“Well, That’s A Lot:” People Share Their Most Horrible Hunger Turns Gluttony Encounters

A buffet is one of the customers’ favorites, especially when there is a large variety of food available to try. Knowing that it’s an eat-all-you-can set up, customers always want to eat what they paid for, and most of the time, more than what they paid for.

But then, everyone has their limits. In a way that still allows for an acceptable amount of food our tummies can contain. However, despite knowing that, these people took the cake for eating more than what they could handle

1. The Hero

A few years back, when a famous eat-all-you-can restaurant first got the chocolate fountains, I went there and was going to try it out. 

As I was walking up to the fountain, I started to contemplate what I was going to have. A toddler took his drink and just poured it right into the fountain and ruined it. 

So anyway, the manager comes over and goes ballistic because they had just set it up for the day, and now they would have to replace the chocolate completely. 

Shortly after, this man comes up and decides he wants some chocolate brownies, but he can't as the machine is being purged in the back of the place, so what does he do? 

The guy just puts his tray down and leaves the restaurant, goes to the toddler's family's car, and slashes their tires. He was never caught after that.


2. The Tower

I watched a fight break out between a customer and a manager at an all-you-can-stack restaurant. (You pay for a plate, and you can take as much as you can stack on a single plate) 

Anyway, this guy had his plate stacked about 12+ inches high with food.

As he was reaching for a serving spoon, he dropped his plate. He demanded another, and the manager got pissed and told him he shouldn't have stacked it so high. 

He refused to give the man a refund. He pointed to a sign that said something about paying for dropped food. Apparently, it wasn't the first time this had happened.


3. Pure Greed

Watched a woman come in, go right to the dessert section, and pick up four plates of pumpkin pie. Then, as soon as more plates of pie are set out. 

She gets up before she's even finished eating the four slices she's already grabbed, cuts right in front of a kid about to grab a slice, and picks up four more plates.

I should mention she didn't even finish them all. There were like two and three-fourths slices of pie on her table when she left.


4. Such In Need

We went to the buffet, and the crab legs only had three tiny ones on the tray. My friend grabs them so they will bring out more.

We keep an eye on the kitchen while eating and see a new try brought out.

My friend got up to get a plate, but this couple beat her to it and took the whole tray between the two of them. She's upset, but we take our time so they can bring out more.

Once again, the same couple beat us to it and took the whole tray. My friend's husband just said, "Jesus Christ, there are other people here." they left like a set of crab legs.


5. Wasting Time And Food

My friend ran a Famous Restaurant in Omaha, and he told me this older gentleman, a skinny guy, ate like five plates, and my friend kept noticing him running to the bathroom over the course of the 5 hours he was there.

Eventually, he followed him into the bathroom and heard him vomiting in a stall. He was binging and purging his meal over and over again.

He was asked to leave while in the stall. The guy left so fast that he seemed very embarrassed. Left a gross mess as well on the ground and back of the toilet.


6. Start Of Day One

Seven years of pizza buffet experience. I've seen salad bowls full of ranch. I've seen huge gluttonous Southern Baptist preachers with a stack of pizza because they're too big and lazy to make that many trips.

We had a regular who came in 2 times a week. We called him "belly shirt guy," who would stack a whole pizza on each plate per trip on top of unlimited pasta. His gut hung down below his shirt.

Great turnaround for him, though, because he started eating salads every trip. By the time I left, the man had lost a good 75 lbs and actually looked healthy.


7. Just Need Attentions

Went to a Famous Buffet Restaurant with a friend's family in high school. Sitting down with my food, they started to pray. 

While they were praying, I politely sat down with my head and eyes open.

A large, sweaty man next to me looked me dead in the eye. 

Suddenly, he just barfed loudly all over the floor, and then he just walked out of the restaurant like nothing ever happened.


8. A Round of Aclaws

In a Chinese buffet, a man and wife come up to the seafood section and take every god-damned piece of snow crab in the tray.

They overloaded three plates, forming a twisted mountain of crab legs, claws, and carapace bits over eight inches tall.

Nothing else, just every crab bit in the house. Then they sat down in silence, staring at each and feasting. I mean, how shellfish can you be?!


9. Just Sharing Love

At a fish and chips place, an overweight guy loaded up five or six solid pieces of cod and fries with coleslaw and a few buns. I'm sitting there disgusted at how someone can eat that many pieces and still feel okay.

As he starts to cut up the first piece, he pauses as if he were deep in thought and having an internal struggle.

He then offers all his fish to a couple who have just arrived and sat near him, and they happily accept.

Then, he separately ordered a grilled salmon with veggies, which was not part of the buffet at the time, so he paid twice. Great turnaround


10. A Huge Stomach

One time, I was staying in a small hotel outside Venice that was very empty. They had a buffet breakfast, and I had the whole thing to myself for about 15 minutes until this Chinese family walked in. 

I don't take much notice of them as I'm busy assembling my sausage mountain, but I couldn't help but notice that the family had gone up to the counter and started to pick up whole tubs of food (not small ones). 

They then sit back down at their table and start eating. I swear the small kid ate about 50 boiled eggs and way too many baked beans.


11. Pack of Wolves

Once, my husband took me out with some people from his lab to a local BBQ place's All-You-Can-Eat Rib Night. I don't like ribs, so I ordered off the menu, but everyone else got the ribs, and they decided to have a rib-eating contest.

I don't remember how much the winner ate, but it was really impressive. While this group of people was snarfing ribs like a pack of starving wolves, a waiter came over with another plate and asked who needed more.

A waiter who was departing replied, 'Just throw them at the table. Someone will eat them.' It was one of the funniest things I had ever heard.


12. Self-Disappointment

A Chinese buffet in the UK that my friends and I frequently go to does fried bananas and syrup. One guy stacked a bowl full of them and then poured chicken noodle soup all over it. 

I was waiting behind him. What the hell? I think he realized his mistake, but you pay if you leave any food, as it's a small family business. 

I think he thought it was pancake rolls (like egg rolls). So he sat and ate it all with a very big disappointment in his face. It looked disgusting.


13. Just Wasting Cucumbers

I saw a man whom I now refer to as "cucumber fence ma.". At a stir fry place, whatever you can fit in the little metal bowl, they will stir fry with rice or noodles.

This man used cucumbers around the edge of the bowl vertically to allow more meat to fit in the bowl and have space for it.

When he got to the fry area, he told the man cooking to throw out the cucumbers as he did not want them. Simultaneously, my new hero and the most gluttonous thing I have ever witnessed.


14. A Big Mouth

I worked at a brunch buffet. There was this one guy who got nothing but a plate of pancakes and a bowl of butter. We are talking about a bowl full of butter that is cereal-size.

He had a spoon in one hand and a fork in the other. He would take a piece of pancake and put it in his mouth, then take a hefty spoonful of butter and put it in his mouth.

This was for a six-diner-size pancake, and every bite was a spoonful of butter as if he were eating the butter as if it were a side dish.


15. There is Always a Way

I was at a local Chinese buffet and sitting behind my family, and I was a Chinese family. They sat down right when we did. I'm not fluent in Mandarin, but I know a lot from my classes.

There was a little boy who wanted ice cream before his meal. The grandfather was yelling and smacking his hand, saying no.

The boy started crying and wailing, so to shut him up, they said he could eat the ice cream first, but only if he ate it with chopsticks. The funniest thing is seeing a plump little Chinese kid eating a mound of ice cream with chopsticks


16. Double up the price

I used to work at Whole Foods, and a woman came in with her small dog and put it in the child part of her cart. She goes to the buffet section, and as she looks, she starts to take small bits with her hands and gives them to her dog to sample.

She continues letting the dog lick her hand clean of various foods and puts it back in to grab more from the open tray.

Then she decides what she wants to eat and goes to get a box to fill it, but the dog starts whining because she stops feeding it, so she picks it up and straight puts it on the counter to eat out of the tray like a bowl.

It happened relatively quickly, and no staff saw it, but a customer came up front and told us a woman had a dog too close to the food, and we said, "Well, check" because service animals were common.

Then we checked the security camera later and realized the sheer level of "wth" going on all at once. All of the food was rotated out, and the lady's picture was on our "gross offender" wall.


17. Not This Time

In a buffet I worked at, it served all-you-can-eat shrimp cocktails (41-50's). She had a plastic shopping bag under her table.

She kept dropping shrimp in it every time she went back to her seat.

When she got up to leave, she hooked the bag in the front of her Walker.

She made it about halfway to the exit when the weight of the bag caused her Walker to tip forward, and her face planted right away.


18. Plateful of Oxygen

Not an employee, I was in a Chinese buffet and watched a 600+ pound man with his 400+ pound wife. He had 14 plates stacked, and she had 11 plates, counting the plates they were eating from.

It was disconcerting watching him drag his oxygen cylinder all the way back to the buffet part to load another full food on the plate.

I eat a fairly large meal at the Chinese place, sometimes even two plates of food. There is no way on earth I could eat the contents of 14 plates!


19. Unchewed Chicken

I was once the bartender at a hotel that had a wide range of food and an all-you-can-eat buffet. A waitress ran into the bar and asked me to help her with a guest. When I ran into the dining room, an enormous lady was gasping and wheezing at her table.

She must have been 300 pounds and was choking on some food. I reached around from behind her, lifted her up, and performed a Heimlich maneuver on her.

She heaved and spat out a huge chunk of half-chewed chicken right onto the carpet.

She promptly sat down, took a few breaths, and went back to shoveling food into her mouth without so much as a "thank you." I went back to the bar and watched her eat for another hour.

She tipped the waitress a dollar.


20. Skinless Chicken

At the Restaurant buffet next to my work, there is this huge couple that goes in from time to time. They must weigh at least 400 pounds each(no exaggeration).

Three words: Chicken Skin Buffett. If you look at their table, there will be a mountain of uneaten chicken. They pull off all the skin and leave the rest.

I've seen the manager remind them a couple of times that they have to eat what they get and not to be wasteful.

But they don't give a thing. Between the two of them, I've seen them go through 20 pcs of chicken. They might actually eat two pcs, and the rest is just harvested for their skin.


21. Gotta Get Em All

I had a "friend" follow a group of us to a little Chinese buffet. They had shrimp on the buffet, and the guy picked up the entire steamer tray and brought it back to the table.

No way, just like that episode of the Simpsons.

Thought it was a joke, and he proceeded to chow down on them, and to make sure they didn't take the tray back, he dumped a ton of sweet and sour sauce on all of them.

Yes, he was enormous, and he got banned from the place, which sadly wasn't his first restaurant. So many stories of this guy, so many sad, sad stories.


22. Maximizing Life

A crab leg night at the casino buffet. The casino would buy cases upon cases of crab legs, then charge $27.99 for the buffet. Frozen to "gourmet" as fast as the steamers would go.

People would wait in line for two hours to get a plate. Families would stand at the crab leg station waiting for the next dump refill from the kitchen.

One plate per person per trip. Double and triple strollers infants who couldn't roll over were counted towards the one-plate rule. Baby would get passed to the next family member - BAM, two plates.

Of course, when eating two plates of crab legs at a time, one is supposed to throw half the shells under the table as far as they can.


23. At Least He’s Happy

Growing up, my family loved the American buffet. I saw this super fat guy there once. He was sweating from the effort of eating so much. He finished a huge plate, grabbed at his stomach in pain, then took a breath for a minute and got up to head back to the buffet.

I watched him make another plate, and even though he was so clearly in pain from overeating about five minutes ago, he was so excited to be making another plate that he was visibly giddy. Smiling as he piled the plate up.

He then went back to the table and continued to eat and sweat. I can still remember what his face looked like, and it was about 15 years ago.


24. Double Trouble

In my high school years, I worked for a place that had an unlimited salad bar. Each night, like clockwork, these two older, skinny women would come in and pig out on salad.

After 15 minutes, they'd go to the ladies' room and barf it all up. Then they'd go load up at the salad bar again. This rinse-repeat cycle would go on 6 or 7 times. We called them the "Salad Bar Twins".

Eventually, the manager got tired of them freaking out the other patrons and asked them not to come back. From buddies who worked at other local restaurants, I found out that they went to all the establishments that offered an all-you-can-eat option.

They had different nicknames at each place: the "Bulimia Witches," "Puke Patrol," "Hurler Hags," etc. I guess it wasn't gluttony as much as mental illness.


25. Spoiled Kids

I work at one of my university's dining halls. It's not just one person's actions that I would consider gluttony, but it's really disgusting looking at how much food is wasted by the students.

People will ask for an entire plate of something that's about to run out, then eat two bites, and then throw the rest away.

I wish I could do something about the sheer amount of food waste, but there really isn't anything that we can do besides asking them to try and be mindful of it.


26. Bright Kid

My ten-year-old cousin probably did the craziest thing I've ever heard at an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet.

So he and his family were all at Niagara Falls, and in the hotel they were staying, there was a breakfast buffet on the lower floors that offered free breakfast for kids 13 years old or younger.

He woke up before anyone else did, went down to the buffet by himself, got a plate, and ate as much as he could for about half an hour before an employee came by and asked him where his family was.

He told her that there were ups and downs, and she told him to take her to their floor because he wasn't allowed to be there alone.

So they got on the elevator, he pushed a random floor button, they got to the floor, and the employee exited first. Right as she exited, he closed the door, went to his floor, and watched TV until his parents woke up.

They had no idea what happened until a week later when he told them.


27. Kids Own It

When we were in our early 20s, my buddy and I would go to Old Country Buffet (OCB) and take down three plates plus dessert. After a while, we learned not to use the make-your-own sundae bar.

Every single day, this group of Indian people would come in with a bunch of children, all between 3 and 7 or so. The kids would congregate around the sundae bar with ice cream cones and would dip and lick their ice creams, then dip and lick again.

We asked the staff about it, and they said it happens every single day. They tried to stop it once and had 20 screaming adults who all ended up calling the corporate office.

They tried to bring their own toppings to the table, but the kids refused to be far from the soft serve machine. We stopped eating the ice cream altogether after we saw one of the kids licking the spigot where the ice cream came out.


28. Using Book as a Distraction

Waited tables at a popular all-you-can-eat seafood buffet in Virginia. Started work at 3, and I had a quite obese couple come in as my first customers.

No biggie, it happens all the time. They ate three plates of food each, then took out hardcover books, each of them, and started to read and drink water.

After around 20 minutes, they went to the bathroom, one at a time, returned to the table, put their books away, and then hit the buffet again.

2 or 3 whopping plates each, then out came the books. They rinsed and repeated this process for 6 hours. They left me a $6 tip. I'm still pissed after 26 years.


29. A Great Plan

There was a story about this Sunday brunch buffet. It was a more upscale buffet that had all sorts of fancy crab legs and caviar, and at the end of the line was peel shrimp.

Well, this lady would fill up her plate with a lb or more of shrimp. She would get two plates, eat it all, go to the bathroom, get another two plates, eat it all, then go to the bathroom, and one more go around.

So roughly 5+ lb of shrimp. She did this for a few weeks until one day, one of the waitresses shortly followed her into the bathroom to find out she was puking in between her two plates.

The staff kept it to themselves, but one day, the owner was tired of this lady wasting his money. So he switches out the big shrimp bowl for this really tiny shrimp bowl.

It made it look like she was taking the whole thing when people saw that, they commented, which caused her to be embarrassed enough to leave without ever coming back. No happy or funny ending, just a girl binge-eating.


30. Beg For More

Asian seafood and sushi buffet employee of 5 years here. I could list so many things tbh. Customers will fill their entire tables with plates full of crab, shrimp, and oysters, eat for hours on end, and leave a huge mess, only to leave a $1 tip.

Sadly, this happens on a daily basis. Customers will literally follow you around while you're working, begging to bring out more food after you've told them several times they need to wait as they're still being prepared and cooked. Crabs and oysters, especially.

Just watching customers devour plate after plate after plate disgusts me, but that's what the point of a buffet is, I guess. In all honesty, I think what's more disgusting than gluttony in a buffet is the disrespect that we receive from customers and their justifications for it.


31. So Shellfish

I live next to a buffet and go there a lot. I once saw a woman who was easily 400 pounds literally eat the buffet's entire stock of shrimp.

This woman ate over 50 pounds of shrimp in one sitting, in about 40 minutes (that's usually how long I take to have a good meal.).

The buffet kicked her out when she got pissed there was no more shrimp, and she decided to go for crab instead. She was so greedy.


32. Conscious of the Flavor

I once went to Makkah with the rest of my family to perform the Umrah. We stayed at a hotel near the Famous Buffet. The food was absolutely delicious at the buffet.

The Arabs there would take plates upon plates with individual mountains of food on each of them. These plates would take up an entire table meant for six people, and the people eating them would be 2 or 3.

These people didn't even finish their food! They took only a bit from each plate and left the rest to waste. Never in all my life have I seen such a horrific waste of food. They even did this on a daily basis. This wasn't even one group, and there were many groups.


33. Lord of the Crabs

Visiting Vegas from the UK, my better half and I went to the buffet at the Venetian. It was a crash course in coronary disease.

Saw a guy cover a table in crab legs and stay there until it looked like he was some kind of crustacean doom lord who had wreaked a terrible vengeance on his servants.

The whole thing made me feel sick, and then having to spend another day in Vegas afterward was no better. The guy just made my vacation worse.


34. Fish Monster

There's an all-you-can-eat sushi place in Minnesota that has decent sushi. You pay for it, usually about 35 bucks a seat, and they do hibachi and stuff, too.

Anyway, I went there in my early college years with some friends, and one of the girls in my group ordered "100 pieces of salmon sashimi."

They thought she was joking, but she insisted. They said it was policy to only allow guests to order 30 items at a time (to prevent waste), so she asked for that. Four times.

Little girl, maybe 5 foot 2 and 110 lbs, soaking wet, and she put away 120 salmon sashimi and half that again in tuna. Usually, they made the plates up really decorative like sushi places usually do, but by her third plate, it was just a messy mountain of fish chunks.

Makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it.


35. Save some for Snacks

A lady was playing a slot when security walked up to her and asked if she had taken anything from the buffet when she was there.

She said no at first and then gave up after security said they had the footage. The lady had put an entire metal pan of bread pudding in her purse.

She gave them the bread pudding back and continued gambling without missing a beat like nothing ever happened. So hilarious.


36. Race of the Life

I'm not quite gluttony, but I remember going to a famous pizza place for the lunch buffet once. There was almost no pizza on the buffet when I got there.

After waiting about 10 minutes or so, a server brought out a couple of pies, and four large guys got up in unison from a table behind me and made a rush for the bar.

There wasn't even any point in me getting up. It was already empty. I had to wait for the next batch to have some food.


37. Plates Like Tower

I observed a woman whose booth should've had steel reinforcement. She had a pile of plates about shoulder-high (sitting down) and about 3 to 4 plates full of pizza she was working on.

We were waiting for the fresh cinnamon rolls, and we were going to pay and leave. We're not in a hurry because the place is empty, so we don't think anything of the lady walking up to the buffet.

Then we noticed she was trying to get the attention of the staff behind the buffet for extra whatever sauce goes on cinnamon rolls. When she turns around, we see that she has two plates piled HIGH with cinnamon rolls.

We go to get ours and realize she has taken them all. ALL. AN entire pizza-sized tray of cinnamon rolls with extra sauce. When we were paying, we asked about her, and apparently, she's a regular. Comes in, spends hours there, and eats probably 8 to 10 pizzas, plus a few trays of cinnamon rolls


38. A Specific Cravings

We had a lunch buffet that was all-you-can-eat, and one of the items on the line was Crab Puffs. Balls of cream cheese and crab meat wrapped in potsticker dough and deep fried.

Every day, This woman would come in at the beginning of the lunch hour, grab every crab puff in the buffet, and then proceed to bite all of them open.

Eventually, she would SUCK OUT the fried cream cheese. Wouldn't even eat the pot sticker wrappers and leave them hanging. So gross.


39. Wrong Restroom

We had a customer that would come in 2-3 times a week. He was on the skinny side, but he'd come in and eat tons of food, go to the restroom, then come out and eat tons more.

This went on for some time before we realized that he was purging himself in the restroom. My manager was really angry, not only about the food cost but the fact this guy posed a health hazard.

One day, the guy came in while my manager was there. The manager went into the men's room and just waited. Eventually, the guy came into the men's room and realized he'd been caught.

He ran into the lady's room, puked, and left, never to be seen again.


40. Not Carry It Home

Not an employee but a friend of a friend who used to go out with us to a local buffet place and bring Tupperware in his pockets.

In which he would fill it with food and take it home. It disgusted me, honestly, because he wasn't poor, and this was all he had or anything.

When asked about it, he said that he should be able to take as much home as he wants since he paid, and that's all he can eat. Needless to say, I was very happy when he stopped hanging out with our group.


41. Trouble Couple

I saw a guy get seven plates of food for himself. He only ate about three full plates, and that's not counting the three bowls of deserts he left after his wife stashed half a dozen cookies in her purse.

The business eventually closed because they weren't making any money due to all of the food that was wasted by the customers.

Customers had the nerve to complain about the prices always going up. Well, they wouldn't go up so fast if you wouldn't waste so much food.


42. Oyster Lover

Went to a Chinese buffet with some friends of friends, this guy got plates and plates of oysters. The plates were stacked cartoon-style on the table, like 20-25 plates, in 2 stacks.

He was a big dude, but I have no idea where he was putting them. We were in the place for HOURS.

The rest of our party, including myself, had been done eating about 20 minutes into our visit.

At one point, the kitchen came to a halt. The entire staff of the restaurant was lined up, just watching this guy eat like it was a contest. Other patrons were visibly disgusted. Safe to say, we never went out to eat with them again.


43. Very Hungry

There's a breakfast buffet I go to every weekend. They once had a Church Group show up, and they took over the entire ground floor, all 40 seats.

The staff started setting out the trays at ten to 11, and as soon as those first trays hit the table, all 40 of them got up, all at once, and started towards the buffet table.

The staff told them they were still setting up and that it wasn't ready yet, but they just completely ignored them and walked right past them. These people were scraping these trays out as soon as they hit the table.


44. The Chocolate Pudding

When I was 7 or 8, we went to a Chinese buffet, and all I wanted was chocolate pudding. My mom said I had to eat dinner first and loaded my plate up with cheap, greasy Chinese food.

I had finally eaten the amount she required for the pudding when suddenly, her face fell down hard onto her plate.

Nobody knew what was happening; she was out cold, so they called 9-1-1.

I sighed and felt very annoyed by my mother. When the paramedics arrived, I exclaimed, "What about my chocolate pudding?!" Everyone ignored me. By the way, she had had a bad reaction to all the MSG in the food and was fine.


45. Prawn Master

I saw four Chinese tourists in their early to mid-20s take plate after plate of prawns and peel them to the point they were stacking them directly on the table instead of the plates because the pile would no longer fit.

Probably about 5+ kilos of prawns. Take a bunch of pictures and selfies with the pile, then maybe eat about a fifth of the pile between them.

Then they leave the rest of them piled up on the table, just hanging there for the staff to throw away. It is like they have no manners.
