People Who Work At Remote Places Share Their Creepiest Experiences

Working in a remote setting is a challenge. Being away from most people, sometimes you might encounter the creepiest experiences that will send chills down your spine.

These employees have the guts to share the most terrifying encounters in their remote area setting. You have to prepare your heart for these stories because you will be horrid. Come check these out!

1. Strange Discovery In The Forest

I worked at a public forest. One day we had someone report a lifeless animal on the side of one of our trails. A few of us from the front desk hiked out to see what it was.

It looked like a giant piece of liver. Just a pile of smooth red meat, no blood around. And it was wrapped up in a t-shirt, with some coins scattered around it.

We called our rangers to go check it out, and one of them was pretty sure it was a placenta. The weird part is, that you have to check in through a front desk.

So someone either snuck a placenta/liver in or gave live birth/removed an organ on our trails. We never got an answer on what the pile of meat was, how it got there, or why.


2. Tales from North Sea Oil Rigs

I work on North Sea oil rigs on an ad-hoc basis (off the coast of Scotland). I wouldn't say anything was particularly paranormal creepy but it can be a very unsettling/weird place.

Fog can come rolling in out of nowhere and other rigs you can see off the sides can disappear in front of your eyes. Sometimes you can't see the walkways 6ft in front of you.

Sometimes, if you're walking over grating you can't see the sea below your feet (about 60m down from feck to sea) but you can hear it, all be it muffled. The fog can roll in over a few minutes too so a clear day becomes pea soup.

You can also feel the rig moving/swaying on high winds /rough seas. Even though it's a fixed-leg platform. Very unnerving to feel your office swaying when it shouldn't be.

My last trip was my first ever night shift and I found it particularly unsettling as you've got the background noise of the plant.

I walked around the whole rig without seeing another living soul for the whole shift. Usually, there are about 130 people on board although smaller rigs have smaller headcounts.

Usually, once a trip is hit by this awareness you are just very isolated and in the middle of nowhere (most rigs I've worked on are an hour's chopper ride from land). So if things go wrong it can escalate very quickly.


3. Adventures In StreamWork

I do a lot of stream work so I spend time out in pretty rural areas walking streams and rivers. Once my coworker and I were working in a more urban environment and came across what we initially thought was a body.

Once we saw it, it triggered "Oh crap!" from us, but it ended up being a firefighter's dummy that had fallen down a hill. We felt pretty dumb.

Other notable things include a small grave in the middle of nowhere for someone's dog (pretty sad) and one is a stuffed rabbit with shotgun shells placed where its eyes should be.

Another one is a mannequin very purposely placed in a chair in the middle of the woods, and lots of little random alters.

I also did work in Myrtle Beach and accidentally walked into an inhabited homeless camp. I was peering into a stormwater grate.

Once I looked up and saw a homeless person standing in his shelter staring at us and saying nothing. I felt like I was trespassing so we quietly left.


4. Mystery Of Midnight Intruder

I used to be a supervisor for a janitorial company and a couple times a week I had to go to a middle school and clean their hallway floors and gymnasium with a Zamboni-type vehicle that mopped and scrubbed the floor.

When I was there I had the whole school to myself. I used to get finished quickly and go to the library and read while eating my dinner. Well, one morning after being there, I get a call from school security and they want me to come in.

When I get there I see a police car too. Uh oh, I think. They ask me a few questions like “Did you notice anything out of the ordinary or strange while you were here last night?” No, I hadn’t (usually have headphones in).

Security then showed me camera footage of someone breaking into one of the classrooms while I was riding the Zamboni not far away. I was there for another two hours.

Nothing was stolen. But the worst part was they didn’t have footage of the person leaving, they didn’t go out the way they came in, and police had to sweep the entire school. Never did find out what happened with that one.


5. Enigma Of The Sealed Room

On our drill ship that was built in China, we noticed on the drawings there was a room. We went to look at it and couldn't find an entrance but the spacing was obvious there was an extra room.

It might not sound so creepy unless you've been in these shipyards where two things are known to happen: stowaways, although I doubt it in this case, but also hundreds of workers at any given time following orders blindly.

So we confirmed that the room had all six sides, yet not a single weld on the outside. There is only one way this could've happened and I'm sure you're starting to get it now.

They must have welded from the inside for this room and then realized they had no way out upon completion of the gasses didn't end them first.

It's extremely heavy around that room. People say they hear things. I have. This isn't some old ship either. I rode this ship from China to Amsterdam after completion and then the maiden voyage to America. I guess it happens quickly.


6. Newspaper Delivery Turns into a Late-Night Crime Scene

When I was 15 years old, I was doing my 4 am newspaper delivery round on a bicycle. I was driving into the garden of this one subscriber where I saw two guys with flashlights looking through the windows of the house.

I was a bit in shock and just said “Good morning guys.” They were just as much in shock and an awkward silence followed. I tried to break the silence by asking if I could pass them to deliver the newspaper through the door.

One of the guys said the person living in that house did something to his family and they took it as an opportunity to get away in their car that was still running.

When they were gone I rang the doorbell at the house to tell them what happened and they should keep an eye out.


7. Close Encounter In The Cold

We were wrapping up for the day in northern Canada. I am fueling up the side boom, I'm all by myself at this point cause I was tired of listening to the laborers whine about the cold.

I told them I would take care of the rest. (Think bulldozer with no blade but a giant metal boom on the side that we use to raise and lower pipe).

It's February so pitch black. I keep hearing some weird sounds. I can't quite hear it cause the pump is too loud. I search around a couple of times and see nothing.

I get in the truck and take off to drive past the front of the side boom to see a cougar sitting on top of a dirt pile 15 feet away. It was just watching me there and probably could have ended me without me even realizing it.

I've never seen a cougar in the wild before and it's hard to understand just how big they are and how powerful until you see one up close. That thing leaped off the 6 ft pile and probably didn't touch the ground for 15-20 ft.

It's terrifying to think something so big and powerful could just be sitting there deciding if they want to make you dinner


8. Mistaken Alarm And A Hasty Exit

I’m not sure this counts but I’m a teacher at an urban public school and was at work late grading and getting ready for the next day. Time had kind of flown by and before I knew it, it was 7 pm.

I start packing up to leave in a building that is, in theory, locked and empty beside me, when our Alice alarm goes off, indicating an armed intruder in the building. I am alone and young.

I was freaking out because I am not ready to fight a gunman over my lesson plans. I book it out of the school and dive into my car, hearing the alarm blaring the entire time.

I peel out of the parking lot and can see in my rearview the alarm lights still flashing and debate never going back. Turns out they were doing “routine maintenance” and didn’t send out an email to the teachers


9. Tutor’s Terrifying Drill

I was a tutor for an elementary school where I would pull out advanced reads and conduct a book club of sorts to encourage kiddos who were ahead of their classmates to still find interest in reading, lol.

This was around the time when school shootings were getting rampant in the US a couple of years ago. So there I am, alone with five third graders joking around and having book club in the empty classroom I was allowed to use.

All of a sudden, an alarm goes off and an announcement is made that there is an active shooter on campus and we must lock our doors and conduct active shooter protocol.

I lose my mind. I usher the students into a little coat closet out of view of the door, lock the door, and flick off the lights. To make it worse, being a stupid college student at the time, I never had my phone charged.

I send as many texts to loved ones as I can, trying not to alarm them but letting them know I love them and something is happening at work before my phone dies.

The students are also afraid and about thirty minutes pass. I hear footsteps outside of the door and quite literally stop breathing but they go past. I don’t hear any shots or anything.

Another thirty minutes pass and I realize that I should call the front office to see if they have any updates (my brain goes stupid during emergencies, apparently. I forgot that classrooms have built-in phones during my panic).

They answer like nothing is wrong and I say something like ”Hi I’m a tutor here and have five students with me in the room. Is it safe to come out? Are the police here?”

The woman doesn’t answer for a little and says “Oh did we not make an all-clear announcement? The drill is over.” I was so close to tears and just hung up.

Then an announcement is made that the drill is over. Nobody thought it would be important to let an outside school contractor know about a drill that very well could have been real! I swear I could have pissed myself.


10. The Ranger’s Haunting Past

My mom used to live in a small town in the Cascade Mountains and worked as a forest ranger. The creepiest thing that happened was when the oldest male ranger kept hitting on her and trying to get her to come home with him.

Many years later after she’d left the town she found out he had been convicted of manslaughter and had ended the life of a young female ranger right before she got hired. She would have probably been his next target.


11. The Golf Course Ghost

My oldest brother used to work the overnight sprinklers on a golf course. He took me out one time just for fun and as we were driving uphill on a fairway, a figure of a lady appeared in the headlights at the top of the hill.

My brother steered a little to the left of her and kept driving right on by. I stared right into her eyes as we drove by and she stared back. Her eyes glowed like a cat in the night.

As we were out of voice range I asked my brother, "What’s that?!" He calmly responded, "Yeah, she lives on the golf course and likes to terrorize the workers from time to time. I usually see her out here once a week."


12. Beaver Tales And Fisherman’s Frights

Some friends and I were fishing a small pond just after dark for catfish. We started to hear sounds coming off the water like someone throwing softball-sized rocks, but they were coming from all over the pond.

We thought someone was messing with us and we called out a few times for them to stop, but we eventually got freaked out and left. Cut to a few years later, I’m fishing in a different pond and hear the same sound.

Turns out it was a beaver slapping its tail on the water to drive me from its territory. When beavers become problems in rivers, they relocate them to ponds in town.


13. Mysterious Screams At The Oil Rig

I've been fishing out in the Gulf of Mexico where they have some oil rigs. This rig wasn't being used (from what we knew) so we would get pretty close to it to fish for red snapper.

While we were out there, we could have sworn we heard the screams of a woman over and over again while we were there.

It was some crap but the explanation was the wind making the noises as it blew through the rig. Well, that's what we were told but it creeped us the heck out.


14. The Night Watcher

I spent a summer in Wyoming going to BLM land and other remote locations collecting data on bats and herpetofauna. We heard a lot of weird noises like mountain lions screaming, deer snorting, and what sounded like owls fighting.

I woke up one morning to find two bull moose sleeping 20 yards behind my tent. All of this was "part of the job" until one night a truck was driving towards us when we were on a BLM square in the southwestern part of the state.

The truck was going overland, with no road, and was slowly driving at us. It stopped about 100 yards away, turned off the lights and we could see a person get out.

They walked a full circle around us at 100 yards away, got back in the truck, and turned around. This was after dark and this shadowy figure did a complete circle around us.

You could hear them walking through the sagebrush and I'm sure they could hear us talking. We packed up after that and drove to a hotel an hour away.

I called the office and told them I was taking a gun when we went back out. Didn't like having the bear mace as our only defense.


15. Haunting Of The Abandoned House

I work for a power company restoring power after a storm. I was working when a lady came up complaining that her power went out. We explained to her that’s why we were there and she should have power back soon.

She said, "Oh good, my son went down in the basement and now I can't find him.” I went with her with a flashlight down the road to a run-down house that was partially caved in.

She walked inside and I went to follow. As soon as I walked into the door she disappeared from my sight and I called for her multiple times. No one responded so I ran back to our work truck to call for help.

A man who was living on her street called me asking what was wrong and I told him the situation. He looked at me with a cold stare and said a mom and her son died in that house 4 years ago. I'm still shaken to this day.


16. The Deep Blue Menace

I used to work in the Gulf of Mexico on oil rigs for years, and it may not exactly be creepy, but I found it unsettling.

In deep, open water, the water itself is really clear, so everyone can see all the tuna and barracudas hanging around the rig waiting for the onboard cook to throw off whatever food waste he needs to.

Every once in a while a huge great white shark would swim up from underneath and snatch a tuna and it took less than a second. They're really scary.


17. A Feline Intruder's Grisly Ambush

My parents live pretty far back in the country and have 1 neighboring house. The neighbors would let their Basset Hound outside for about 10 minutes to use the bathroom every morning.

One morning they let him out, and he didn’t come back inside. After a couple of minutes, they walked out to his favorite bathroom spot and found his head.

Judging from the tracks, a mountain lion had ambushed him and had carried the body away. What I thought was the creepiest part was that the family hadn’t heard a sound.


18. Tales of Wilderness Stares and Silent Woods

I've worked in Canada's north for a few years now in oil and gas. It's pretty creepy when during the night shift you realise a moose has just been standing at the tree line staring you down for an unknown length of time.

We used to find bear tracks crossing the tracks you just made 5 minutes ago.

Honestly, the silence of a snowy forest in the dead of night 100s of km away from anything is pretty spooky.

The worst thing is your only contact with the outside world is a radio channel nobody's listening to, you feel pretty alone.


19. Night Shift Chills

I work for a Medical Examiner and used to be on the graveyard shift alone. The first night I was on at midnight on the dot our air system shut off which caused the vents to warp.

That thing sounded like somebody running through the vents in the ceiling on all fours. Thankfully I got used to it but creepy at first.

Another night we lost power and stupid me watching a horror movie working so hard almost crap my pants when everything went dark and knowing that a room with around 30 corpses in it was walking distance away.

That one I stayed in my car for. Not to mention the constant long dimly lit hallways. Glad I'm not on overnight now.


20. Unidentified Sea Lights

I was working on ships. there was one night I was on a ship sailing through Alaskan Waters. And it happened to be my first night ever seeing Northern Lights.

I can't believe how awesome that was. It made the sky clear, made the night look like it was dusk, and we were able to see clearly for miles.

A few buddies and I hit the roof or what we call, the Lido deck at 1 am just to gaze at it. An hour or so in, there were 6 of us on top, nearly the entire crew now. A big white spotlight shines at us.

We were near land, but where the spotlight was, was above the water and it wasn't low enough to be on a ship, this was very high up.

It shined on us for about 15-20 seconds. Once the light turned off we looked to see what it was. Saw nothing; no trace of an aircraft or anything.

A couple of minutes go by and the same light shined on us, this time it was on the other side of our vessel, above mountains.

Still, unable to see what it was. We all saw it, we all have never seen any aircraft hovering above these waters, especially at 2 am.

We don't know what it was. We think it might have been some sort of silenced aircraft the military was probably doing drills or something. But anyway, that was one of the weirder things to happen out on the ocean.


21. Brushing With Danger

I used to work out in the woods in Florida a lot. The creepiest thing would be this day we were working near Big Cypress, tromping through the brush all day.

At the end of the day, my coworker and I did a quick drive-thru of some of the property and realized the place was absolutely infested with water moccasins.

We had been unknowingly essentially walking around a giant water moccasin pit all day. That one kinda messed me up.


22. The Bodies in the Rice Field Pump Spot

We have a PTO pump spot that comes out of a canal for our rice fields. When I was like 12 years old my uncle found two bodies left in the little sump area where our pump sat. 

Both of the ladies that were left there had the same tattoos so they thought it was gang-related but it was 45 minutes away from where that “gang” operated. I still look in the hole every time I go by there and that was 20 years ago.


23. Haunted Campfire: When the Scary Story Became Reality

I used to teach outdoor education. Which was essentially just summer camp during the school year and school groups would come up and spend a few days at the camp.

On their last night, we would always tell them a scary story around the campfire. It was the same scary story every time. We worked as partners so there were always two staff members for every school group.

One staff member would tell the story and the other staff member would go hide in the forest and make scary noises. So, I’m telling the story and every few minutes there’s like a snap of a twig or rustling in the bushes.

Of course, as always the kids all get freaked out and they start getting scared. It’s very fun. Well, as I’m telling a story I’m walking around the campfire looking at all the kid's faces and I noticed a familiar one. My partner Eric.

He was sitting there smiling at me wondering why I was staring at him. My heart has never started beating so fast in my life. Eventually, I sped through the story, and all the kids left.

I explained to Eric that I thought it was him in the woods and his eyes got very wide and he said, “Are you telling me that that wasn’t one of the staff members?” So we both ran back to the main road.


24. A Bizarre Store Visitor

I worked in a store once in a really small town that was always absolutely dead, a customer every hour or so, shifts all alone too which I'm sure wasn't even legal but hey.

Anyway, it's a dark evening when I hear the door open. I look up and see the back of a man as he begins walking down the first aisle towards the tin foods and he appears to be talking to someone on the phone.

I think nothing of it and go back to reading. All of a sudden I get this intense smell of soil and earth, I look up and the man approaching the counter he's wearing some kind of overalls.

His face long grey hair and body are just covered in dirt. That's when I noticed he wasn't on the phone at all and was just talking to himself in this absolutely bizarre tone.

He sounded like a cartoon elf or something, he's just sort of murmuring and doing this really weird “hehe” sort of laugh. I'm just frozen solid, as he's stood at the counter in front of me thinking my life’s about to be ended.

Suddenly, a policeman storms through the door, he asks if I'm okay to which I don't respond because I'm just in a complete state of what the heck is happening. He tells the man to come outside.

He starts murmuring gibberish and saying the words legal over and over again. They came and grabbed the man and put him in the back of the police car and that's the last I ever heard of it.

I have no idea who he was, or what was going on but I have never been so afraid of another person before, you know when you just sense a bad bad situation. So grateful the police showed up when they did.


25. Whispers In The Field

I used to do agricultural work, alone in a field for 10 hours a day kind of thing. The pure amount of times I heard the sound of running and snapped up to see nothing there was horrific.

I was convinced it was surely animals between the trees for a while but the weirdest moment was when I heard it loudly from a row of trees next to me.

I immediately ducked under to see the feet of whatever animal was running by and there was nothing. I remember trying to stay calm and walking fast to the toilet block and sitting in there for a good long while before I came back.

I never thought I'd be so freaked out in the daytime but there wasn't a soul nearby for quite a way and it really amped up my imagination.


26. Lost In The Snow

One night I was driving out on a remote country round and it was snowing pretty heavily. I got a call from my mom telling me to get home as there was a pretty large blizzard and the roads were only going to get worse.

At a “T” in the road, I went to make a turn only to see someone standing in the middle of the road in a light hoodie. With no houses around for about a half mile, I’m not sure why anyone would be walking out in a blizzard.

As I swerved past, the person didn’t flinch and looked right into my window. However, it was too dark to make out a face. It stopped snowing shortly after I got home and the next day.

I went back out to the road to see if I could find any traces. I could see my car tracks, but there were no footprints anywhere. It definitely could have been some lookout for a late-night hike, but it was still pretty creepy.


27. Mysterious Signals At Sea

I am a merchant seaman here. Nothing particularly creepy; most of the time you're too focused on not hitting anything, getting position fixes, updating logbooks, etc. to think about paranormal or spooky things.

But the closest thing to "creepy" I've experienced recently has been a strange transmission over the radio.

It started with a series of morse code beeps followed by an accented female voice listing off random letters and numbers. I don’t know what the heck that was about.


28. Mysterious Night At Scout Camp

I used to work at a Boy Scout Summer Camp. Every week I had to take a big group of campers to a "secluded" spot for their wilderness survival badge where they had to build a shelter out of sticks, leaves, etc, and sleep in it overnight.

The spot was only about 1/2 mile from the main camp, but we took a circuitous route that made it seem secluded.

Anyways, on this one night all the campers had made their shelters, we had cooked dinner, and were all just sitting around the campfire.

It was getting late, maybe 11:00, so I sent all the campers to their shelters for the night and started cleaning up the fire. That's when we heard in the distance what sounded like church bells.

They were pretty faint, but my fellow staffers could hear them. They went on for about 30 minutes, ringing every 30 seconds, or so. We were all a little creeped out, as there were no churches or towns within 20 miles of us.

After the bells stopped, though, the singing started. It was too faint to hear the words, but it sounded like church choir music, but a lot of people, and a lot more enthusiastic.

Also, it was almost midnight at this point. The singing went on for well over an hour, sometimes quieting down until we almost couldn't hear it, sometimes getting so loud we thought it was getting closer.

All of the campers were super creeped out, but I lied to them, telling them there was a church service going on in camp, and that there was nothing to be scared of.

Eventually, at almost 1 am, the singing stopped. I found out a few days later that there had been a militant group rallying only a few miles away that night, and that's what we had heard.


29. A Pizza Delivery Driver's Creepy Run-In

I used to be a delivery driver, which doesn’t sound very remote because it isn’t. However, I did have to deliver to some pretty remote places.

One time I delivered to a trailer park just barely inside our designated “delivery zone” and it was very dark and poorly lit. I leave my car running and keep the headlights and inside lights on to go deliver the pizza.

Upon returning to my car, I sit down in the driver's seat and look up to see a creepy old man standing less than 3 feet from my side of the car. He was just staring. It was the equivalent of a jump scare.

I just started driving forward and had to do a U-turn to get out of the park. When I turned around the man was standing in the middle of the road.

So, I freaked out for a second before speeding around him only to watch him attempt to chase my car out of the trailer park. I put in my two weeks after that.


30. Haunted Late-Night Deliveries

I used to be a delivery driver, but for a supermarket in the U.K. A lot of our customers were in the middle of nowhere, and my last delivery of the night was a new customer I’d never been to before.

I was already running late from all my previous deliveries and I was still trying to find this house at 10:30 pm, even though my shift was supposed to finish at 10 pm.

I’m driving around the narrowest of country roads with nothing surrounding me but dark fields and hedgerows, looking for anything that might be a driveway.

I hadn’t seen another car or person for miles. Then all of a sudden I heard a loud thud on the side of my van, like something was thrown at it.

No trees or anything else around for something to fall from, and I remember it specifically hitting the side. I looked in my mirrors and out the window but there was nothing around me.

Then it happened again, another thud on the side of my van. I drove back to the supermarket so fast and told my manager that I couldn’t find the place.

I had spent 30 mins looking to be fair, there was no house where the listed address/postcode took me.


31. Echoes Of The Wild

I was on a boat sitting on anchor in a secluded bay in the early hours, in southeast Alaska a few years ago. I stepped outside for a smoke and all of a sudden I heard the most horrific sounds.

It was of a wild animal being ended by another wild animal. It went on for probably 10 minutes, I know it’s just nature but man, I can still hear that sound in my brain and it haunts me.


32. Desolate Discovery Of A Corpse Dog

I was a field geologist in the Outback about 12 hours north of Adelaide. One day I was driving the truck and saw what looked like a flagpole sticking up in the middle of nowhere.

I wasn't anywhere near a farm or anywhere else that people would be, so I decided to drive over and check it out. It was an impaled animal.

Like, from its bottom to mouth. Took some pictures and had my boss call the cops, but for the rest of the assignment, I was freaked out that some maniac was out there with me.


33. The Night Of Mysterious Breathing

I’m not sure if this counts because it’s a farm but when you live on a farm you work on a farm so I guess I’ll share it. I grew up on a farm and in high school used to mess with my friends by hiding and making them find me.

One night my friend was over and we were waiting on this other guy. We see him pull up so we take off running to hide.

It’s funny because they have to wander around somewhere they’re unfamiliar with or go ask my parents and be told too bad you’ll have to find her. It’s like forced hide and seek.

Anyway, this one night I saw my friend hide in one building while I ran for the trees. I was hiding under some bushes and I heard breathing. Like human breathing.

There were no animals around. It creeped me out so bad I ran out of hiding to greet my friend. I felt so uncomfortable for the rest of the night.

Some time during the night my dad heard something and went out to investigate. In the morning he discovered that one of our cows was ended and butchered.


34. Shadows In The Swamp

I used to work as an alligator hunting guide for trophy hunters during my summers, south of New Orleans. Spending sunup to sundown deep in the heart of Cajun swamp territory left me seeing some weird and creepy things.

The first one that comes to mind is when I saw what my hunting partner at the time called the Loup-Garou. I would have called it a chupacabra but that’s because I’m a native of the southwest, not the south.

We were riding through an area deep in the swamp looking for signs of a big gator. The banks were close on both sides of the boat; there was barely enough water for us to push ahead.

But those mud boats are impressive and can practically run on dry land so onwards we pressed. Suddenly, I saw a grey flash in the trees out of the corner of my eye. It made me nervous.

Swamp deer are small and shy. There are not many mammals that want to hang out in thick undergrowth and knee-deep mud and hidden gators.

I tapped my partner's shoulder to catch his attention over the sound of the motor and pointed in the direction I saw the flash. He cut the motor and asked if it was a gator slide.

I shook my head and said I had no idea what it was but I saw something. As we were looking around us the creature I saw stepped out from the trees. It was big, on all fours, with mottled grey skin. Its movements were janky, jerky.

It had a canine-like face and it locked eyes with me and I felt sick to my stomach. My partner immediately struck the motor back up and we reversed out of there as quickly as we could.

My rational brain said “Poor creature with mange, either a massive coyote or maybe a wild dog” but my primal monkey brain was screeching “Monster! Run for your life” It was a freaky experience, even knowing what it probably was.


35. Tools Of The Unknown

I'm a machinist and I was working by myself in this old warehouse at night. I would see stuff moving around and I would get creeper out. This is when ghost hunters became popular.

So I started to ask questions, “What's your name?" or “Can you show me that I'm not alone.”

A few seconds later a 3/8 Allen wrench came bouncing across the shop and landed at my feet.

It didn't fall off the machine it slid. I was cutting micarta which is like wood, and you could see the slide marks in the chips. I said thank you to the ghost, shut down, and left.

I never went back.


36. A Ghostly Procession

I don't work out in the woods or anything but me and my dad were hunting in the Poconos. So my dad and I were sitting in a hunting tower. It was cold.

Then, we started hearing what sounded like one of those old religious chants where they sing all together in Latin while walking in a straight line.

It kept getting closer till we saw movement about 20 metres ahead and then we saw a group of about 10 to 30 people wearing all white holding candles.

Then about 5 more people with rifles and shotguns standing in the front, the back and on the sides. We let them pass and they were staring at us as they walked by. It was scary as all heck.

About 10 minutes after they walked by we went over to where they were standing it was snowy out there and there were 0-footsteps in the snow till this day we still don't know what we saw that day


37. Haunted Happenings At The Piggery

Not me but a coworker, she used to work at a piggery. She said she would always see someone in the corner of her eyes, boards would be written up like someone was checking on her sows for her, and things were cleaned up.

It was like someone was helping her. Apparently, she thought she was going mad and described seeing a dude around.

The other people said, “Oh yeah we think that’s him, he passed away a while back at home.” All the staff had seen him but just sort of ignored it.


38. Horrors In The Forest

I used to work for an IT company in the gaming industry whose office was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by farms and forests.

One day one of the development team had come in from a walk in the forest and was visibly upset. Turns out she came across a lifeless fox.

The thing that was concerning is that she said it was hanging from a tree and looked like it was put there on purpose.

So a bit later on, a few of us went down to have a look. We came across a small clearing with the lifeless fox hanging there.

Upon closer inspection, we realized it had been hung by its neck, and it was fully mutilated. I felt pretty sick from that one.

We got it down from the branch and chucked it into the bushes, away from the path and clearing. Still to this day, we have no idea how or why it was in that state.


39. Haunting In The Ocean Depths

My cousin was a deepwater diver/welder on offshore oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. When working at night or working deep, it is absolutely pitch dark, you can't see anything. That in itself is a little creepy.

To add to the uneasiness, he said that sometimes he would be hit with a big swirl of water as if something very large, very close, just passed by him in the blackness.

Now, let's take it up another notch, sometimes he would feel something brush up against his leg or nudge him. He said his imagination would wander, and never to a good place. Creeped him out every time.


40. The Vanishing Visitor

I don't believe in ghosts, but I did see something once that I can't explain, and I have chalked it up to a trick of the brain. I used to work at a resort deep in a provincial park. 

It was rustic living for super-rich people. It was a half-hour drive to cell service and an hour's drive to the nearest town. I finished my late shift at about midnight, and I was walking back to my cabin. 

I clearly saw an elderly man with suspenders and a plaid shirt walking by me on the path. We were not allowed to speak to the guests unless they spoke to us first so I didn't say anything to him. 

It was pretty dark, so I turned around to make sure he was headed the right way to the guest cabins, and he had straight up disappeared. 

There was nowhere for him to go except into the thick woods, and if he had done that, I would have heard it. Very strange.


41. Echoes Of The Past

A buddy of mine had a mine "maintenance" job for a summer. The mine was in the middle of nowhere and deactivated at the time.

There was just one other person, and they didn't do anything but keep the weeds down, and make sure nothing was leaking or rusting out. A very low-key job. Twice a month a plane would fly in to deliver supplies.

One day, about three months in, my friend was just walking along the river that ran near the site and he heard what he swore was like a church choir and organ music in the distance.

He was pretty sure that there was no settlement within a hundred miles, but he decided to try to find the source of the music.

He wandered miles downstream following the river, but the sound never got any louder. Finally, he decided to get back to camp, because he'd wandered off far in bear-infested woods without any protection.

The music faded before he got back to camp, and he realized that it was such a peculiar experience he was reluctant to mention it to his co-worker in case he thought he was crazy.

The following day he did mention it, and asked if there was an Indian reserve or some other settlement with a church in the area.

His coworker replied, "No, man. Nothing like that here and I've been here 10 years. Looks like you're bushwhacked. You need to get out of here." He left on the next plane


42. Strange Messages at the Summer Camp

I used to work at a summer camp. Usually, the kids would go to bed by 9 pm at the latest so the rest of us would just hang out around a fire or something.

One night one of the kids came to the fire pit, which was about a hundred yards from the cabin, saying that she was having trouble sleeping because of the noise.

So I walk back with her and make sure everything is good in the cabin and come back and tell everybody to keep it down. Maybe ten minutes later she comes back and says that she still can't fall asleep.

I walk back with her again and in my head, I'm thinking that she's just being restless because we aren't being loud, but anyway, I make sure she's under covers and head back to the fire pit.

Just as I'm about to get there I realize that I left my walkie-talkie in her room, so I head back and see that she's sitting upright in bed with the walkie-talkie in her hand.

I'm thinking okay, whatever, and tell her to go to sleep. I head back to the fire pit and the guys are like "Why did you say that to her?" And I'm like, “What do you mean?”

They are like, "We heard you on the walkie-talkie tell her that she would look better if she shaved her head. That all little girls look better with shaved heads."

I never said that and nobody believed me. And it was not her saying it either since it was a grown man's voice. I rushed back to check on the cabin and everything was normal.


43. A Halloween Stroll Through The Woods

I work in a restaurant that has a heavily wooded country park next to it. I used to live on the other side of it and would drive around it to get to work.

One particular day, I had car issues and had to walk to work, going through the woods as it’s a 20-minute journey rather than an hour around.

Anyway, no issues, get to work, do my shift, and finish just before midnight. I’d planned to walk home the long way.

One of the girls who worked there lived near me and said she was just gonna walk through the woods as it was quicker so I thought okay, can’t be that bad, I’ll walk with her then.

So off we go, into the woods, surprisingly easy to see. It was a full moon. “Beep” my watch chimed as it turned midnight. “Ahh, Happy Halloween,” she says. It dawns on me, I’m walking through the woods on Halloween, at night, during a full moon.

Every time I watch a movie and someone does something dumb like that I always think no one would be that stupid to do it in real life. Didn’t get hurt or anything but I’ve never powerwalked so hard in my life.


44. The Desert Wanderer

While in the Marine Corps, everyone has a story or heard someone who was out in the field and saw weird stuff on night vision goggles.

I was in Kuwait near the Iraq border. It is in the middle of nowhere. Miles and miles of sand. We saw some guy walking in the middle of the night, by himself.

I have no clue where he was going or doing. My guess is he was herding animals and lost one and was looking for one. It is probably as likely that he was a ghost.


45. Mysterious Footsteps In The Kennel

When I worked in kennels up the mountains, in the depths of winter it would be dark by 5 pm. I’d be in the office finishing up some paperwork.

At this stage, everyone would be gone and this particular building was a bit away from the main building, car park, etc. All the dogs would be sleeping by this time after a busy day.

Suddenly, you could hear a pin drop! Sometimes I would hear heavy definite slow footsteps so much so that I would get up, and come out onto the main floor ready to explain we were now closed but no one would be there.

It used to freak me out. A couple of times, I would even check the dogs in case it was coming from a kennel but nope all sound asleep.
