People Share Stories Of Dumbest Decisions And Instant Regrets

People make mistakes. However, what’s worse is experiencing the aftermath of those mistakes. Sometimes, it uncovers a huge trouble that will make us regret the decision to the fullest.

It’s understandable when someone makes poor decisions. But it shouldn’t be a lifestyle where we do it all the time. Well, these people decided to choose the dumb option and faced the ultimate trouble consequences. Check these out!

1. Copied Life

This happened to me during my sophomore year of college, French! Someone copied my essay! The stupidest part was that it was all in French and was supposed to be about our life story.

The professor called me in and accused me of academic dishonesty (which would have had me fail the class and perhaps face worse consequences from the university).

I just pulled up my account and showed her pictures of me doing stuff that I said I did in the essay. I guess the person who copied me was so bad at French that they didn’t understand they were copying personal events.

I have no idea why someone would copy something like “I grew up in a specific town, and my first job was a specific job,” because obviously, it’s easy to prove that I’m the one who didn’t copy that if it’s really my life story and not the other person’s.


2. Stress Management

I worked at a zoo for a number of years. It was my job to make sure all the animals in my care had been cleaned, fed, watered, and locked before I left for the day. Pretty standard.

My boss was in upper management. She had a lot of meetings and such she went to every day. There were days when I didn't see her at all—no big deal.

One of these days, I had just finished buttoning up and was getting ready to leave for the day when she got out of a meeting and asked to feed one of the animals.

But if that was something you wanted to do, you needed to communicate it to me more than 5 minutes before the end of my work day.

So my team and I got screamed at for not saving something for her to do because she'd had a crappy day in meetings, and all she wanted to do was feed this one animal.


3. Non-Believer

In elementary school, I was wiggling a loose tooth at my desk, and it inevitably popped out. I didn't want to sit at my desk sucking blood and making a mess, so I raised my hand and asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom or the nurse to clean it up.

She got super pissed and said I was acting out and interrupting her lesson. Lost recess for the day. So I sat there and then got yelled at about 30 minutes later for getting blood on the desk.

I had to clean it up, lost recess for the rest of the week, and had to write my name 500 times as punishment while everyone else got to go and play.

She also accused me of making up a fake disease when I told her I had Crohn's Disease, and that's why I was sick so often after lunch.

The feeling of satisfaction when I marched us to the principal to have him tell her she was wrong was the highlight of my childhood.


4. Too Hot

When I was about 9, my classroom was the school's computer room, which had 30 computers and no ventilation. It was the middle of June, and the entire class was melting.

I stood up and turned on the tiny desk fan in the corner. Our teacher came into the room and asked who had turned on the fan.

I stood up; she yelled at me, saying that it was dangerous, and sent me to "the corridor," which is roughly the equivalent of detention for a nine-year-old.


5. Who’s Adjusting

In second grade, I was partnered to do an assignment with a girl I wasn't particularly fond of. She sat a couple of tables over. The assignment wasn't difficult, and I could do it on my own, so that's what I started to do.

She made no move to come over to me, I made no move to go over to her, and a little while later, she started working with the teacher-helper lady.

The teacher came to me and asked me why I wasn't working with her, and being a relatively shy kid at the time, I didn't know what to say.

I was sent to the 'Thinking Chair' where I bawled my eyes out and transferred to another class the next day.

Also, in first grade, I had a thing for coloring everything 'rainbow,' scribbling every color in the crayon box all over.

This was all fine until I was given a picture of a street with shops lining it, colored it the same way, and the teacher got upset and made me redo it. I colored it black and gray, and this was okay.


6. Just Be you

This is something that I was told about by my parents, as I was too young to remember now. They went into my school to pick me up from kindergarten, and my teacher pulled my parents aside to tell them that I had done something that day.

My mom told me her first thought was that I had gotten in a fight or done something terrible. My teacher told them my problem: the teacher had apparently asked my class what we all wanted to do when we grew up.

Everybody else gave stereotypical answers, such as firemen, astronauts, etc. When it was my turn, I said I wanted to be a stay-at-home dad to be with my kids. This disturbed or angered my kindergarten teacher enough to pull my parents aside after school.


7. Only Target

In 6th grade, I was really shy and didn't have any friends (no one seemed to like me). Anyway, I was in science class, and the teacher kept yelling at me to be quiet.

I wasn't talking. I got yelled at about three times and started to cry. I pulled my hands off my desk into my lap and dropped my eraser.

I bent down to pick it up, and the teacher ran across the classroom and into my desk. The teacher started screaming at me for interrupting the classroom.

Even though I didn't have any friends, the entire classroom stood up for me. The teacher apologized, but I still felt like crap.


8. Just Picking up

We had a substitute in 3rd grade, and a classroom helper (a student's parent) was visiting. I dropped my pencil in the middle of a lesson and couldn't write, so I bent down to pick it up.

The sub yelled at me for being 'rude and disrespectful' and to 'wait until she was done so I wouldn't embarrass her in front of the helper.'

So I wait for 10 minutes and miss a crap ton of notes when multiplication tables are the thing, and bend down again under my desk. I got sent out in the hall.


9. Big Misunderstanding

When I was 11, I was at my sister's High School Graduation. The ceremony was held outside in the football stadium. As the ceremony droned on, my mom had set her camera case by her feet. She accidentally hit it with her foot, and it fell below the bleachers.

So I volunteered to retrieve it. When I reached the underside of the bleachers and grabbed the case, this old woman started screaming, "Thief, thief!" It was loud enough for most people to hear and slightly threw off the graduation speaker.

Well, she also attracted the attention of a cop, and he grabbed me by the shoulder and brought me from under the bleachers. I had to lead him to my mom, and he tried to begin to catch me stealing.

But my mom had asked me to get it, and she ripped the cop for interrupting the ceremony for her. The cop apologized, and the old woman followed us, and my mom flicked her off. Then, when they left, she yelled at me for causing trouble.


10. Sting like a Bee

My sister (who is four years old and my senior) was trying to catch bees in a Kinder Surprise toy container. I stood behind her, saying, "This is really a bad idea."

She got stung, ran inside, and told our mother I'd been the one trying to catch bees and that she'd got stung trying to stop me.

I got smacked even though she is the one who’s trying to catch bees. I brought it up years later, and both my mother and sister were mortified.


11. It isn't a Game

In 6th grade, I had bronchitis and would occasionally have these intense coughing fits that were really hard for me to stop.

So one day during silent reading, one of these coughing fits comes on, and I try my best to silence it, but it goes on for 10-15 seconds.

Well, my teacher got pissed and threatened to give me detention for "playing the coughing game." Nothing came out of it, but I was a tender 6th grader, and getting yelled at freaked me out.


12. Coloring a Fact

I colored Darth Vader black when I was in kindergarten, got put in timeout, and had my "Student of the Month" pencil revoked.

The reason was that other students were scribbling on every page of the coloring book with black crayons just to destroy things. Meanwhile, I was just coloring Darth Vader (who is all black).

I couldn't explain myself because I was Asian and couldn't speak English properly back in kindergarten. I've been waiting so long to tell this story.


13. Too Loud

When I was in sixth grade, I was so tired, and so I yawned. I put my hand over my mouth, but I didn't go out of my way to stifle it.

My teacher flipped out and said, "If this is too boring for you, you can take your chair and sit outside in the hall."

I was never one to get angry at authority when I was a kid, but I got really pissed off about this. What, I wasn't allowed to be tired?


14. Popping Bag

In middle school, during lunch, I popped a paper brown bag. Our cafeteria was a huge gymnasium, so the "pop" echoed. It was so profound that it sounded like a shot.

The room of a hundred kids went silent while my buddies and I laughed hysterically at what had just happened. I was sent to the principal. He asked what I did, so I told him. "I popped a bag."

He laughed and sent me back, where I was greeted with applause. In retrospect, that was probably a sticky situation, as this happened shortly after Columbine.


15. Other Kind of Jam

I don't know if this is the dumbest thing because I understand the reason why now, but it has been very upsetting for years. Every day, my dad made PB and J sandwiches for his lunch.

He always let me lick the knife after he was done making it. One day in my new kindergarten (we moved), we were making pine cone bird feeders where you put peanut butter on pine cones and then sprinkle bird seeds on there.

So I put peanut butter on the pine cone and then licked the knife. I remember getting yelled at so much that I burst into tears. I understand that it was not sanitary now, but I thought it was a dumb reason.


16. New Weapon Unlocked

My dad ran off with my mom's best friend, Charlene. A couple of years later, 6th grade me was sent to live with them. There was no way I was ever going to forgive my new stepmom.

But what power does a kid have? My best weapon was constantly singing Dolly Parton's song Jolene but using 'Charlene' instead.

I sang "Charlene, Charlene, Charlene, Charlee-ee-gene, I'm begging of you, please don't take my man" She found backhanded ways to get me back, but it was so damn worth it.


17. Just Asking

Back when I was young, they used to teach me that Columbus had found the new world and named Indians "Indians" because he thought he had landed in India.

In 4th grade, I was confused and asked how Columbus had found anything if there were people there already. I got yelled at by the teacher for asking that question.

I don't remember exactly why, but they thought I was disrespectful. It was a serious question for me.


18. A Little Curious

I wasn't allowed to touch my sister's things as a kid. One day, I used her bathroom (the only bathroom in the basement was in her room)

There was this decorative headband thing in the sink with feathers on it. I knew I'd get in trouble for touching it, so I washed my hands without moving it.

I later got in trouble for destroying the headband. I thought it was stupid at the time, but looking back, it was honestly hilarious.


19. Mean Teacher

1st grade. My teacher, Ma'am Rosario, asked us to write down the " homework " for tomorrow. It is a math problem like 55+66 kinda of math with carryovers. So I decided since it was easy enough for me, to answer the " homework " already so I could play when I got home.

I was talking to my seatmate because I was done with the " homework," and she yelled at me, " What are you doing again? I told you to write down the assignment and not to be noisy and talk to your classmates” then she grabbed my front hair bangs and pulled it.

It hurt and took a bunch of my hair. I still need to answer back what I was doing. Doing homework at School is a crime. Only told my parents last month.


20. Entitled One

On my first day of public middle school (I went to an Indian school on my reservation for elementary school), I left my pack of pencils at home like an idiot.

My teacher noticed I was digging through my backpack and asked if I had a pencil, but I said no. She gave me detention in front of everyone.

It was so embarrassing for me, and when I got home, I told my parents, and they were so ashamed. I think it changed my life when I was just 11.


21. Very Unlucky

When I was about 7, I attended a small rural school in New Zealand. One day, I found a metric ton of acorns at the back of the school field, overlooking the main road into town (100km/h speed limit, busy, don't touch). 

I immediately got my backpack and started loading it up with the little bastards while some other boys started throwing them at each other. One of them threw one at a car. 

He was seen doing this, and we all got called out at the next school assembly by a teacher and given detention for "reckless behavior" in front of everyone at the school. I hadn't thrown anything. I didn't even know the other boys. I just wanted a load of acorns.


22. Bad first day

I just got kicked out of a class sophomore year in high school because someone just asked me if I had a pencil on me that he could borrow.

A little background: it was the first day, and the teacher opened by saying: “This class is overbooked, so I am looking for reasons to trim the class.”

Later, he was passing out stuff for us to fill out, and the guy in front of me turned around and asked for a pencil. The teacher, with a huge smile on his face, kicked both of us out for talking.

Even though I hadn't said a word, this was in 1986, and the class was electricity, if that matters. I still remember the teacher and other students.


23. Turned out to be Fun

In 8th grade math class, a group of friends and I sat together. One friend sneezes, and a couple of us say, “Bless you.”

As per usual, the teacher stops the lesson and yells at us to get out. We all collectively got up to leave, and we sat at a picnic table.

Fortunately, the girl who sneezed grabbed a snack from her bag, so we chatted and ate the sunflower seeds while we were outside.


24. Wrong Accusation

When I was in high school, my mother took me out of school early, like an hour before school started. I was in physical therapy after an injury during the last football game.

She took me home. I asked her why I was going home, and she said you'll find out. When we came home, she told me to give her my phone and go clean up the dog poop in the house.

Guess what? The dog didn't poop in the house, and now she took me out of physical therapy for no reason. Instead of doing the smart thing and saying sorry, my bad, she made me vacuum the house, pay $100 for my phone, and I had to walk back to school.

Luckily, one of my friends showed me back to school. To this day, I still wonder why she thought the dog pooped in the house, even though there is no evidence otherwise.


25. Accidentally Misread It

First grade but bumped to second-grade reading. I'm "gifted," so the teacher thinks I'm trolling when I can't say the first word of a sentence.

The sentence begins with "One fine day..." but it's one of those fancy ornate Os, so I keep saying. "One fine day..." "Knee fine day?..." as I overlook the artsy O and get yelled at.

I legit can't figure it out. I'm a first grader legitimately struggling to read, but she grabs me by the arm and shoulder, which is hard enough to bruise, and drags me to the principal's office for being funny.


26. Exercise to Detention

During a fire drill in elementary school, he and his friend stretched their hands up into the air. And it was just normal stretching.

Maybe they were tense or something, or maybe they were exercising, but I don't really know. Well, the principal was next to them, and she noticed that.

The Principal, being a good and very fair principal, sent them both to a week of detention for just stretching their hands.


27. It’s a Kid

Once, in third grade, the sub gym teacher made me go to the wall during PE class because I missed a basketball shot as if it was my fault.

Well, I have poor eyesight and hand coordination. Luckily, when class started, the basketball groundball team needed one more player to make the team equal.

Guess who everyone was pitying at the moment while alone on the wall? Me, So the teacher let me back in to play. I didn’t do much, but still, it was better than the wall.


28. Affected by Laugh

I was sitting in between these two kids. One kid threw a whiteboard at the other in front of me. The teacher said no throwing the whiteboard.

Right after this, the other kid threw his whiteboard at the kid behind me. I laughed because it was funny, and so I got detention with them.

We had to write a letter of apology, so I apologized for finding something humorous and promised never to laugh in class again. I showed it to the teacher, and she was good. At least you realized your mistake.


29. Got Em

When I was 12, it was my first year of secondary school. We had an IT test, and it turned out I got the highest score in the class.

I got detention because the teacher claimed I must have cheated as "girls are rubbish at IT." Fortunately, my form tutor told him where to go.

Also, I frequently got told off in English classes for reading ahead when we were supposed to be reading a book as a group - ridiculous!


30. Little Whale

When I was in kindergarten, my teacher played "Baby Beluga." At the time, I found the song inappropriately childish but decided to go with it.

So I got on my tummy and started to wiggle on the floor, in my best impersonation of a sea creature. My teacher was livid, yelled at me, and told me to take a time-out.

I stood there dumbfounded, telling her I had no idea what I did wrong, but that infuriated her more. I have no idea what happened; she seemed like a fine teacher in every other way.


31. Not an Excuse

In year 2, I was playing soccer during lunch when I got kicked in the leg. The pain was excruciating. I could hardly walk. I went to the nurse, but she told me to stop faking.

I went a further three times during the day due to my inability to walk and the fact I could see my leg was out of shape. They gave me detention for repeatedly trying to get out of school by faking an injury.

I will never forget the look on their faces when I came back a week later in a wheelchair after finding out my leg was broken in 2 places and had had surgery.


32. Gaining Muscle

We had a ping-pong tournament in junior high gym class, and the coach would make anyone who said "shut up" do a hundred push-ups.

I was watching a great match and got excited when one guy said that he should've done something, and I yelled, "Yeah, you should've!"

The coach called me out, and the rest of the class told her I didn't say shut up. I did the push-ups while the whole class was watching.


33. Do it yourself

I was a sophomore in high school eating lunch in the cafe. I threw a brown paper lunch bag to my friend at the other end of the table to throw in the garbage.

The teacher comes out of nowhere and freaks out for throwing things in the cafe. The teacher sent me to the office right away.

I get told I can either clean the cafe the next day or get a write-up and maybe get suspended. FOR THROWING A BAG TO A FRIEND. It was so stupid.


34. Bright Kid

Going ahead on a worksheet in 3rd-grade English. I had thought the worksheet was super simple, so I went ahead and filled it all out, then just sat there listening to the teacher.

She noticed I wasn't filling it in with the rest of the class, and when she asked why, I said I had already finished doing it.

She gets into some angry fit and goes off on me and says something along the lines of "If you're so good at this, why don't you teach the class?" And I think she might have said something to me about staying with the class and getting in trouble.


35. Expecting too much

In the fifth grade, I was moved to the 7th-grade science room because I was in the GATE program (Gifted and Talented Education program).

I was a little bit unstable, emotionally speaking, but I had been doing fine for a while. Then, when we were reading the chapter on science out loud, I had to read.

I came across a word that I couldn't pronounce, and the teacher started yelling at me, saying that I should be able to figure it out if I was smart enough to be in this class.

I lost it. That was the worst outburst I've had in years. I told him to leave me alone, and I ran out of the classroom, went to the bus barn, and hid in the Activity Bus.

Until the police came and found me because they were worried that I was violent and dangerous to the public. I went back to science the next day, and nobody bothered me again. And I learned how to pronounce that word.


36. Double Trouble

3rd grade, dividing (Easy stuff, like dividing by two).. The teacher thinks she can scare us by giving the problem 5/2. I answer 2.5 and get sent to the principal's office for being defiant and not using reminders.

After I returned, I asked if she had ever used remainders in real life, and she called my parents. Much to her dismay, the entire classroom could hear their laughter over the phone.

My dad even went as far as to say, "We are teaching him not only more advanced math but also to think logically so he doesn't end up like you." Also, the principal high-fived me for being ahead of my class. It was a good day.


37. Different Strategy

I got sent to the vice principal's office in kindergarten for refusing to hold my pencil the correct way when tracing alphabet letters and drawing in class.

My grandmother verbally disemboweled my teacher and vice principal for treating me as though I was mentally challenged because I wrote and drew while holding my pencil between my middle and ring fingers.

I got out of school early that day and got brand new coloring books, letter tracing notebooks, branded pencils, and an ice cream. I love my grandma.


38. Noisy Picker

In 3rd grade, our teacher left the room for some reason and appointed some kid who hated me to tally names if they talked in the classroom.

I said NOTHING and had like 13 tallies when the principal walked by and stopped because THE REST of the class was talking.

He looks at the board, sees my name with those tallies beside them, and takes me into the hall to tell me I had to sit out of recess for a week. Who makes a 9-year-old sit out of recess for a week?


39. Egg Buster

Shortly before Easter in grade 1, I was reading during playtime. So, as I'm picking out a new book, I find myself a chocolate Easter egg.

Being the logical first grader that I am and not making the connection that it's Easter, I ate it. Proud little me goes to show the teacher that I found the egg.

She stares at me, shocked, as if I'd committed a sin, and tells me to sit in the corner on timeout. After that, she brings out all the kids and lets them go on an egg hunt. She tried to explain to me afterward that I was in trouble for eating the egg that I knew that she had hidden there.


40. Great Prank

In my second-grade classroom, we showed and told in the afternoon on a particular day each week. My friend made a big deal about what he brought all day, and when the big reveal finally came, he hyped everyone up, only to show off his hands.

It was brilliant; everyone was psyched for it, and when he showed his hands, we all laughed hysterically. We also got in trouble for laughing and lost some awesome privileges that I can't remember now.

I don’t know why, but it completely offended our usually cool teacher. Pretty sure the kid got sent to the principal's office. I got in trouble for laughing.


41. Can’t Resist Laughter

When I was a freshman in high school, we had "sustained silent reading," or "SSR," once a week. One time during this, I was whispering with my buddies.

We dared my friend to calmly walk up to the teacher, look her in the eyes for 2-3 seconds, then calmly walk back to his seat and resume reading.

He did it, except as he was walking back, he giggled just a little, which led the two of us, still seated, to bust out in extreme laughter.

The teacher realized something was up and told us that one or more of us had to go to the office. The friend who approached the teacher took the fall but only had to fill out a discipline write-up for it.


42. Ton of Supplies

In grade 2, I took all the school's glue stick supplies (school of 70 kids, not that much glue), made little people out of them, and put them on my desk. It was near the end of the year, and I was suspended.

When I returned, they told me to tell my mother I had to replace the glue. Then, it was summer vacation.

In grade three, I showed up on the first day with about 60 glue sticks. When I gave them to my teacher, she had no clue what it was about and told me to talk to the teacher, who was my grade 2 teacher.

Well, she retired. So I kept all the glue. Ten years later, I still have some. It's totally dry, but I'm too lazy to throw them out.


43. Just Trying to Help

When I was in grade three, my friend and I decided to tidy up the classroom for everyone at lunch instead of playing outside (we were suck-ups, I don't know).

Instead of being rewarded like we expected, we got in trouble for being in the classroom alone at a time when we weren't supposed to be.

Our teacher decided that since we liked cleaning so much, we could stay after school and continue to clean up the classroom.


44. Precisive Hearing needed

I think the worst thing was when I was in primary school, about year 4, and during lunch break, every class would have a different lunchtime.

The dinner ladies would call out in the playground, and if you had ever missed the call out from them, you didn't get to go inside and have your lunch.

Instead, you have to stand outside and stand by this wall, waste the rest of your break there, and not get your lunch. It happened so much to me. It was not fun at all.


45. Out of Satisfaction

In grade one, I got into trouble for throwing rocks into a puddle on the playground during recess. It was a huge puddle, and they were only small rocks.

We were having so much fun because, let's be honest, everyone loves the satisfying sploosh sound, and it's not like we were throwing them at other kids.

There were four of us doing it, and the teacher made all of us stand at the front of the class while she yelled at us. As a child who had never been in trouble at school before, it was a very traumatizing experience.
