Man Wondered Why Neighbor Boy Was Walking A Deer Around The Block

Why Did The Boy Walk The Deer Every Morning

He took a sip of his steaming mug of coffee while positioned near the window, gazing out. He was waiting, like he had been doing all week. He wished to discover if it would transpire once more.

For the past week, something peculiar had been going on in their neighborhood. It was even more bizarre that it would happen exactly at 7am. He put down his mug and stared, and, as he predicted, it happened again.

Simple Man

Greg Banducci was an ordinary person, having an awesome time in Minnesota. He had a regular pattern in which he would wake up early every day and get his restaurant ready for the citizens.

He had an uncomplicated life with few shocks, which he found pleasing. He was fond of the feeling of being familiar with everything and feeling safe. That all changed during a week that practically changed his life in its entirety.

Starting Over

Greg and Cheryl, both in their late twenties, determined to relocate to Minnesota. Cheryl was expecting their first infant and they were both thrilled to commence their own family. Greg was drawn to Minnesota because of the unparalleled wildlife and diverse geography.

Greg concluded that this place was ideal for raising his family. After they had settled in, he purchased a diner which became their primary source of income. With all of this, he felt that his life was ideal.

Seen It All

For a decade, Greg had an amazing experience raising his family in Minnesota. He was well aware of the advantages his town had to offer and felt like he had experienced it all. The thing he enjoyed the most was observing wildlife wander around the roads at and before dawn.

He had encountered countless moments when hazardous beasts wandered into the community, necessitating wildlife specialists to step in. Nonetheless, nothing could ever be comparable to what he observed that seven day period.

Normal Morning

At the beginning of the week, he followed his usual routine and got up at five o'clock in the early morning to make food for his family before starting on his tasks for the day.

Once his task was completed, he chose to take a wash and get dressed. After that, he stood near his kitchen window, relishing a hot cup of coffee as he watched the sun rise. Subsequently, something happened.


He noticed something strange right away; a cry. It was not the kind of yell that one would make when in pain or scared, it was a giggle that soon changed to chuckling.

It was strange because generally, the mornings were peaceful in their area. But why was this morning so peculiar? He put his mug on the table and walked out to figure out what was going on. But what he encountered astonished him.

Noisy Kids

Greg kept an eye on the young group as they trekked to school. Every one of them was walking in the wake of a boy that Greg was familiar with. It was Miles, the son of his neighbor.

At the beginning, it seemed like the children were tormenting Miles, and Greg had a strong desire to step in. He was just about to end the situation when he comprehended what Miles was doing.

Not Uncommon

Miles noticed a miniature deer leisurely moving forward as it nibbled away. He was right behind it, keeping a close eye on its behavior.

Greg's face lit up. He was familiar with the sight of the local youth interacting with deer, especially the fawn that Miles was tracking. Greg spun around and walked back into his house. If he had only understood what was happening, things might have been different.

It Happened Again And Again

The next day was no different. Greg heard the kids shouting and shouting again and when he ran out, Miles was still following behind the fawn.

For the entirety of the seven day period, Greg was reluctant to accept it, yet he had a feeling that something more significant was occurring.

What Was He Doing

On that particular Friday, Greg was highly motivated to uncover the facts connecting Miles and the deer. He had put a camera on the entrance of his garage the day before with the intention of obtaining more information.

Miles was aware of what he was doing each morning at seven o'clock. He would take a stroll around and then guide the deer back into the forest. But the images taken didn't show anything he wasn't already familiar with. What was his purpose?

An Early Morning

Greg got up ahead of schedule on that Friday morning. He checked his agenda and had breakfast ready by 6 o'clock. While holding a hot cup of coffee, he waited by the kitchen window for Miles and his companion to appear.

As time went on without anything of significance occurring, when the time was getting close to seven o'clock, numerous children rushed out of their homes to await the arrival of Miles, who had attained a kind of celebrity status.

He Appears

After sixty seconds, there was no sign of Miles. Right before the end of the second minute, he appeared from the other side of the area, accompanied by a deer, strolling across all the yards.

At that moment, Greg understood the intentions of the young man. He dashed away from the house, striving to reach Miles quickly before the opportunity passed.

Awesome Mystery

During the days that had passed, Greg was curious as to what Miles was up to. He had become distracted at his job a few times, attempting to solve the perplexing puzzle.

As he hacked through the moist lawn, the puzzle suddenly became clear. Nevertheless, although he had figured it out, he was still far away from the ultimate reality.

It All Makes Sense

Greg eventually arrived close to the two creatures and noticed that he was giving them food. He proceeded forward cautiously so as not to startle them. But as he got closer, he discovered the real situation.

Greg had never seen eyes like those of the deer. They were a cloudy shade of grey and seemed to be unable to see, even as the creature walked with Miles. It was then that Greg realized what had been going on.

A Responsible Young Man

Miles had been investing his morning in assisting the deer to locate areas of vegetation because it was sightless. Greg was speechless at the news, and he stepped back, still uncertain of what he had discovered.

His child had displayed an uncommon talent that very few have. However, it was now Greg's turn to take action and do something about the dilemma. Despite what his offspring had already done, he didn't have the power to aid the deer the same way a grown-up could.

Being Rehabilitated

Greg made the call to take action and take control of the situation. He was determined to make sure the deer got the assistance it required.

One week after the incident, a wildlife rehabilitation organization approved by the IDNR came to take the deer. Greg and Miles' parents talked to him about what happened, praising him for taking action and being responsible. Although they were concerned that the town's decision might have upset him, he reassured them that he was glad the deer was going to receive the necessary help.

A New Find

After the deer was saved, Greg and Cheryl believed that they had done enough and could take it easy. Little did they know what their kid was up to. In the following weeks, he rushed into their house with some vital news.

He informed them of the incident. It was related to another deer. Their son couldn't resist doing something for the deer that was in need. But it wasn't what they expected.

Following Miles

His child was strong and firm that it was essential that they accompanied him. Therefore, they strolled out to the street close to their home. Miles was evidently upset, and they would soon comprehend the cause.

They never could have predicted the outcome when they evaluated their son's plea for assistance.


When Greg arrived at the street, he understood what his son was mentioning. On the ground was a newborn deer. Greg was saddened. He wished that the little creature had not been hit by a motor vehicle. Whatever the reason, something was not right.

He observed that the deer was stretched out in an odd way. It appeared as if it was lying down in an attitude of protection. Nevertheless, the circumstances would become more bizarre.

Was It Intentional

Cheryl voiced her opinion to Greg that the creature was likely attempting to conceal itself from any threats. Judging from her small stature, she probably hadn't been around for very long. And without the protection and wisdom of her parent, she didn't have a clue what to do.

Their child yet again encountered a deer in urgent necessity of assistance. The family was aware that they couldn't remain inactive while the pitiful creature was at risk.

Their Next Move

The destitute baby deer was by itself on the highway, and if it stayed there, a driver might not observe it until it was too late. The family kept watch over the fawn while they attempted to come up with a scheme to preserve the creature. However, the family had no inkling of what lurked behind them.

The family heard a noise coming from their back. They spun around to check what was coming up on them, but the outcome was unexpected.

They Weren't Alone

The noises were heard from the back of them, and they had no thought of what might be in store. Could there be something malevolent lurking, ready to leave the baby deer undisturbed?

It was likely a hunter waiting for a victim. Realizing the deer would be an effortless snack without people around. But they had to intervene and rescue the creature.

Taking Action

Despite the minuscule probability of a predator being in the vicinity, Greg still chose to assist the creature. His son's gaze was filled with distress, and Greg found himself not able to deny him. Time was of the essence, and they had to come up with a solution if they desired a positive result.

Greg crept up to the deer cautiously. He was certain it would not harm him, but he did not want to frighten it. He had to be near enough to do what needed to be done.

Being Careful

Greg edged nearer to the little creature on the path, making every effort to be as non-threatening as he could. He was mindful not to cause it to feel uneasy as he continued to approach. He was now close enough to touch it.

He was required to now carefully pick up the creature and move it to a more secure area. If he wasn't cautious, the fawn could make a stand.

A Struggle

Greg had the deer firmly in his grasp and started to walk across the street. The deer attempted to free itself, so Greg was aware that he couldn't let go or the creature could be harmed by the hard pavement.

Greg kept a tight hold and persisted until he reached the other side of the street. He was determined to ensure the baby deer was secure.

The Animal From Before

Greg raced to the forest with the fawn, hearing a stir behind him. Whatever had been stalking the fawn earlier was back, ready to end its life. He hastened himself and stood in defense of the creature.

He was prepared to encounter the hunter tear into his posterior. However, what happened next was the most astonishing thing ever.

The Mother

Greg spun around to confront the threat but was taken aback by what he saw. A doe was standing right behind him. It was clear what she wanted - she wanted her fawn back and would not be happy if Greg didn't give it to her.

He gradually brought the baby down, and it hurried to its mom. Now they were reunited, and it was secure.


Greg was ecstatic to observe the baby deer unharmed and reunite with its parent. Everyone felt a great sense of relief. The rest of the family was glad that everyone was secure, and Miles was hopping up and down in excitement.

Greg walked back to his family that was on the other side of the street and looked at the amazing occurrence that was unfolding before them.

Didn't Want To Complicate Things

The mom and young deer were adjacent to one another. The mom was sniffing her offspring, making sure all was in order. Greg wished his smell on the baby deer wouldn't cause any trouble. He had heard of such a situation occurring before.

Moms in the animal world may reject their offspring if they pick up a strange smell, like that of a human.

The Moment Of Truth

The family was motionless as they observed the situation that had previously been captivating, yet now they were anxious that things might turn out badly. Fortunately, after a brief hesitation, the mom kissed her son, and the two ran off into the woods.

Greg was delighted with his son's actions, for he had provided assistance to two creatures which could not have endured without human aid.