Ron DeSantis Mocks Donald Trump Over Constant Off-Teleprompter Gaffes

During a presser with reporters in New Hampshire on Friday, Ron DeSantis tore into Donald Trump over his regular off-teleprompter gaffes. 

DeSantis' chances of defeating Donald Trump remain slim. The Florida Governor does know that if he wants to have any chance, he is going to have to go on the attack against his former friend. 

A reporter asked DeSantis about Trump's recent comments against Benjamin Netanyahu, which he later attempted to walk back. The Florida Governor responded, "he did that because Bibi did not– Bibi congratulated Biden in November. That’s why he did it. He hates Netanyahu because of that. That’s about him. That’s not about the greater good of what Israel’s trying to do or American security."

DeSantis would continue:

"So we’ve seen over the course every interview, every time he’s gotten off the teleprompter for like the last two months, they’ve had to clean things up for what he’s saying.

So I just want to see, you know, the Donald Trump, this is a different Donald Trump! In 2016. He was free-wheeling. He’s out there barnstorming the country, doing all this. You know, now it’s just a different guy. And that’s just, it’s sad to see!"