People Share Their Best Revenge Stories On Cheating Partners

1. Marker, Scissors, and Moving On

My Ex was a piece of work. He worked nights (cook), I worked days, I never complained when he wanted to hang out with friends after work or on his days off. On the other hand, he is very possessive and controlling. He would send me messages for hours while at work, show up unannounced, and start arguments if I hung out with friends or family. 

He never had enough money because he had 2 different child support payments and smoked weed. I broke up with him right before Christmas. I found out that he had been cheating on me with a coworker, a girl he had previously claimed was trying to hook up with other coworkers. 

I talked to my landlord about breaking the lease and moving out, he was fine with it. My ex refused to be an adult or even communicate with me, with the exception of asking if I towed his car from his friend's house.

Lol, unfortunately, it was repossessed from him because he wasn't paying. While packing up my stuff, I saw that he left all his clothes including his work uniform. 

My revenge was to write in permanent marker bold letters stating he was a cheater on the back of all his work shirts, 

I  didn't stop there and did some more revenge. Where do men keep personal possessions (phone, keys, wallet) when out in public? I immediately remembered, and then I proceeded to cut out every single pocket in his trousers! petty? Yes! Do I regret it? Hell no! Am I proud?! Every second!


2.My Journey to a Better Life

My wife was abusive and a complete narcissist. She then admitted to me one day of having an affair with a married guy from work for years.

Fast forward 5 years, and I haven’t spoken to her since, I made 5 times what I made when I was with her, I’m in the best shape of my life, relocated to a new area, and I’m re-married to an amazing woman.

Calling it quits with that loser was the best gift I could have ever received.


3. When Retribution Turns the Tables on Trust

I was cheated on by my high-school sweetheart during our 1st year of uni (3-year relationship). We split up, but I persuaded her to get back together to give it another try and make up for the lost trust.

When we got back together, I cheated on her in the same circumstances just so she knew how it felt. She was devastated.

It was my plan all along to give her a dose of her own medicine. Years later I do regret it but at the time it was "the perfect plan"


4. Rediscovering Life's True Riches

My ex-wife wasn't cheating, but judging me by the lifestyle of others. Everything wasn't good enough. Not enough money, not enough traveling, old cars, etc. Everyone was doing better than us.

I tried to explain and convince her that having a flat car, and no debt is good by today's standards and that I am sick of being compared to her friends. Towards the end, she was openly showing interest to her colleagues. She thought she could do better.

We ended up divorcing. I met my current wife and have been much happier ever since. She on the other hand, now sees how good it was


5. A Chance Meeting and a Twist of Fate

An ex-girl about 10 years ago *emailed me* to say it wasn't working out and that she had met the "unconditional love of her life" (something she told me I was lol). So, needless to say, I was a bit hurt, but not much I could do about it. I chewed on it for a while and got pissed off the more I thought about it.

I eventually moved on with life and forgot about her entirely -- like pushed so far out of my mind and memories that I legit never thought about her at all. I ended up running into her several years afterward while working at a hotel reception desk and didn't even notice her. 

She was acting a little freaky and I didn't know why and chalked it up to her having a rough day or something

Got my key and got settled in my room. The next morning I was coming out to get ready to head to work and was in the lounge area where they have the waffles and mess and she tapped me on the shoulder (I assume she worked all night) and I'm like "Whoa, whoa, whoa! If I did something to you, I'm so sorry, but who the heck are you?" (or something to this effect). 

And then she said, "I'm so glad I married _________ and not you, you're such a piece of mess." And then I was like "Ohhhhhhhhh!" as the light finally came on.

She looked like she was very miserable in life, and that made me very, very, very happy. She was a real tool. 

Looking back on it, I am kind of proud of myself that I managed to completely move on with my life that I didn't even remember what she looked like. lol, I am amazed that she expected me to dwell on her as if she was the greatest thing that ever happened to me and that I lost her… it seems she almost expected me to dwell on it for years and be depressed about it.

As if that wasn't enough, I met a woman in Germany who is like the female version of me. It's pretty awesome. Funny how life works out when you just go with the flow, eh?

Raging heretic

6. When Karma Wears an Army Green

I'm pretty sure I was cheated on once, when a girlfriend ghosted me, six months into our relationship, starting when she didn't show up for a date on her birthday.

I saw her internet activity, but she didn't respond to me at all. I assume she cheated on me and was too ashamed to face me.

I quickly stopped caring about her as I started dating the girl I would eventually marry about 4 months later.

The revenge was about a year later when I was walking through a transit station in my army uniform. I had gotten in much better shape and the uniform looked good on me. I saw her from across the station standing near my exit. She tried to wave at me but I didn't even turn to look.

Amazingly enough, I saw her two more times after that over the years.

Maybe four years later, I was biking home along a very nice beach and I saw someone wave at me. I didn't bother to stop, but I kept a camera on my bike and watched the footage when I got home. It was her again.

I saw her again maybe five years after that when I was leaving a store after exchanging a pair of pants for my wife. I was on the phone with her and she started walking towards me with a smile. I just sidestepped her and kept moving. Then my wife told me she wanted me to go back to the store and get a different size. I think the ex thought I didn't see her the first time, so she tried approaching me again. Side stepped again. 

Then the third time after getting the correct size of pants, I went back to the same spot and saw her sitting on a bench looking sad. We locked eyes and I just laughed and walked away


7. The Frosty End of a Friendship

It wasn’t me but my neighbor. He came home a few days early from deployment to surprise his wife for their anniversary. He walked into her and his best friend naked in their bed. He threw both of them out the window (fortunately first floor), naked, into a snow-packed yard. He promptly also locked them out of the house.

This was Fairbanks, Alaska in January so it was about -50 F outside which is damn cold. I was out with my dogs and happened to witness the whole thing. I was dying of laughter. His command got called, military police were called, she was given some clothes and went to her mom’s house and we never saw her again.

I think he got the good end of the deal, he got out of that marriage with no kids, no alimony, and the command didn’t read him Article 15. He got a divorce and owed her nothing, his buddy (also active duty) got charged with adultery which got him busted down to an E-nothing quicker than you can blink, lost his pay, and got confined to the barracks for a year. My neighbor told me everything, he was more than willing to spill the tea in that situation.


8. The Forged Letter and Its Aftermath

My (now ex) brother in law cheated on my sister which hurt me so badly. I forged a letter from a fictional doctor, advising him that one of my patients was being treated for gonorrhea and had identified him as a person who slept with other women . 

This guy used to brag about having literally been attractive with a big body, so I created a fake list of “symptoms” that included “STD” along with normal stuff like headaches, etc.

He never openly admitted to my sis that he got the letter but she did find written notification from the local health agency that he’d been tested. I hope it was painful; this was decades ago so I hope they used a rusty clip or something to get a sample.


9. Thriving in a New Chapter of Life

Living well is truly the best form of revenge. I spent 12 years in a highly verbally and emotionally abusive relationship with a BPD, PPD, and NPD formally diagnosed ex-wife who cheated on me several times, while at the same time constantly accusing me of cheating. My now-wife's ex-husband cheated on her as well, ending their marriage. 

The best revenge is the amazing life I have now with a woman who I consider my perfect equal and fun-loving partner in mischief, I have two amazing sons (hers) who I consider the absolute embodiment of everything I would want if I could have had kids, and an amazing immediate (her parents rock) and extended family comparable to my own.

The greatest gift either of our exes gave us was the opportunity to meet each other and create something far better together than either of us ever had with our priors.


10. Embracing a New Chapter with Grace and Dignity

I moved very far away from my home and friends to a place, so my wife could have horses. It was just not financially feasible where we were. I did manage to find a pretty good-paying job after a year of being there. The downside was the night shift. After a while, I noticed that she was becoming distant. 

I was disturbed, to say the least, but chalked it up to a rough patch that we needed to work through. Long story short, she was having an affair. I found out later that when I left for work, her boyfriend came in for the night. Thanks, neighbors, you could have told me sooner.

Anyway, we did get divorced. She insisted. I was still stupidly trying to make it work. I moved out. The boyfriend moved in and parked his Corvette in front of my house. But, I have to say I had no part in the ultimate revenge, it was karma. They were traveling on the very narrow and winding road that led to our country house, and they collided at high speed with another vehicle. 

The boyfriend spun the car, so the passenger side took the full force of the impact. Nice guy, he barely got a scratch. She was severely injured and was in the hospital with multiple broken bones and other injuries for weeks. 

Never wished her any harm or even tried to get revenge of any kind, but she did this to herself. BTW, the boyfriend dumped her and moved to another state to avoid her lawsuit. Karma is a freak


11. Finding Joy in Unexpected Places

Living after you leave. I woke up at 4:30 one morning and she was gone. Cheated on me after 5 years.

I ended up reconnecting with an old friend. Been together for a decade now with a great home, happy families, an amazing relationship, and a beautiful marriage.

​Last I heard my ex had become a stripper, addicted to pain pills. Cleaned up her act and had some dude knock her up and leave.


12. Reclaiming Your Worth After a Betrayal

Cheating is a symptom of entitlement and a flawed character. You realize you didn't em - you loved the image, the front they put up, and your idea of them.

Going no contact, getting some therapy and then building a wonderful life for yourself is the way to go. You deserve better than someone that is damaged. 

Maybe there will be tearful voicemail messages, maybe you'll send them again because they know you know who they are, why waste your energy? You have better things to do, and a new life to build.


13. When Words Leave a Lasting Impression

When my girlfriend and I decided to be exclusive, she said to me on the phone "I want you to listen to this very carefully." I said Okay and she said "Noo, I want you to  do this very carefully."... I said Okay I will listen very carefully"

(Okay Awkward minutes of silence)She said, "Did you hear that?" I said "What?''She said "Nothing". "I'm not going to nag you, I'm not going to follow you, I'm not going to check your texts or your cell phone, but if you ever lie or cheat on me, that's just what you're going to hear from me for the rest of your life."

I hope it reads like it happened. It was a little theatrical but pretty convincing. Two years later we're still talking, not because I felt threatened but because I deeply enjoy what we have.

important owl 1669

14. From Financial Struggles to Emotional Wealth

I found out my ex was spending upwards of $700 on only fan subscriptions while also verbally and mentally abusing me about financial problems. 

I was spending $10 a month on Kindle unlimited so I could have some sort of joy, and he was spending an additional $500 a month on stuff for his gun hobby. 

I finally managed to leave him in a safe way, divorced him, and now I have an amazing husband who literally treats me like gold.

 He loves and appreciates me so deeply it brings me to my emotional knees every single day with appreciation. The best revenge is being happy.


15. The Tale of a Divorce Cake

I worked doing silver service at wedding venues and a married couple were renewing their vows. Hours passed, and everything was going great until the wedding cake came out. 

The cake had a mountain top snow scene with two figurines donned in ski gear embracing on the top with another figurine in a 4x4 with a cloud of smoke on and sunglasses at the bottom driving into the sunset. It was a masterpiece. 

You could see the bride study the cake and wonder. There was a noticeable change in his demeanor. Then came the speeches where the husband announced to all that he found out about her having an affair with her ski instructor and that he was filing for divorce and she is on her arse. It was incredible but pretty sick…


16. A Restaurant Rendezvous

The best revenge is the waiting game. Knowing one day he/she will come back looking to get back together. You can hear them cry, beg, plead that it was the biggest mistake of their lives. 

Knowing that at the end of this debate, you are going to tell them to leave right away, and you are over and done with them. 

If they say they have changed and are a better person, congratulate them and tell them that they can practice their change without someone else. Because you will never give them another chance to act the way they did before and to never contact or speak to you ever again.

Bonus points if said in an ever-increasing volume in a restaurant, having already paid the check (your portion and excellent tip for the server) so you can walk out while they are publicly sobbing with tears of sweet revenge.


17 . When Shrimp Haunts a Home

A man comes home one day to find that his wife has been cheating on him with another man.  Due to the unfair laws against men in divorce settlements in this country,  he loses the house to her.  In a matter of weeks, the bf moves in and they begin their happy new life in the house his money bought and paid for.

Furious and wanting some form of mild revenge, he makes one of his final visits to the home to pick up his things while his ex is away at work. While eating lunch, he gets a devilish idea. He takes the shrimp shells from his plate and stuffs them into the empty spaces of the curtain rods of all the rooms.

Within days, the ex calls him complaining of the smell, but he insists that he smells nothing on every visit to pick up his things.  The smell gets worse. First, they tear the house apart looking for the source, and can't find it.   

Then they get fed up and try to sell it, but nobody wants to buy it because no matter how long you leave the windows open, and no matter how many vanilla candles you light,  there's no getting rid of shrimp stink. The value of the house plummets, and it's about to go off the market when she begs her ex to buy it from her, which he does at a massively discounted price.

The shrimp shells get removed, the curtain rods get replaced, and he reclaims his home.  


18. Crushes, Cheating, and Payback

My girlfriend came onto *me*, she put me on the spot,and asked if I wanted to be her bf, and I decided to give her a chance and said yes. I should’ve known because she decided to do *men’s* football, but this was right after I was rejected by my crush, so I was quite down. She was also my first gf… 

We were together for 2 weeks. 2 *weeks* and she managed to cheat on me. Then again, I refused to sleep with her, so it wasn’t a real relationship, more like she was just freaking around. 

She made it seem real though, getting me presents, going to the pool together, stuff an actual couple would do. I even talked to her parents, and she talked to mine. She left me and the day after she uploaded pics of her in some random dude’s car, funny enough I’ve seen this guy around!  

I also found out that she had slept with almost the entire football team in the past, so no one liked her because of that already. Anyways my crush apparently *didn’t* reject me, she just *didn’t answer*.

 So I got together with her, and that cheating freak never showed up to football again. I hear her cursing my name! She’d be crying “I hate you!” And I’d just ignore her! It was the best feeling ever. Anyway broke up with my “crush” after almost a year, it was *literally* impossible for us to work.  

We had a mutual friend who was short and also in football, he really liked her and they even dated for a while! He tried to fight me and I completely embarrassed him by not fighting back at all, and just weaving his sub-par attacks. She now gets bullied by almost everyone, including a mutual friend. Karma’s a freak, huh?


19. When Music, Mudslinging, and Mischief Collide

I had a girl I dated right after high school for a good while. She cheated regularly and I  just kept trying to fight the dudes. I finally stopped caring and moved on. Some time goes by and I guess she got sick of dudes who treated her like crap so she came crawling back. I was done with her at this point but I was also broke and needed tickets to a music festival the following week.

So I told her I'd agree to see her for one hour in a Public place if she brought me tickets to that concert. Astoundingly, she agreed to that absurd request. During that meeting,I told her I would hang out with her at the aid three-day festival if she got us a hotel room close by. She freaking did that too. 

First night there we hung out and then went back to the hotel. I had slept with her and she went by morning and I just let her do it. The next day at the festival my chemical romance ended the night and when they played "In't Love You As I Loved You Yesterday" I went up to her and kissed her and said "This song is for you". 

Then I went and played in the mud and after the set,I ran into another girl I had been talking to for a while and left with her instead.


20 . Whip Dancing, Fishing, and Friendships

My wife left after I had a health issue so she could enjoy her life. I recovered, joined a gym, joined a whip dancing club and got out with friends at least four nights a week, took my grown kids out fishing on the weekends. 

Dated some but more importantly made a lot of lady friends who helped raise me. 11 years later I married a fantastic woman who makes my life wonderful. We’ve been together for almost 30 years now and she told me she owes my ex a debt of gratitude for making me available. 

My ex quickly married a bar hookup who refused to work and she had to support them both. She’s still unhappy with her life. So as far as I’m concerned the best revenge is to forget they even exist and enjoy your life.


21 . From Apartment to Homeowner

I left my ex after I had grown tired of her cheating and generally drinking violently and . I had just gotten a better job and went to stay with a friend as I and my ex lived together.

My friend started dating a realtor and she got me into a house with a huge yard like me and she always talked about it. Started losing weight and gathering a group of lady friends and saw my friends a lot more. So I went from a downer in an apartment to a happy home owner.

Her immediate boyfriend hopped until she got with someone who was a regular at the bar we both met at (while working), who eventually went to jail for pistol-whipping her regularly, and then married a guy who she hates. 

I only know because it's been 4 years and she still randomly gets drunk and sends me a short novel of texts about how bad things are and how bad she misses "us".


22. When Rumors Come Back to Bite

I worked at the same place as my ex. Ironically, she was super paranoid that I would cheat with these two other girls we worked with. 

It wasn’t intentional revenge, but about a week or two after we broke up due to her cheating on me, I ended up going to a party that these two girls were at, too. They both came back to my place after, and I had my fime. Rumors quickly spread at work, and my ex was livid when she found out about it. It wasn’t out of spite that I did it, but it did feel good that it got under her skin.

She texted me years later when she broke it off with the guy she had cheated with and made some reference to a part of our relationship she missed. I legitimately didn’t know who it was from the text alone and had to ask who it was. 

She embarrassingly had to respond "With so and so” and tried to recover with some flirty texts, and I responded to them all with pretty ruthless jokes at her expense lmao she quickly gave up whatever rekindling attempt she was making and I gladly never heard from her again.

All in all, I’m glad she cheated because it showed me who she was and also solidified my desire to remain faithful in my relationships.


23. A Tale of Heartbreak

I’ve been with my wife since I was a freshman in high school and I’m 46 years old. I’ve been loyal and been with only one person even when she went to college for four years. I decided to hit the field and make money so I could surprise her and ask her to marry me and then bought her a house at a young age. Everything was going great. 

She always wanted to take care of her parents so we sold her house, invested that money, and made a mother-daughter house so we could look after them. 

My wife wanted to get surgery to get skinny. I thought she was beautiful and perfect the way she was, but I supported her decision and went with it. 

I feel like it’s my fault because somebody asked her to be in a band and she wasn’t sure, and I kept telling her with your voice people would love to hear it, so she joined the band playing at a lot of local bars lotta local young boys 22 years and I get beat on a 24-year-old. 

Doesn’t anybody believe in loyalty anymore or are they just always looking for the next best thing? I truly hope it works out for both of you, but in another 10 years, he could be pushing you around in a wheelchair. I’m glad you ruined our family and destroyed our kids. I hope it was worth it.


24 . Facebook, hookup and heartache

I cheated twice with my current husband which was very stupid cause it also back fired in my face.

Looking back to seven years,  I remembered sitting with him and  listening to how he  made accusations that I was cheating on him. This made me get angry and I eventually went and did it. 

I openly told him about the second time I cheated with him and he went to the person's house and  took a bat to his lower half. 

I left him because prior to my wrong doings, he had a single status on Facebook since 2017 and I found out that  he had 578 hookups from a dating  site and had met a few of them already. 

I'm not doing the revenge thing this time around. I just refused to go home to him , and he still won't admit to any of his wrongs.

I don't think it was right at all, we had never been out on a date and it  appeared that he  goes everywhere with them, so I am giving up here.


25. Mysterious Disappearance of an Expat's Love

An Austrian friend went to live in Egypt for a few years. She started dating this guy and they went on for five years. One day, she found out the guy had an entire family. A wife and two kids. What did she do you might say?

She packed her bags. Quit her job. And then bought a flight to Austria the next day. She has never spoken to him again.

She did not call. Did not tell him anything. Just left. She changed her phone number, social media,  everything.


26. When Life Gives You Lemons, Make a Fresh Start

I hurt myself on the job once and I went home early to clean the mess. I felt like a mess and it was even worse, her screaming was much louder for him than she ever did for me. 

I took a picture of my house with my cheating wife’s car next to her boss's truck. Then I called the regional director and corporate office, told the story, and mentioned the picture. 

The picture wasn’t proof, but gave my statement a little more credibility. The next week came the tears, apologies, and begging me to stay. Then a week later she called me screaming she had lost her job and never wanted to see me again. I still felt hollow but a tad better.


27. From Itching to Hitching

I found out he was cheating on me, it was the day of his company Christmas party. I took all the clean clothes that were suitable for a party from his side of the closet except for one outfit. 

I put a healthy dose of itching powder in the crotch of his pants. (He goes commando) then I told him I didn't want to go with him and he should go without me.  

I wanted him to sit there at that dinner and wonder what his girlfriend had for him.   Meanwhile, I packed up, filed for divorce and have now been happily married to my husband for 23 years.


28. Dating Mishaps to Dream Partners

My ex found me and my current partner on a dating site (had a joint profile, and looked for a third, didn't work out) and went nuts on me because I ruined her life. She was upset that my best friends wanted nothing to do with her after she cheated on me.

 I did act like a jerk after we broke up, and apologized so then she took to insulting my current partner, who I have been with for 8 years now and have never been happier. So, idk it's kinda cool knowing that she faced an uphill battle to even get her bearings. Had to move back in with her mom, turned to sleep with work, and just kinda floated along. 

Not discounting sleeping with work, but it was a far cry from her dream of being... an environmental lawyer.? Public Health expert? IDK, it changes constantly. 

But, I'm no longer petty and thankful she messed up that other dude. I would have asked her to marry me because I was so self-deluded and convinced that since we were best friends from a young age it was meant to be. It was not. She has a great job now and a name for herself, so I'm happy for her, and I have everything I ever wanted. Pretty rad how it worked out


29. When the Dumper Becomes the Dumped

This wasn't planned but I had an ex who told me she wanted to break up, then left the house for two weeks.  I kept asking when she would come get her stuff and she wouldn't respond with anything. She came back and asked me if after our time apart I'd thought about things and wanted to stay together and work on stuff.  

I said,  he dumped you once you were single huh?

It may as well have been written on her face. She was trying to play, 'Have you thought about things now?' Like I have learned my lesson... but I could see the desperation. She had gone from being the dumper to having lost it all.

But about 2 days after she left my neighbor was outside having a smoke and I was like, can I get one of those? Yadda yadda yadda, 

She raged at me completely hypocritically for 'cheating' then I just got up and went to the neighbor's place. Came back a few hours later, she was packing up a suitcase. She'd been crying a while.

I should have just put her stuff in storage before that, but oh well, she would have seen me. I could have dumped her as soon as she said 'It's just you and me now' so her two-week vacation was just sitting in a friend's apartment crying and trying to come up with a way to get me back after dumping me. 

In the process she staked outside our place until she saw me with the neighbor, then decided that was the moment we were 'even' for her cheating.... even though she'd broken up with me and was already cheating.

So my point is. Just know that they are the person who cheats. That's the lifestyle they live. It's my own goal usually.


30 . Victory in Court, Peace in Heart

I never cared about revenge, which bothered my ex.  

She would do things to try and piss me off, but they wouldn't.  Then she would get upset I wasn't pissed, then do something else to try and piss me off.  It only ever hurt our child.

I am 4-0 in the family court with her, so I guess that's good. All I ever wanted was what's best for our child.  All she ever wanted was to be right about everything she did wrong.


31. Dating site mishaps

23 years ago my Ex and I broke up. She was cheating on me with some random girl she met on Myspace...

So for the month,I was stuck sharing a 2 bedroom apartment with her. Almost every morning in the shower I would take the cap off of her conditioner and jerk off into the bottle then I would give it a shake.

She had a white creamy conditioner and as far as I knew, she never knew.

I was young, angry, and trying to be edgy. It made me feel better while doing it though.


32. A Tale of Revenge in Every Address

I had a girl I treated like a queen for about a year. She started cheating on me with one of her coworkers. I wasn’t “upset” as much as I was angry about how everything seemed to be going great until that point. 

She lived in a small rural community and I lived in a growing micro-city. I would take her out to places she couldn’t even pronounce and show her a real “night on the town” every time she came to stay at my place. 

After she cheated I wanted a payback. I went online and searched properties all over the world and collected several addresses from those properties. 

Since I knew all of her personal information, I went to the post office every couple of days for about 2 weeks and turned in a change of address for her. Her mail got sent all over the world for who knows how long. She never figured it out and my roommates and I got a great life out of it.


33. New Beginnings and Better Job Offers

My ex-wife cheated on me, got pregnant very quickly after starting to date him, had the baby, and got married. Her mom ran into my mom and said she wasn’t doing great.

Meanwhile, I got a better job, then another better job bought a nice house with my wonderful girlfriend, and have been happier than ever.

I learned a lot from the relationship and honestly did improve as a person from it, but it was time to bury it and move on. Did wonderful things for me


34. Navigating Dorm Drama with Style

I have an ex who fancied my roommate/best friend at the time. We lived in the dorms (apartment style so my roommate and I got our rooms by pure luck) and he lived across the hall from us. He broke up with me and then immediately went on to date my roommate.

 So I have no proof he was cheating but I'm pretty sure he was. Well,he'd spend almost every night over in my roommate's room and every morning he would wake up around 7:30, go over to his apartment to take his meds, and then come back. He had to unlock the door to our apartment and come back in, but I had an 8 a.m. class and would wake up right before him to get ready anyway. 

I'd make sure to leave right before he got back and I'd lock the door behind me so he couldn't get back in. I'm not good at big things so I was very petty with this. 

Luckily I moved to a different dorm the next semester and didn't have to deal with them, but not before reporting that they were spending almost every night together with the RAs (I can't have the opposite sleep with spending the night). 

I also told all my coworkers about him and since I work at Walmart we see him every week. I told them about his weird cat thing and how he'd meow during sleep, and so they now all meow at him in passing.


35. When Desperation Takes Over

My ex-wife split her idea, to have some space so she could figure things out .. .I said it wouldn’t work, but supported it if we went for counseling, etc. She proceeds to enjoy a bit of going out etc. A couple of months later at New Year, I gave her the ultimate “be home in two weeks to work it out or we are getting divorced”. 

Two weeks later she tells me she’s cheated on me and gotten pregnant, keeping the baby, and gonna make a go with the dude ... dang. I readily admit no relationship failure is purely one-sided, but man I wasn’t that boring.

A couple decades later she has a total of 4 failed short marriages and another child. And, the last one failed as a result of her being caught prostituting herself to earn some extra dough…. I pined hard for her at first and was heartbroken but I’m grateful every day for the life I’ve enjoyed since.


36. Father inlaw's Second Act Blues

My father-in-law cheated on my mother-in-law when my boyfriend was hardly out of diapers. She left and ended up with a math treat. They have a nice house, live within their means, and are happy. Been together for almost 30 years.

Father-in-law is on wife #2. The 1st wife bankrupted him and the 2nd is slowly siphoning all the money she can from him. He is 2 years old and is over 50. I am tired all the time.

Mother-in-law just smiles and enjoys her life. The best revenge is like everyone else has said - move forward and prosper.

We're about to give her step-father-in-law their first grandchild and she's overjoyed and will have time to play with him and spoil him, she'll probably retire soon. Fathers-in-law will probably never retire and his current wife is angling for a new house and another baby because she's trying to figure out a way to not work a full-time job.

My mother-in-law won in the end. She laughs every time she thinks of Father in-law "starting over". My Father-in-law still talks about her...he's jealous asf!


37. The Birthday Breakup Bash

My ex cheated on me several times. Even when he provoked me to break up 1st, I didn't do it. Cheating happened often and he provoked me to break up twice, I still forgave him after that. I told him I'll only give him 3 strikes, if he does it again for the 4th time, I'll do what he desires. 

He did, right on my very birthday so I did what he asked and broke up with him. Then I called my friends, and we celebrated my birthday and freedom.

He then called after 4 months asking if we could start all over again, I declined as I'm perfectly fine with my single life. 

The revenge? Nothing, just accept and let go, it's not worth taking revenge on someone who doesn't change no matter what effort we make to change them. It's unfair, yes, but there's karma, might take a while before it happens but it'll happen.


38. Gaming Gear, Child Support, and Sweet Revenge

One of my friend's mum was emotionally abused by her husband, her husband always made her feel like trash every day. Her life was miserable and she found out her husband has been cheating on her for three years with several women. They got a divorce but before that she did this (this is said in her own words).

“I got his Xbox and PS4 and I destroyed one and the other one I sold at a  really cheap price. I destroyed his computer and I talked to his boss so he took some of his salary and gave it to me for child support” it was a  sweet revenge.

Even though  her children and her go for therapy because one of her children has trust issues and doesn’t get along with some people.  Her mother is still dealing with depression of all the emotional abuse (the child with trust issues is just 9)


39. A Heartbreaking Proposal

I am a 22-year-old Asian male and I have 2 friends whom I enjoy hanging out with and have been doing since school (middle school) their names are Kasper: the revenger and Fred, our other friend. 

We have been hanging out since we were teenagers so we were completely comfortable expressing our worries and love lives to each other. Kasper is notorious for having the worst girlfriend humankind has ever known, we will call her a piece of mess. One can say that she is a witch and cheats on Kasper oblivious to his knowledge.

I first found out that she had broken the bond when I saw her walking on the High Street holding hands with this other man and walking into a hotel. I have read a ton of revenge stories and have decided to not jump the gun, maybe it was a cousin or a male friend. 

But no, they kissed in the hotel lobby and did not even try to hide it. Of course,I had to trail them as if this would go unnoticed, and if she finally revealed that she was having an affair with him he would be broken.

I took some pictures and slipped away. It is good to note here that this piece of mess still loves Kasper and genuinely enjoys time with him. Looking through all her social media feeds it looks like that for the last 3 years she had been with him she had always loved Kasper. Maybe she just had such doubts and would like to spice up their relationship. 

I showed Kasper the photos and he sank to the ground heartbroken, Fred also was more angry than sad and decided that he would like to conduct revenge.

Even sadder, Kasper was even deciding to propose to her after enjoying his perfect life with her for the last 3 years, he had brought her ring shopping only a week before this happened and he bought her favorite ring. This is where things get messy.

For a week alone he was inconsolable, we couldn't hang out together, he called sick leave on his job, and he barely left his house, only to get food which was a permanent stash of instant ramen. 

On day 7, Fred decided that Kasper couldn't live on like this. The only way POS did not find out that he had learned of her sins was because she had told him a week earlier that she would be going on a supposed "business trip". 

She was to return on the next day and if she found him in this state the worst outcome would probably play out, she would dump him, he would lose his job and become a shell of his former self.

Here is where the revenge part comes in. Fred, Kasper, and I commenced and hatched a complex revenge plan to dump his girlfriend. Here's the weird part. As a skinny Asian, I don't grow body hair and with enough clothes and a wig, I can pass as a rather attractive girl, puberty did not hit me, unlike my other friends. Seriously. 

Fred used this to our advantage and made a plan where Kasper would bring a piece of mess to their favorite spot, a bench in the park near our homes. 

I would be in disguise; I would have makeup on, stuffed a bra, and wear clothes borrowed from Fred's wife who kindly agreed to take part in destroying a piece of messy life (they never got along) and Kasper would fake propose to me while Fred was hiding behind a bush nearby recording. Sounds like something straight out of a James Bond movie. 

The event played out and I of course played my part as I could see the horror and moroseness in her face with the guilt in her eyes as I put on her favorite ring. It was ridiculous and Kasper said to me later as we walked away leaving her in shock that he had not a single piece of remorse for that piece of mess.

I can't lie. I felt sorry for her, she was really emotionally attached to him and still really loved him. Last I heard of her, she still hadn't moved on and was inactive on social media after she had moved out of his house. We utterly destroyed her ego and now she is unable to go back to a loving relationship.


40. Sleeping with the Enemy

I have a friend, who told me what he did to his ex.  She woke up to him and the other. Mid-stroke he tells her I know you've been cheating, I hope this will let you feel what I felt, now get the hell outta my house. One and half years later he met a new girlfriend who would later become his wife. 

He told her if she cheats he'll have to sleep with another woman in the bed next to her while she sleeps. She didn't believe him thinking he would never do that. 

A couple of years later they got married and one day they ran into that cheating ex. 

His now-wife is the bold type and when she realized it was the cheating ex she blurted out a question about the situation to the cheating ex… The cheating ex confirmed and said it was the worst feeling she ever had. He is the type to revenge cheat but not the type to cheat willy-nilly.

While all that is a good revenge plot for immediate satisfaction and quite funny..... I think finding someone better while being happy and successful in life is the best revenge. Most times the cheating partner generally ends up unhappy down the road and it will hurt them more to see you happy and in a great life situation. it's a long-run revenge but a better one for yourself.


41. Navigating Betrayal and Moving Forward

I was in a 5-year long relationship that ended in January 2021. We met because a lady friend of mine introduced me to her, and she was from a different college than mine. Also, she was the first ever girlfriend I have ever had.

The relationship was going smoothly at first, and surely in the later years it may get boring, there were serious talks about where both of us were going. But I think it went fine since we have plans to marry at 30... Or so I thought.

One day, I caught her texting some other dude, and the conversation was about marriage plans and her agreeing to it. After that, she confessed that this dude asked her for marriage, and already met her parents and everything, already set up a date even, all that behind my back.

She has never given her parents any signs of my existence all this time. She said she wants to make it exclusive. Me, being the dumb mofo I am, just go with the flow. Whatever that makes her happy. I didn't know better.

After I broke up with her and moved out to another apartment, I admit that I still have feelings for her, 5 years of relationship is really hard to shake off. Especially knowing that she annulled her plans for marriage with that dude not long after we split. 

The reason? She said she wants me, not him. Like a dumb mofo, I accepted her again in my life, I didn't know better. Maybe the best time to break her even more, right?

During this time together... I never ask her back, but she keeps trying to get me back. There were evening deep talk sessions, lunch or dinner together with her, but when she tried to initiate something, even as slight as touching my hands, I felt... Icky... I somehow can't do it. 

I simply left and we never talked about it. So much for revenge, right?

After a few months, I resigned from my office and went unemployed for a few months. She moved to another city after she received a work offer. At first, we still talked via chat and after I landed a new job, I got busy, she got busy, and we barely talked since I spent most of my time focused on my job.

Right now I no longer contact her. Right now, I am currently going on dates with this sweet and lovely girl I met from Bumble for a few months, and the feelings are mutual between me. I hope this goes well, wish me luck, you guys.

I understand that you might want revenge OP, but yeah, like all the Redditors said, no better revenge than to be better yourself. Just focus on yourself, build connections, or get some exercise... Whatever it is that made you better. Or... Just forget about her, and breathe for the moment.


42. A Breakup as Swift as Lightning

I was tipped off by her sister when I was a 4-hour drive away from college. At the end of the week after my classes, I made the trek down to the guy's house. Mind you, that man was my mother's bf at the time.

He must have developed the fear of God the second he heard my car pull up his long driveway since he was absent from the 5-minute interaction with my then fiancé which consisted entirely of me waiting for her to dig the ring she begged me to buy her out of her purse because at least she had the decency to remove her ring while she was cheating.

I then went home to my family, showed off the ring, said it's over, and explained. Rinse and repeat for her mother. The rest took care of itself.


43. A Bagel Shop Showdown

My only ex that I confirmed cheated on me used an anonymous app called Whisper to sleep with people. We had a mutual friend who alerted me to what he was doing & the types of things he was posting. I found one of his posts and started talking to him. I laid it on thick for about 1.5 months. 

On the day he finally wanted to meet "her," I met him at the bagel shop in town and very loudly announced that I was Lauren the whole time and I hoped he was able to move on with his life the same way I had already moved on with mine. Also, his stuff had been put in a box and shipped to his mother's address.

Would I do that now? Probably not, but I was young and angry. I'd enact much better revenge now


44. Turning Pain into Purpose

My ex cheated on me and abused me in every way possible and then abandoned the child we created together. 

My revenge was going from being in poverty and left with no job prospects and no future to being a successful engineer, being the sole financial supporter of my now family of 4, owning my own home, and marrying a man who puts him to shame (who adopted the child I had with the ex). 

Last I heard my ex was still in and out of jail and married some sloppy older woman and was just evicted from his trailer home. 

The best revenge is rising above and moving on with your life. :)


45. Love Lost and Lessons Learned on the Chicago Expressway

Not me but a friend. He drove down to Chicago, about 6 hours away, that was the hours he drove. That's important for later. 

Before that,he found out she cheated on him and planned a trip to Chicago with her. As soon as they got to the hotel (there was no hotel room) , he said he was going to park his car and then he started his way home.

Imagine how insane his attitude was, he got a call from her mom and he presented her mom with the evidence (it was a friend's roommate that he got photographed evidence of, the next morning).

Her mom was mad but ended up just saying "Ohhhh." Imagine a six-hour car drive to and fro, which is as stressful as hell. He felt it was totally worth it in his mind. He's indeed a legend for having the patience and fortitude for that plan.
