearing my passing. I felt bad, but figured it was going as planned.

Someone ended up ratting me out, and now a large group of high school people were furious at me and decided never to speak to me again. So I kinda guess everything worked out at the end.


31. The Breaking Point

An ex-girlfriend did something very very bad that pissed me off badly and we had a fight, she was the kind of girl who does bad things and then manipulated me into forgiving her by being sweet and having physical intimacy.

So when we got to my house she started acting sweet, I knew what her plan was, it had worked before, so I thought ok, I'll pretend I'm not angry anymore and I'll take it.

I gave her a good physical contact, the one you do to hurt, and after it was finished she started to fall asleep.

That’s when I kicked her out of my bed, she fell to the floor and was shocked and hurt and I told her to get out of my house.


32. A Regretful Keystrokes

One time when I was a kid, me and my friend were on an online chatroom. Like way back in 1999 when that was new. We were talking to random people in the rooms when we started chatting with a girl who was 16 according to her profile.

Also in her profile, she explained that she was getting over her sister's passing. I have a dark sense of humor so I typed in "I ended your sister." I did not intend for this message to be sent.

I just wanted my friend to laugh before I deleted it. That crap of a friend hit enter as fast as he could. I've never felt so bad about something I've said in my life, especially to a stranger.


33. Peer Pressure Leads To Painful Action

I was friends with this girl in 6th grade but then all of a sudden, she just started hanging out with this other really awful girl. That awful girl told me to be mean to the original girl, so I did.

I told her that I hoped she would pass away so I could have her swingset, and that her swingset was the only worthwhile thing about her. I felt pretty crappy for a few years about that one.


34. Digital Deception

I once convinced an old lonely guy that I was a teen girl interested in "learning" from older men. I flirted with him for like 6 months and he bought a plane ticket to New York, where I said I would meet up with him.

I texted him that I had been playing him and I apologized for my childish action. He replied "Oh. I should have known no one would ever want me. I should have been more clear.


35. The Atrium Showdown

When I was about 8 years old I was a church-going Cub Scout. There was this little douche at church who felt like he could do anything "because my big brother can beat you up!"

I finally got sick of it and told him I'd kick him and his brothers too. The little douche set it all up, at church, in this kind of atrium area.

He leads his big brother in who is probably a good 2 or 3 years older and probably a head taller than me. I laid into him with a heavy punch and almost broke his nose. There was blood everywhere.

Turns out the little douche didn't tell his brother what was going on and he had no idea what was going to go down. The kid ran off to mommy and daddy and when I explained what had happened he got it worse than anyone.


36. The Costly Consequence

Back when I was 15 years old, we had stolen a bowling ball from a local bowling alley. After driving around with it we decided to throw it out, so we swung open the door and chucked it out at more than 30 mph. 

We destroyed a van, broke 3 windows, mangled the support for the roof in the back, and landed in the child seat in the back. I still feel like a douche. We left $150 in the mailbox a few days later


37. Mistaken Charity

I was at a takeout restaurant and I put some money in what I thought was the take a penny leave a penny jar, so I put in like 3 pennies and said jokingly "Here, have some dirty pennies" (one was like black) and tossed them in.

Turns out it was the tip jar, and I didn't realize. The poor lady just smiled but I felt so bad when I figured it out. That was the most horrible thing I have ever done up to this day.


38. Empathy Lost, Empathy Gain

My grandma (truly the most amazing person I've ever known) had brain cancer and it was really stressful for my family, but especially for my mom.

One night I was trying to talk my mom into getting me something stupid (more text messages or something) and she started reasoning out with me.

She talked to me and said, "I don't want to have to worry about this right now. I'm sorry but with Grandma's cancer, there are just more important things to think about right now."

I got pissed and said, "Well there are more important things in life than Grandma's sickness too, so should we just stop worrying about her?"

My mom burst into tears and didn't come out of her room all night (I did beg forgiveness). Soon after, my grandma passed away. I regret this so much


39. Footh In Mouth

I was at a bar and got really drunk one night. I woke up the next morning and realized I had a girl's number but had no recollection of what she looked like. I texted her for a while and we decided to hang out.

When I picked her up she stepped out of her house and smiled. It was the worst display of crooked teeth I had ever seen. Anyway to be polite I went through with the date.

A couple weeks later I was catching up with some friends at lunch. A girl was sitting nearby who looked over at us and smiled. She also had a very unfortunate set of teeth which my buddies had noted.

I eventually told them the story of the girl I dated and one of my friends asked me if she was hot. I responded in my overly loud voice "She would be hotter if her teeth weren’t so ugly."

I immediately remembered the girl sitting near us and looked at her. She had the most horrified expression I have ever seen. I have never felt like a bigger douche.


40. Insensitive Remarks Went Awry

This was in middle school before I learned basic human interaction. A few of us were talking in class, among them an old friend, with whom I had been friends since about 2 years old. She was a cheerleader.

One of the big strong girls at the bottom of the pyramid, you know, the real cheerleaders. We were joking about something (don't remember what) and I asked if it had caused her to be kicked off the cheerleading team.

This was game day, and she was wearing the uniform. She replies "Haha, yeah, I got kicked off the team." Alright, then, inexplicably, full retard mode sets in.

I said something like "Oh, was it because you guys were doing the pyramid, and they dropped you, and you left a two-foot indentation in the concrete?" Wow. Why the heck did I say that?

Cue the tears from her, the death glares from everyone else, and me just staring at my desk for 20 minutes. I don't know why I said it. She was always a friend. I felt crappy. 13 years later, I still feel like a total prick thinking of it.


41. An Innocent Insult

I often get on certain curse word kicks, right now I enjoy calling bad drivers a bad word I made. Around 5th or 6th grade I had a more mild vocabulary. At one point my favorite name to use while venting frustration was "poopy-head.”

So one day in gym class we're playing soccer. It can get very annoying playing coed sports because guys will often ignore the girls playing, and even though I was pretty good at sports my teammates kept hogging the ball.

At a certain point in the game, I got fed up. One teammate in particular completely ignored me and lost the ball because of it.

I yelled, "Pass, ya poopy head" as loud as my 5th or 6th-grade lungs possibly could. He had the most hurt and confused expression on his face.

And then I realized he was Indian and had fairly dark skin; he probably thought I was insulting his skin color. I never used the phrase again. To this day I feel awful.


42. Green Suit Mishap

I was a counselor at a sleepaway camp and I put on this full-body green spandex suit so I could run around and maybe make some of the kids laugh.

I went to a hockey game that some of my campers were playing in, and while I was there, somehow, this sweet little kid found out that it was me in the green man suit.

He tried to pull my shorts off (those things are tight and too revealing believe me) and I played back with him and somehow accidently punched him in the stomach really hard.

He was bawling loudly in front of everybody, they even stopped the game to see what was going on. I picked him up and carried him back to the bunk, all while in the green man suit.

I paid him $30 to not tell anybody about it because I was so afraid of getting fired. Good thing I was covered head to toe or people would have realized that it was me and I might have been.


43. The Ungrateful Collector

When I was younger, I loved collecting game cards. My mom surprised me one afternoon with a few packs she picked up at the store, I was excited until I realized those packs did not have a chance of a holographic card.

I yelled at her because there were no holographic cards and said she should have never even bought them for me. I still get a sick feeling when I think about how ungrateful I was.


44. Roller Skates And Awkward Moments

I used to work at a fast food chain in Nashville when I was in college. I was one of those girls on roller skates that brought out people's food. So one night I was working and I was bringing out some food to this one car.

I went to the driver's side and didn't see anyone there so I went over to the passenger's side where there was this white woman.

As I was about to start handing the food to them I noticed the car was full and had 2 black women in the backseat and a black man in the front seat! I was just like "Sorry, I didn't see you" and really I didn't see anyone. Oops.


45. Repeating Hurt

I had a long-time girlfriend who cheated on me and treated me like crap for the latter 4 months of it. We broke up and I felt like crap about the whole thing.

Despite feeling how bad being treated like dirt, the next girlfriend I had, Katie, I treated her horribly. I cheated on her and didn't answer calls or worried texts.

I did other things behind her back etc. I essentially took my frustration from my last relationship out on her.

I feel horrible about it but I don't have the guts to apologize to her. She shouldn't forgive me I sure as hell wouldn't.
