Sergeant Punished This Soldier After She Told Him She Was Pregnant

She Had To Walk 12 Miles

She was stunned. She gazed at the man with disbelief, her mouth agape. Was he truly blaming her for becoming pregnant? Was the penalty he was suggesting really necessary?

Captain Amy Price was astounded. The Sergeant shared liability for this situation, however he was penalizing her, making her hike twelve miles. She would make him regret challenging her.

Big Dreams

Amy Price was nurtured in a humble village, and she entertained lofty aspirations throughout her childhood. She had desired to enlist in the armed forces for as far back as she can recall, and eventually her ambition materialized.

For the longest time, she had been getting ready for this moment. She thought she was ready for anything that might stand in her path. Little did she know, one person was about to destroy all of her hard work.

Working Hard

Amy was certain of what she needed to do in order to gain entry into her ideal branch. She put in many hours of hard work and at the end she was triumphant on all her examinations. She was succeeding in realizing her ambition.

She worked hard to be the best in her course and it was certain that she would get in.

A Tough Decision

At last, the opportunity was here for her ambition to be fulfilled, yet she still had a critical choice to make.

She had been captivated by the concept of aviation for a while, so the Air Force was her most obvious option. However, as time went by, she discovered another branch that sparked her curiosity. She now needed to pick between the Navy and the Air Force. Before settling on one, she determined it was wise to get more information.

Taking The Leap

At 19 years old, Amy concluded it was time to do something big. She got in touch with a couple of military recruiters to get all the essential details.

She made up her mind that the Air Force was the perfect selection. She was just about to make her way back home when a loud voice caused her to halt in her tracks.

The Man

The person who had a baritone intonation was from the Military, however he did not have a great enthusiasm for convincing her to be a part of his group. He had some sarcastic comments to say to Amy.

Amy heard him out; she had already determined her course of action. But then, the man uttered something totally unexpected, and she felt she couldn't disregard it, "You are too young for the military.

Competitive Nature

Amy was determined not to be defeated. Her competitive spirit kicked in and she was ready to prove her worth. Nothing would stop her from achieving her goal. 

She enrolled in the military right away, shocking the impertinent man. He was going to be sorry for not recognizing Amy's capabilities.

It Was Hard

Only a short time after she began her education, Amy started to ask herself if she had chosen correctly. The instruction was much more difficult than she had anticipated; it almost caused her to give up multiple times.

However, her vanity kept her in check. She was committed to continuing onward. Unfortunately, this was only one of the issues she was faced with.

Men Only

In general, when you consider the Army, you usually assume that it is a male-only environment, and the people on Amy's team continuously reminded her of that.

They were unaware that their actions were only increasing Amy's ambition. She was intent on demonstrating that a female could compete with them. Unfortunately, she was heading in the wrong direction.

Under Pressure

As time went on, Amy made sure to defeat any challenge that came her way. The job presented her with many difficulties, as well as her difficult coworkers.

No matter how much effort they put into trying to hinder her, she only improved. She was doing well while under strain; it was precisely what she needed to excel.

Pushing Herself To The Limit

Amy exerted a great deal of effort at times, and her body would often signal to her that she had exceeded her limits.

Despite her inner fragility, she was determined to not show any signs of feeble-mindedness in front of anyone. When she was by herself, she allowed her emotions to take over and she was able to be her true self. As a result, she earned a great deal of respect.

Climbing The Ladder

Amy advanced faster than most, and eventually gained a spot in Special Ops, where she became the leader of her own group.

She felt that every hope she had ever had was being fulfilled. Folks praised her for her resolute pursuit of them. Unbeknownst to many, Amy had a covert problem that could possibly prove disastrous.

A Secret Affair

Not long after Amy was given the rank of Captain, she began a romantic relationship with the Sergeant. They had crossed paths on a task, and Amy was quickly charmed by the attractive man.

Their bond strengthened as time passed, and Amy believed that they had a strong commitment. Nevertheless, the Sergeant had different intentions and would often reveal his true nature in unfortunate situations.

Mutual Understanding

At the beginning of their affair, the Sergeant made an agreement with Amy which he specified precisely. Keeping their liaison a secret was essential, as it could result in the Sergeant getting sacked.

Amy comprehended the explanation and cheerfully accepted his offer. She never imagined that these rules would cause her to lose all of the things she cherished.

One Tough Day

The warriors anticipated a challenging period ahead. Despite the numerous difficulties they faced while out in the combat zone, there was one particular day that made them all quake with trepidation.

Every year, the March was dreaded by all. It was so difficult that even the bullies who had been tormenting Amy were unwilling to take part. Despite this, it was an unavoidable event.

The Annual March

Every year, the march was a very difficult challenge to pass that made sure every soldier stayed in good shape. If someone could not manage to pass, they had to go back to the beginning and practice again.

All were terrified, for the mission was created to challenge everyone to the max, and not every person was successful. But Amy was not scared, she was aware of the task ahead, and she had been preparing for it.

She Had Been Preparing For Months

Amy was determined not to fail her Annual March like she did the first time, so she made a point to dedicate at least sixty minutes of each day to physical activity.

Amy was motivated to work extra hard this year because the top three soldiers were to be rewarded, and she was determined to be one of them.

Eye On The Prize

Amy had worked hard to win a reward that included a monetary award, and she wanted to use it to purchase items for her new home. She was not going to let the opportunity pass her by.

This year, she dedicated a greater amount of effort to her preparation, and was in the best shape of her life. She was certain she would come out on top, however, an unforeseen event occurred that demolished all of her expectations.

Hotter Than Usual

At the beginning of the day, before the sun had risen, the Annual March began. As soon as the sun was up, it was obvious that it was going to be much hotter than anticipated.

The thermometer kept going up and soon every soldier wearing full uniform was feeling the heat. Their speed decreased rapidly and eventually, some of them stopped completely.

Completely Exhausted

The troops were evacuating the gathering because they were too exhausted to continue. Nevertheless, some of them kept pushing forward, but eventually gave in and fell.

Amy was feeling the strain, but she was determined to keep going despite knowing it was a mistake. She was captivated by the prospect of the prize and disregarded the possible repercussions. She was almost at the end, she had to keep going.

She Collapsed

Amy had her eyes on the end goal when her sight began to blur. She attempted to make it better by closing her eyes, but it only became more hazy.

She felt herself falling, and her vision became blurry. Suddenly, she was surrounded by black spots and soon enough, she was in total darkness. Her legs couldn't hold her up anymore, and all she could recall after that was nothing.

Medical Attention

Amy emerged from her slumber in the medical facility. There was no one around besides the apparatus that was pumping saline into her veins.

She was in the dark about who had rescued her and how she ended up in the medical center, but one thing was certain, she had not won the competition, which made her unhappy. She continuously reevaluated the last few moments in her head and reprimanded herself for not taking those last few strides.

A Shocking Discovery

Amy was still somewhat distressed when the physician entered her chamber to give his report. The doctor sat beside the bed and supported Amy's beliefs.

Amy fell down because her body wasn't strong enough to cope with the strain, and it had nothing to do with the competition. The physician told her that she was expecting a baby, and the challenge was too tough for an expecting mother.

What To Do

Amy requested the physician to reiterate himself, wishing she might have not heard him accurately. However, he repeated the identical words, and at that point, her universe suddenly collapsed.

She was in the prime of her professional life, and now she was in a bind; she was expecting a baby, and she didn't have a clue who the father was. She was stuck, with no way out, and she had to let her Sergeant know.

Talking To The Segeant

After getting out of the hospital, Amy requested the Sergeant to come to her house so she could tell him the events that had occurred.

She was hoping that he would have a different opinion about their connection when they found out they were going to have a baby. However, his reaction was not what she had expected. She had contemplated the positive and the negative, yet this was something she did not anticipate.

Unexpected Reaction

The Sergeant commanded Amy to do the March once more and to make it through this time. Amy was astonished and couldn't believe her eyes.

She had just exited the medical facility after passing out during the demonstration, yet he wanted to make her go through that once more. She attempted to oppose, but the Sergeant merely spun around and departed.

Fighting Back

Amy was livid at the Sergeant's command, yet again, she could not defy him. She dressed in her uniform, slung her bag over her shoulder, and traversed the 12 miles as instructed.

She took her time to make sure the infant was safe, but when she was done, she realized she had finished in only half the expected duration. She gave a proud grin, then passed the Sergeant and headed for home. She had no clue what was expecting her.

The Betrayal

When Amy opened the entrance, she observed a note lying on the floor. Immediately dropping her bag, she hastily opened it to find an official missive from the military.

When she noticed the title, she scrunched it up and shouted as she hurled it against the wall. She was let go! He terminated her because she had conceived his baby!

Not Backing Down

Amy was absolutely livid. She had been let go from her job, having her aspirations dashed, all because one man was unwilling to make a commitment.

She absolutely refused to accept that. If she was going to suffer the consequences, he would too. Amy typed a letter to the Sergeant's manager in a composed manner. She included the ultrasound as evidence of his behavior.

The Ultimate Punishment

The following day, Amy got an answer. The Sergeant's boss wanted her to go to his work area, and she was astonished.

When Amy got to the workplace, she observed the Sergeant, who had recently been let go from his job. His supervisor welcomed her with a kind expression and not only returned her employment but as well gave her the role of Sergeant.