“That’s A Major Turn Off!”: People Share Tales Of Their Ended Crush Buzz

The majority of people once or currently have their crush. It’s a time when a person feels ecstatic and positive every time the person they admire is around. A good moment to feel butterflies and just look at them from afar. 

However, there are people who love to make a move to their crushes to take it to the next level. But sometimes, it doesn’t work that way, and ending up in the most horrible thing, just like these people.

1. Bad Habit

Thursday afternoon, I asked to have dinner and a movie date with a girl I had known for a little while. She agreed to set up a time to pick her up.

Everything was cool. Friday comes, and I will shoot her a quick text around noon to make sure we are still a go. 'Yup, see you at 6!' She was from out of town, so I had to take off work early and drive about 3 hours to meet her.

When I arrived at her place, no one was home, so I gave her a call. She answers, saying she forgot and is out with some friends.

Meanwhile, all I hear is a bunch of her friends giggling in the background. Obviously, I'm upset that I drove all the way out there for nothing, but I kept cool and said respectfully, "Ok, maybe next time."

Hung up, drove home, called up some friends, and got pissed drunk. Heard later from a mutual friend that she pulls this crap all the time.

Still have her as a Facebook friend, and she always complains that people don't don't do anything nice for her.

Tip for people out there: if you make plans with someone, don't flake out on them.


2. Revealed Lie

We were at dinner one night. The conversation wasn't flowing particularly smoothly. The bill came, and I reached for it. He thanked me and said he'd get it next time, that he had left his wallet at home.

When we hugged him, his wallet fell out of his coat. I saw at least a 50-dollar bill in there. He turned beat red, quickly got into his car, and sped off. This really happened.

He WAS the one to ask me to dinner. It was the first date. No, I'm not being sexist. I don't mind paying. In fact, I like to treat a man. And when I say quickly got into his car, I mean BOLTED.


3. Parent’s Boy

I got asked out by a cute guy wearing a leather motorcycle jacket, probably mid-20s, while I was waitressing. He was taking his Dad out to lunch at the time.

I thought, oh, how nice, challenging, and sensitive! He picked me up for coffee, showed up with a Hannah Montana T-shirt, and spent the first 20 minutes talking about how he was home-schooled.

Well, he loved that he still lived with his parents and that hanging out with his mom was better than going to college. Damn, did I read that vibe wrong?


4. Little Heartbreak

When I was in the 3rd grade, I had a massive crush on this guy named Robert. We went to Skateland for a school field trip, and I asked if I could buy him a soda.

He said no. I was hurt, as any 8-year-old girl would be.

But a half-hour later, I saw he had bought this girl Allie a soda. I'm pretty sure I ran into the bathroom and cried.

Anyway, I found my elementary school diary a few months ago and saw an entry I wrote from that night. All it said was, "Robert loves Allie. He doesn't love me. I am heartbroken."


5. Too Much Pride

I was asked out by a guy. I was interested, so we started planning to get dinner that night. I asked if he liked Thai food, and he said no, but he really liked to try new things.

We get to the restaurant, but he doesn't order anything.

Just sit and watch me push my food around my plate because now I feel too uncomfortable to eat. I went straight home after.

I don't get it. We could have done literally a dozen other things to go out and get to know each other that wouldn't have ended in him proving himself to have either no will of his own or be some kind of martyr to my refined palate.


6. Leaving Too Much Mess

I had a crush on this guy for SO long. He had a beard (check), loved coffee and beer (check and check), and could make me laugh (mega-check). He moved out of the state for a short while for work, but when he came back, I met him at a bar for his "returning home party."

Everything was going fine for the majority of the night; lots of flirting on his end. But he kept drinking. And drinking. And drinking some more. He ended up getting too drunk, and one of his friends asked me if I could give him a lift home. I said sure, why not.

Here's where the problems started. Homeboy wouldn't tell me where he lived, for one. In his defense, he may have just been super drunk and incoherent, but it was still frustrating.

I was housesitting for my grandmother at the time, so I told him he was welcome to crash into her guest bedroom and that I'd give him a ride home the next morning.

We get back to my grandmother's house. I pull into the garage, and without skipping a beat, my crush opens the door and just vomits ALL over the garage floor.

Better than the kitchen floor, but it was spreading, and by the time he was all done, it had reached the walls. So I took him inside, gave him a glass of water, and showed him the bathroom.

It was at least 3 am this time, so I was exhausted. I passed out in my grandmother's bedroom to the sound of my "crush" (he was slowly losing that title) spewing.

Fast forward to 6 am, and I wake up to my crush standing right next to the bed, staring at me, asking where he was. I explained and took him down to the guest bedroom; he had been sleeping on the bathroom floor.

When I went back upstairs to turn the light off in the bathroom, the smell hit me. Poop. The dude left a giant pile of unflushed poop mixed in with vomit. I gagged, flushed it, and went back to bed.

After I realized I had lost all attraction to this guy, I gave him a ride home. Didn't get an apology, but I did get a drool-filled, awkward kiss that I did not want. Then I came back and spent 2 hours cleaning up vomit (it was Christmas Eve, too). The end.


7. Major Regret

​​Well, in first grade, we had a "bring a rock to school day." It was for first-grade science; we were gonna draw on the sidewalk using the rock scrapings.

Naturally, being the best and brightest in my class of nose-picking doodie faces, I brought the best-looking and sharpest rock I could find in my backyard.

I made the mistake of showing the cutest and smartest girl (she could TIE her shoes) my awesome rock from the metal gods. She had brought this round, pathetic rock.

Anyways, when the time came to go outside for our little project, that devious cootie breeder told the teacher I had stolen her rock. Even brought out the fake tears.

So, despite my protests, I got stuck with her pathetic excuse for a rock, and she got my highest percentage of all rocks. Freaking liar.


8. Common Reason

Made plans about two weeks ahead of time, the day before we hung out, I texted her to see if it was still on, and she replied with Yeah.

The next day I was at the movies waiting for over an hour of no text or phone calls, and she wouldn't answer any of my. After an hour and a half, I just thought, "Screw it," and left.

Three hours later, when I was at home relaxing, trying to forget about the day, I got a text, “Oh, I’m sorry I went to dinner with my family” (same family. She's always complaining to me that she "hates").

I never bothered to reply. I was friends with her for a while, and her bday was coming up. She missed out on a really good present, and I went through a lot to get her.


9. Too Dependent

He nagged me for a movie date. I was a student/unemployed at the time. When I finally said yes, he said, “Can you cover for me?"

I said, "I'm sorry, I really can't. As you know, I don't work right now. I am happy to pay for myself or go when you can afford a ticket." He says, "No, no, it's okay. I'll work it out."

When we get there ready to buy our tickets, I go in first and pay for mine. He goes in after me and plays with his wallet, and mumbles, "... umm, I don't have money." I get angry and buy his. Enjoy the movie as if I'm watching alone. Never again.

I am happy to pay for someone. But it's just the way he did it. My current boyfriend and I always pay for each other, and I always insist on paying my share.


10. Daddy’s Clone

I got pretty serious with this guy, and I thought he was just the best thing since Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Until I met his family, his father always disrespected his mother.

She just took it and coddled the man and was blinded by his crap just because he'd had a heart attack and surgeries years before.

After visiting his family a few more times, I realized that he treated much in the way that his dad treated his mom. I couldn't have a different opinion than him because he would snap.

Everything I said that didn't sit well with him was cause enough to yell at me. If I wasn't speaking softly, I was gonna get yelled at.

Basically, if I spoke a word out of turn, he would snap. Bad day at work? I got yelled at. Lie to me? My fault. Didn't the food heat up right in the microwave? Yup, that, too.

When I confronted him, he said he knew I was treated unfairly and that he felt bad. He always claimed to love me; I just didn't know how to show it because it's not the way he was brought up. I understood that and believed it, and it went on longer than I'd care to admit.


11. Young Heart

I was 14 and had pined after her for about eight months. I had joined the choir to get close to her. I had started playing the violin so that I could be in music classes with her.

I was in love with her, and she knew it. Ok, so I made it kind of obvious, but I was trying to work up the courage to ask her out.

We were friends and in the same social group. Unfortunately, it had become a bit of a standing joke ("Has Danny asked her out yet??"), but the week before the school dance, I finally grew a pair.

I call her up, and the call goes like this, "Hi Kate, it's Danny." She said, "Oh hey," then I replied, "Hey.....um.....you know the dance is coming up next week at school?" Then she said, "Yeah....."

I was ecstatic and said, "Well, I was wondering if you are going?" She replied, "Yeah, I think so." I mustered up my courage and asked, "Would you.....um....like to ..... go with me?" *click*

She hung up on me! And it broke me down. It took me a week to ever be able to speak to her again, and it took me years to ask another girl out.

On the upside, at our 10-year school reunion, she actually apologized for "handling it so badly." I told her that I'd forgive her if she'd dance with me. And she did.


12. Sound Of Disgust

At the age of 12, I asked a girl to go to the 6th-grade Christmas Dance with me. She said, "Maybe." I knew what that meant then but still refused to give up hope completely.

A mere hour later, walking to class, she and her friend were talking, and her friend said, without knowing I was right behind them, "Are you going to the dance with him?"

My crush said, "Seriously? No way." It's been years, and I could not give less of a care about her anymore. It was somehow painful to hear.


13. Same Words

Met a guy a few days before he moved back to Finland. He called me 2- 3 times a week after, and he sent loads of texts and voicemails saying how much he liked me.

So I went to visit him. A few days later, nothing happened, although we had a fantastic time and were together constantly.

One night, he starts hitting on a girl in a bar, saying nearly exactly what he said to me a few months before. It dawned on me that it was just his weird way, and I wandered off to make out with a pilot from Continental Airlines. So, not all lost.


14. Not A Lovely Night

This guy got so hammered he couldn't think straight. He proceeded to push me and then proclaim to the bar that I had intentionally gotten him drunk and that I was a predator. I ended up leaving him at the bar.

Somehow, he got a cab and knew where I lived. I woke up to him pounding on my door and vomiting all over my porch, screaming about what a jerk I was. And then pleading for me to let him in.

I turned up the TV and went to sleep. Woke up to him passed out on my porch. He didn't remember anything from the night before.

I gave him a ride home just because I needed to get rid of him. He tried to give me a kiss and thank me for a lovely evening. If that was a lovely evening, I don't want to know what he thought a bad one was.


15. Not A Bookworm

He said, "I don't read books, ever, at all." We were talking about learning just for the sake of learning. He thinks it's a waste of time to put effort into learning something you don't necessarily NEED to know.

It was more than just not reading. It was his absolute lack of desire to learn, explore, and grow that was a huge turn-off.

He is perfectly happy without knowing anything. I just can't understand or relate to that. So, I considered it as a major turn-off for me.


16. Other Woman

I had the hugest crush ever on this one guy from ages 16-18. Like an asthma attack-inducing, name-doodling, poetry-inspiring, nearly fainting whenever he talked to me kind of crush.

I was absolutely in LOVE with this guy. Our friends eventually tried to hook us up, and we got as far as cuddling on a couch at a party one night, but I was painfully shy, and it didn't go any further.

A few days later, at another party, I had steeled my nerves and was ready to go for it when I saw him pull this other girl into his bedroom by the hand. I asked one of his friends who she was & he replied, "Oh, that's just some girl he's been making out with.”

My stomach fell out of my soul, and I felt like I was gonna throw up. Heartbroken, the crush era ended. I made sure my best friend had a ride home and left.


17. Wrong Idea

I used to like this guy in my junior year of HS and then proceeded to forget about him after that. One day, maybe a junior or senior year of college, I had some sort of virus or something that sent out emails or IMs to part of my contacts list.

I accidentally sent invites to every single person in my address book...

Anyway, I was unaware this happened until he messaged me back, saying I was a creepy stalker. He couldn't believe I was still hung up on him for all these years and to leave him alone.

It was a really vitriolic message if I remember correctly. The weirdest thing is that we only ever had one class together in HS, and I invited him to hang out outside of the class once. And then I never bothered him again.


18. Fate’s Reason

I had an opportunity to flirt with a friend that I was interested in while I was still dating my ex. She had been a friend to me before I was in a relationship, but we never pushed through because she was attached, and then I was attached.

It was just bad timing; we were both interested in being more than friends and didn't want to gamble with our respective relationships.

We eventually lost touch, but she was never far from my thoughts. Years later, we ran into each other. Had a day of laughs and went back to her place.

We discussed our past frustrations and how we never got to be together. She admittedly had regret, and so did I. While we were sitting there, I started to become aware of the reality.

We are about to jump into each other. Then, I notice there are children's toys in the next room and a freaking gun rack. That belonged to her baby-daddy, who was away.

I couldn't even look at her. I got the hell out of there. I was ready to be a father to her kids; I loved that girl. But I guess it really WAS all for the best in the end.


19. That Typa Girl

I had been on this girl's flirt for like two years, starting freshman year, and she knew it. She flirted with me in a very strange way, and for some reason, I just fell head over heels for her.

I had a few weird little flings during that time, but it always came back to her for whatever reason. Two years pass, and she breaks up with her boyfriend, and I'm guaranteed to be able to be with her. I don't know why.

She was sort of out of my league. Anyway, all I really had to do was go on a few dates with her/ask her out, and it would be smooth sailing from there.

I go to hang out with her, and the minute I get in her car, she goes from smart/intelligent to dumb witch, a typical high school girl.

Like a total of 180 changes in personality. Even though she was (and still is, goddamnit) hot as heck, I told her I had to leave early that night, and I've maintained the crappiest of contact with her over the past few years.

I learned recently that she would go to parties and stay completely sober and try to sleep with the drunkest guy there at the end of the night. She's also sort of insane, so I guess I dodged a pretty big bullet. I've never gotten over a girl so quickly.


20. A Huge Absurd Jerk

We went out to dinner, and he didn't leave a tip when he paid. We were at a nice seafood restaurant and were there for two hours.

He was charming but also had an assholey humor. I don't mind it, as long as you can take what you dish out...anyhow, he didn't leave a tip, and I asked him if I was covering it.

I've offered before, but most of my dates weren't bragging about how much money they make. He said, “Naw honey, servers get paid well enough to do almost nothing. This broad barely spoke to us!"

Now....I'm in the food industry. I've busses, hosted, catered...I live on my tips, and when it's busy, I'm busting my ass. I told him to call me a cab and head home.

His response was, "Aww, what the heck, I paid for dinner!" "I said well, I need to make sure the server can pay for hers. Screw you, and don't call me."

He left, cussed out the valet, and drove off. The server called me a cab and paid for it. She came over to thank me and wouldn't take my tip.

"What you stood for was good enough, but I have this job for spending money. I'm not struggling, but a lot of people are, so thanks." Feels good, man.


21. Pissful Night

Girl I had a crush on in high school, we will call her Kasey. She was pretty, tall, pale, dark hair, and I had a crush on her since freshman year.

Towards the end of senior year, a mutual friend asked if I was gonna go to a party he was having. Now, this dude's parties are always huge, with 50+ people in his tiny house. 

Anyway, I knew Kasey was going, and this was my one shot at telling her how I felt. So, I went to the party and met up with her shortly after I arrived. 

We hung out, had a few drinks, played beer pong, and had a really good time. As the night went on, we got pretty drunk, and as the party died down, we decided to lay on the couch. 

We cuddled a bit and talked, usually slurring, "You're so nice, you're my favorite person," etc. Drunk talk. And then I did it. I told her I really liked her and I had for a while. 

She smiled at me, was silent for a moment, and told me she felt the same way. I was ecstatic. I couldn't believe that she felt this way about me, too. She turned to me and kissed me. 

I was in high school heaven. As we made out for a minute, she wrapped her leg over me. Holy molly, Is this going where I think it's going?

No. She pissed all over me. She pissed all over me, the couch, her white jeans, it was more piss than I ever thought someone was capable of pissing. When I felt how warm it was, it took me right out of it.

I noticed there were people watching us and saw everything. She broke the kiss, looked down, and drunkenly asked, "Did you pee?" And that was the end of that.

I had to spend the last two months of high school as that guy who got pissed on.


22. Made Up Excuses

When I was about 16, I made the mistake of telling her I liked her. I then asked her if she would like to go out sometime, and she said she was waiting for college.

I knew what it meant, but I didn't get too upset.

What really made me upset was that just a few weeks later, she went out with one of the biggest jerks in the whole school.

I confronted her. She said, "You should have told me something. You had your chance." From that moment on, I hated her guts, and deep down, I wished they both vanished. Of course, I don't wish that now, but I still dislike her.


23. Athletic Soul

I was an awkward tomboy in elementary school and liked playing basketball and football with the guys, but for a time, they didn't mind.

I was fast and tough and could throw and shoot, so it was okay for a while. One of the boys I had a crush on was part of a group of young "jocks" who were starting to develop attitudes and began to think there was something wrong with a girl wanting to play sports with them.

I was the only one, after all. One day, the boy I was crushing on stopped midstride on the way to the basketball court, turned to me, and said, "Don't play with us anymore."

My poor little heart was broken--I thought he was cute, but I really wanted to play sports with the guys!

He grew up into quite a jerk, so I guess, in a way, he saved me some trouble before we got into middle school, and the hormones really went full steam.


24. The Savior

In my freshman year in high school, I was crushing hard on a sophomore in my math class. I knew he wasn't the smartest guy around, but man, was he attractive.

Then, out of the blue, one day, he shouted across the classroom that he had a dream where I rescued him from a burning building in a Superman-esque costume.

Rather emphatically said that the only difference was that I had an "O" instead of an "S," and the outside underwear that Superman wears, for some reason, was pink, as opposed to red. I noped so hard out of that.


25. After A Long Time

I had a crush on this girl since the 4th grade. She had the most gorgeous smile any person could ever have. I never spoke with her, though it felt like I had grown up with her because, for eight years, we have had the same classes year after year.

Every morning, I woke up excited for school because I knew I was going to see her, yet at the same time, it was agonizing because she didn't know who I was.

Even at prom, when I took another girl, I couldn't help but feel sadness while watching her have a good time with another guy. When graduation came around, I finally got the courage to talk to her and asked her to sign my yearbook.

She wrote, "Have a great summer." I never knew four words would give me such joy. It was the first and only time I would speak to her.

I work as a registration at an emergency room, and one night, I was reading a paramedic run sheet when my heart almost pounded out of my chest. It was her name and birth date!

I needed to go and speak with her to complete my registration, ask for insurance, etc. I was breathing heavily, my heart was racing, and my hands were sweating as I made my way down the hall towards her room.

When I knocked and came into the room, I never could have imagined what I saw as I opened the door. It was really her, yet not her. She was dirty, looked malnourished, had track lines, and was mumbling words to the doctor through the remaining few teeth she had left.

It was the biggest what the heck moment in my life. It felt like I had a straight flush, and just when I was about to grab my chips, the douchebag across the table slapped down a royal flush. When she was in the emergency room, all I was thinking was that I hoped she didn't recognize me.


26. Mind Capability

He turned out to be a bad speller and writer. Dude cannot write a proper sentence. He misuses words. Actually, I had a crush on the guy for years until we became friends on Facebook.

I noped out of that crush in less than a day after reading his updates. I've since realized just how important an extensive vocabulary, spelling, and writing are to me.

It's actually the #1 thing I look for now in a potential s/o, way way more important than looks.

It's just not going to work out if I have to explain to you every day what words that would be on an elementary school kid's vocab list mean. I could potentially excuse ESL students if they are otherwise intelligent.


27. Messages Of Regrets

I liked this girl in my 10th-grade year of High School who was in an Anime Club I attended. I fell asleep early one night because I was sick, and she sent me a series of texts that I awoke to find the following day.

The first one I saw, which happened to be the last text she sent, read, "Hehe, jk :)" Confused, I went back to start reading from the beginning. Six texts in total.

The first few were flirty, asking how I was doing, and the third saying, "I love your MySpace pic hehe" or some crap. Then the 5th said, "REPLY OR I'LL RIP YOU OFF WITH MY TEETH!"

Startled, I threw my phone across the room. Yeah, that witch was crazy. Looked her up on Facebook recently and discovered that, what do you know, she still is.


28. The Tattoo

There was this one girl that I was crushing on this past summer. I was totally breaking my rules because she was doing the "hard to get" thing I usually don't deal with.

We started dating, and I found the stupidest lower back tattoo I've ever seen. I like to think that the countdown timer for that relationship started at that moment.

The tattoo was an orange circle with an elongated infinity symbol over it, and on the top, it said, "My love goes free..." and underneath, it said, "So it goes."


29. The ‘Smart’ Girl

I had a crush on one of the "popular" girls in high school. She was very attractive, but she was also smart and did really well in school.

Well, she seemed like a decent person, too. She wasn't snobby or bratty.

One day in class, though, I saw her blatantly cheating during a test.

Maybe it's not a big deal to some, but it kind of shattered this smart, good-girl persona that I imagined her having. I sort of lost interest after that.


30. The Newest Middleman

I was attending a wedding with a friend. I was having a horrible night because it seemed everyone was finding persons to sleep with except me when I noticed my crush from across the room talking to some people.

I made my way over and made small talk. She seemed happy to see me, and we had deep discussions about documentaries and other topical topics.

I invited her to my hotel room to listen to music, and she agreed to come if only she could be the DJ. When we arrived, she said she forgot to say goodbye to a couple of friends and said she'd be right back.

I spiffed up the room, took a quick shower, changed my clothes, and waited on the chair for her to return. I wound up falling asleep and waking up to the sound of her knocking. A few hours passed.

She sheepishly apologized and said she got carried away talking to some friends. We started drinking and making small talk, and my heart beat fast as I was finally alone in this nice hotel room with my crush.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. My crush said that Paul was there and excitedly got up to answer the door. So this guy Paul comes in and claims he's Kanye West's DJ.

He acts like a total douche, asking me to refill his drinks and order room service on my dime. I can tell he's flirting a bit with my girl, but I can't tell if he's just a friend.

After about an hour of banter, my crush asked me if she could have some alone time with Paul to work out a couple of issues. I left the room in a fit of disappointment, but I let her have time with Paul.


31. Her Witchcrafts

This chick and I were tight; we had been the best of friends since junior high, and at the end of high school, I got serious with her.

I was head over heels for this woman, and although I kept telling myself I should stay away from her, I disregarded my gut feeling.

I went ham, we had dates, and we made out. It was incredible. Then she started dating my childhood friend. We started hanging out less.

Eventually, my childhood friend became a jerk to me and this other friend of mine. So, the girl starts cheating on my best friend... with my other best friend.

I went nuts.

I have since shunned her. She actually texted me the other day, and I busted out crying. It had felt so right, and for years, we had been so close, and almost instantly, it was lost.

I should have stopped it, I could have stopped it, and I lost three long-time friends.


32. Weird Knowledge

She was insisting blood was blue in your body before it was oxidized. She even said, "That's why it's blue when the doctor draws your blood."

I asked if she had ever got blood taken, and she said no. I sent her an article showing the myth, and she accidentally sent me a raging text in Mandarin (she's Chinese).

I translated it, and the whole thing was saying things like, "I’m an idiot, and I still think I'm so much smarter than him." Damn shame, too, she was really nice. She did things like that a couple of times afterward, too.


33. Not my Cup of Tea

In my freshman year of college, I started hanging out with this guy I liked with the intention of dating him. We both knew it was moving in that direction, and we acknowledged our mutual attraction.

Then, one day, he gave me a brief story about all his previous girlfriends and almost-girlfriends, just during the course of a conversation.

That was all fine and dandy before he threw in the line, "I think it's really unfair and horrible of a girl to lead a guy on and date him when she has no intention of marrying him." I noped out of there as fast as I could manage after that. No regrets.


34. No More Third

Two days after our first date, she called me and said she'd like to come hang out. I say sure, and she comes to my apartment. When I open the door, I realize she's absolutely drunk and can barely stand up.

She makes a pass at me, and I sort of dodge around, and she calls me a "jerk" for not wanting to get it on right then and there.

I'm a musician and have a really expensive banjo (the nicest thing I own, the primary instrument, and the thing that supplements my income), but she falls down on it. Straight on it.

She splinters her neck joint. I'm incredibly pissed, and I sit her down and call a cab. By the time the cab arrived, she had absolutely blacked out, so I couldn't possibly get her in it.

So, I put her to bed in my bed (why, I dunno) and slept on the couch. The next morning, she wakes up and says, "What did I do?" and then (here's the kicker), "What's your name again?" I show her the door, and she's upset, saying that she "really likes me." Instant turn-off.


35. No Good

Asked me what kind of car I drove. I answered. She said something like, "Oh, really, that's no good." The exchange kind of took me aback, so I did the raised eyebrow look.

She then was like, "Oh, it was a joke, a joke!" but my friend had warned me about her and that kind of behavior, and somehow she had found out that I wasn't poor.

That's why I assumed she was asking, to find out just how poor I wasn't. Unfortunately for her, my car was not a good indicator of that. So, I kind of excused myself (this was at a club/bar) and did my own thing.

There was an after-party, so my friend and I drove over there. She wound up there, too. She said, "Why didn't you offer me a ride?"

I said that I couldn't find her, but in reality, I figured she didn't want to ride in my crappy car (it wasn't crappy, just not luxury class) or whatever.

She headed off that one and said she was joking about the car again. It was just too awkward to continue. I didn't have great self-esteem then (and still don't too much), so I wasn't really sure what the intentions were.

I found out later that she actually liked me and that she felt bad for messing that up. So, then I kind of felt bad, but it was done at that point, so what can you do?


36. Have Respect

He was horribly rude to a waiter. Back off, man, why would you do that? Those people are working in one of the most thankless jobs in existence.

They're on their feet all day, get treated like crap, and get crap pay. Why do you need to be a jerk to them? It was an instant turn, and I never spoke to him again.

I always make it a point to be extremely polite and pleasant with waitstaff, even if they have an attitude, because they're probably just having a crappy day, and I can't say I blame them.


37. It’s The Toenails

I was dating this brilliant man. He was wonderful in so many ways. We'd dated a few times. This was my planned intimate encounter and sleepover at his house in the hills. I'd drive 2 hours one day to get there.

Things were going swimmingly, and we'd spent the day in his pool. Now, we were relaxing with some movies and snack foods. I hadn't noticed his feet in the pool. He asked me if I'd rub lotion on his feet, and I said sure.

He put his feet in my lap, and his nails were incredibly long, yellow, curved, cracked, broken, and twisted, and they were just about the most appalling things I'd ever seen. His feet were dry and scaly and cracked as well.

I don't begrudge the poor guy some kind of fungal foot rot problem, but to know they looked that bad and to ask a date to rub lotion on them prior to a night of romance by plopping these jungle-esque feet in my face -- I thought that was a major red flag.

Instant and permanent turn-off. They even clicked on his hardwood floors, just like a dog, when he walked around, to and from the kitchen, because they were so long they curved down and hit the floor.

It was like listening to a dog scamper around in the kitchen.

He was still playing the "I'm a gentleman card" even as night drew to a close. He said, "Well, here is my room and my guest room. Of course, I want you with me, but please sleep where you feel most comfortable."

Enter problem number two. If it wasn't bad enough to know he'd likely shred my shins to ribbons with those nails, he hadn't made up his bed very nicely. It was all rumpled, and I could tell he'd just throw the covers over it.

The dog (arguably cute but still a dog) was snoring and drooling in the middle of it. Dog Hair was all over the bed and pillows.

Meanwhile, I could tell the guest room was clean and well-made, with sheets that looked as if they hadn't been touched in a long time.

I said, "I appreciate you respecting me with the option -- I'll take this lovely and inviting guest room." His face fell to the floor.

He said, "I understand, okay." He gave me this sad kiss goodnight on my cheek and trudged off down the hall, and we each went to bed alone.

He never asked me why. Should I have told him, "Your toenails are creeping me out, and you didn't even bother making up the master bed knowing I was coming for an overnight visit?" I don't know.

I left the next morning and never saw him in person again. We emailed a few times, but his feelings were quite hurt, and I never had the heart to bring up why.


38. Her Type

This girl started hanging out with my circle of friends. She was weird. Weird, funny, and smart, and we hung out just the two of us a couple of times.

I realized I was crazy about her, and I got the idea that she might feel the same way. I decided to let her know how I felt and pick her up from the beach after sunset.

There's this sixty-year-old hippie who hangs out at the beach, and the guy needs a ride, so I give him one across town, and as he gets out of my car, the girl casually kisses him.

Just for a few seconds, but kind of open-mouthed. She said see ya, and the old hippie absconded. I'm unsure what happened next, but I may have left her company abruptly.

Years pass. I'm in my twenties at the bar for a going away party the night before I leave my hometown to move thousands of miles away.

She comes out of nowhere, walks right up to me, and says, "You didn't tell me you were leaving." - of course, I hadn't because I had not seen her for years, not since the night she kissed that old hippie - and then she kissed me.

Time slows. The room spins. I forget everything and everyone, and we're alone and still kissing, and I can't really think of where or how.

Then we're not kissing, and still in the bar, and she walks away wordlessly, and I never see her again.


39. The Gift

When I was in high school, I bought a girl a large bottle of her favorite scented lotion for Christmas. The bottle was a polar bear wearing a red scarf.

I spent a decent amount and thought she'd really enjoy it. She loved it when I gave it to her. Immediately used some and bragged to her friends.

The next day, I arrived at school and opened my locker to put my books away.

On the inside of the locker was a disposable razor blade with a note that read, "I loved the gift you gave me, but it would be nice if you would just shave your dirty beard once in a while! Lol JK JK, but seriously!"

Her next boyfriend at the New Year's Eve party is a skinny, WoW-playing neckbeard. Made no sense. I still laugh about it to this day.


40. Double Smile

I had a huge crush on a guy I used to see all the time. He never smiled, and when he talked, it was like he barely opened his mouth and was very hushed.

I found it mysterious and intriguing. And then one day. I was sitting down, and he was standing near me, talking to someone else.

I was watching his mouth as usual. I caught a glimpse inside. On the roof of his mouth, behind his two front teeth, was another set of two front teeth!


41. Immature Bro

So, a few weeks ago, I was on a casual date with this cute girl in calculus class. It was bowling with her, her friends, and, unfortunately, her brother.

Now, for reference, her brother is a 25-year-old college dropout. So, as the date progressed, her brother started grilling me like a hamburger, asking me about my affiliation, what party I was, and that kind of thing.

At the time, the grilling didn't bother me as much as it should have (afterward, I realized how weird it was), so I didn't leave and stayed for dinner after bowling.

At dinner, somehow, the conversation about marriage comes up (which was a red flag I ignored), and I find out that she doesn't want to kiss anyone until she is married (another red flag I ignored at the time).

Also, during dinner, her brother displays that he has the social maturity of a 14-year-old (for example, he took one end off a straw covering and blew into the straw, shooting the covering at some poor guy. Also, he hit the waitress excessively). That was the final red flag for me, and I politely left after dinner.


42. Sticky Lady

There was a very beautiful lady I would see during my commute every morning before I was married. She was always dressed very well in a professional outfit that flattered her figure.

I was on basic speaking terms with her, the hello/good morning routine. I was working up my courage for the old 'care for a cup of coffee' gambit.

Before I could scrape up the courage, I saw her walking along the opposite street one day when she paused to do something that completely ruined it for me.

She stopped, placed one thumb over one nostril, and blew out a long, ropy snot snake from the other nostril. But it wouldn't go quietly.

It shuddered and danced as she blew, like the world's worst party favor. It would not go quietly into that good night. Finally, she used the other hand to snag it at the base, tear loose its anchoring roots, and throw it cruelly to the ground.

Doubtless, the next kid who chanced upon it would not have to buy any chewing gum for the next week. I never felt the urge to ask her out ever again.


43. The Bumps

In my freshman year, there was a girl I really liked who, it turned out, also liked me. Overall, she was very cute — funny, wicked smart, with a great body and a nice face — but she did have moderately bad acne.

On our way back from a party (we lived in the same dorm), we stopped and started kissing in the middle of the freshman quad.

It would be the first (and last) time we made out. I still remember it with a clarity that is both dreamlike and yet all too real. An enormous pimple just below her lower lip — the kind that, from close up, looks like a volcano — burst in my mouth as we were kissing.

I didn't say anything. I ate the pimple-detritus. It tasted slightly salty and slightly sour. I continued making out with her. She had no idea what had happened. But I knew.


44. Bully Plan

In 4th grade, I had a crush on this girl in my class. She passed me some notes saying she liked me and wanted to meet me after school.

She initiated that. I was content to keep my crush a secret, as I was nine then, and everyone else my age seemed to still think girls were gross.

When I got there, this jerk from our class was there with two lackeys, and they pelted me with ice balls.

She and the jerk were laughing at each other when she was passing the notes.

When I saw him, I immediately realized they came up with the idea together just to be douchebags. I completely lost interest in her...and for the rest of my life, I've been skeptical of any girl who seemed interested in me.

It sounds trivial, but crap like that really does leave scars.


45. Too Harsh

We went to a fairly big school, and I'd never spoken to her as we'd never had a class together or even mutual friends. There was just something about the way she looked that I couldn't get out of my head.

I'd dream about her but didn't have the stones to just go up to her at school and talk to her.

New semester comes, and I walk into French class, and voilà! There she is. I spied a seat open that was a strategically optimal one spot behind and to her left and headed for it, giving her a glance and casual smile as I passed.

Playing it cool, of course.

The teacher wasn't in yet, and the first thing I hear is her gabbing with a friend...not quietly, mind you. It took all of 10 seconds to realize the folly of my emotions.

She was bagging on everybody as if they were ten notches below her and didn't seem to care if anyone could hear. "OMG, she's so ugly," "OMG, he's so short," "OMG, did you see what she was wearing last Saturday?" "OMG...."

She was the first person I ever put the 'C' label on. The next day, I sat two rows over and never saw her in the same light. She was mean.
