Matthew McConaughey Appears With Governors, Calls for Focused Leaders

Matthew McConaughey appeared with Governors Spencer Cox and Jared Polis this week to talk about civility in the political landscape.

McConaughey is obviously a prominent entertainer, but has also been willing to talk about key issues over the course of his career. Unlike many of his peers, the actor doesn't seem overly partial to one side and more interested in finding common ground. 

Cox is a Republican, though he has stated that he won't vote for Donald Trump and Polis is a Democrat. During the event, McConaughey explained:

"This doesn’t need to be, so the adults in the room, I’ve heard that term thrown around. Yes, the adults in the room. Don’t look, don’t allow, you know, we so much of America almost wants to watch the car wreck because we believe. Hey, but but our leadership and especially in government, do not need to look like an episode of Real Housewives. When we negotiate, when we negotiate, and when we when we resolve. And sometimes that’s what comes off. And as we know, that’s also what’s going to be promoted. That’s what’s going to get the most likes."

The award-winning actor continued:

"That’s what’s going to be watched the most. So how do we how do you negotiate the right way with decency? And how do you show that two sides can at least understand the other side and still walk away going? I hear we coming from I disagree on this point, but I hear where you’re coming from. How do we how do we market that? How do we sell that? How do we sell that? Is one healthy but also sexy and also fun and also the way forward."