Susan Collins Says She's Not Voting For Donald Trump or Joe Biden

During an event in Maine on Friday, Susan Collins revealed that she would not be voting for Donald Trump or Joe Biden but would write in a candidate instead. 

Collins has long been seen as one of the more moderate Republicans in the Senate. She did face criticism during Trump's time in office for taking him at his word too often. Still, it is clear that the Maine Republican is no fan of the man who stands at the head of her party. 

On Friday, Collins held an event in Limerick, Maine. When asked about her vote, she said, “Ultimately, I have to do what I think is right. I publicly endorsed Nikki Haley, and I wanted her to win. She’s still my favorite candidate, and I think she could do a great job. She’s my choice, and that’s how I’m going to express it."

During the event, Collins was also asked for her take on Joe Biden's debate performance from two weeks ago. She responded:

"When I watched the debate, I felt a sense of sadness because I think all of us have had the experience when a loved one or a coworker or a close friend and had seen cognitive decline. We know that it doesn't get better."