“Would You Like Some Juice to Go With Your Humble Pie?”: Crazy Stories Of Instant Karma

1. The Best Friend

Decades ago my first husband died of cancer. He had been much older than me, but it was a love match. One of his best friends, who lived with his wife in my building, came to see me a few days after the funeral. This man had been a guest in my home dozens of times.

Anyway, he proceeded to tell me whatever price my husband had been paying me to be with him he would meet or exceed. When I told him to get the out of my house, he raped me and told me he’d be back for my answer in a few days. The next morning he was run over by a bus outside our building. I sat with his clueless wife at his funeral and held her hand. 


2. Layoffs Don’t Affect You, Till They Do

I work for a staffing agency as a recruiter. Pretty small team and this was actually another recruiter on my team that this happened to.

My co-worker was working with this guy who was pretty sharp. He was a programmer. His company was doing layoffs but he was told he wouldn’t be affected. My co-worker contacted him, chatted about the situation and he said he would be interested in looking around. We just had a new client give us a position to help that fit his background.

We lined up an interview pretty quickly, he interviewed and got the position! Great. It was even a little salary bump. Straight direct hire, no contract stuff. He goes in, works his first week. All is great, all smiles.

Well, that next Monday shows up and he isn’t there. The company calls us asking where he is, so my co-worker calls him. He answers the phone and my co-worker asks “hey, is everything okay? You were a no call, no show today over at XYZ company.” And the guy proceeds to tell us “Yeah, I never actually quit my job. I just took vacation for the week to see if I liked the place. It was okay but I’ll just stay here.”

My co-worker responds “Man, is there anything I can do? This puts us in a tight spot, this is a brand new customer of ours, can I do anything” and the guy tells us “Quite frankly I don’t give a hoot about what kind of position it puts you in nor do I care if they are a new customer. I’m staying, don’t call me again.” And hangs up the phone.

He got laid off the next week.


3. Life Flashing Before My Eyes

This was unfortunately bad karma on my behalf. Here's my story:

I had just got off work and was excited to go home, about a 30 minute drive straight down a road that's pretty underpopulated at night. This was 12:00am and it had been raining pretty heavily throughout the day. As someone who lives in a dry climate, I'm not used to the effects rain can have on a moving car. I have (had) this tendency to drive well over the speed limit which was 45mph, as I like to cut the time down... That and I enjoy(ed) driving fast. Anyways, the road was two lanes and I had 2 cars in front of me, both going between 25 and 30mph. I was getting really irritated at their slow speeds and after 5 minutes of it I decided to literally drive off the road to speed up and cut them off.

I notice the light a quarter mile up is green and want to make sure I catch it, so I floor the pedal and reach about 90mph in this Ford Explorer when I cross the intersection. As soon as I pass the light I hear the sound of water being smacked and thrown everywhere. There was a buildup of water in a dip in the road.

At first I think it's nothing, but then the car starts gliding to the left. My first instinct is to try to correct it by lightly pumping the brake and slightly turning the opposite direction. The only thing I strongly remember after that is the sound of the car spinning out and hitting the tree. I remember getting smacked by the airbag and seeing my passenger window collide with the ground. I'm hanging from the roof of my car by its seat belt, which I don't remember how I got out of. The Explorer had completely flipped over, and now I'm crawling on the roof trying to open the door to get out. I can still hear the sound of the engine sizzling, and the dripping... I was scared the car would blow up. I checked both front doors, jammed.

After checking the passenger door, I feel like my face is wet. When I wipe it, all I see is blood. I can't stop shaking... I hear 2 cars drive past (what I can only assume are the cars I had passed), and hope to hear them stop. They keep driving. I shimmy into the back seats and check those doors as well, which also turn out to be stuck. I remember feeling really scared. I remember thinking about my newborn and my wife, and feeling sorry for having made those 2 drivers feel like I wasn't worth checking if I was dead or alive.

The idea of having to wait in the car until help showed up, whenever that would be, was horrific. I couldn't find my phone, and didn't even know where to look. Just as I felt hope seeming from my existence, I turned and saw that the back window had been shattered. I crawl through the car and stand up, still feeling dazed. The ringing sound hadn't gone away yet.

I waited around for 5 minutes before someone saw me and stopped. They called the police, who quickly showed up with the fire department to check on me. After what felt like forever arguing with the paramedic, I finally agreed to go to the hospital (I was in debt and had no insurance). Got discharged from the hospital 3 hours later. The last thing I remember from that night is kissing my wife and wondering if I was going to wake up at any moment, almost dead and still in the car as if my mind had made up for me having been fine.

According to the paramedic, I was lucky to be alive. If there were any other passengers, there would be no question about their fate. I honestly feel very lucky to be able to hold my baby today.


4. Hanging String

A number of years ago, my then bf & I were at our local dive-bar having a few beers mid-afternoon as usual. All is good until this petite chick with a rockin body strolls in and very blatantly is flaunting her stuff to every guy there, including my bf. I'm a decade older than her & I'm like whatever.

As long as she doesn't actually come over & actually try this stuff up close & personal, let her have her fun cuz days when you feel this good about yourself are far & few.

Eventually, every guy is so distracted that the whole place is completely malfunctioning: The bartender is too busy flirting with her that he doesn't keep our beers coming as usual and my opponent at the pool table is not mentally present & the game is becoming a cake-walk. Now I'm annoyed.

Of course anything I say will sound like I'm jealous & envious so I say nothing & seethe silently & salvage what I can of my happy hour.

Cue Karma: She sashays up to the bar again in her tall wedges and mini skirt, climbs on top of the stool, kneels on the stool & leans forward toward the bartender- no panties. Sexy? Only if you like the sight of a bloody tampon string hanging out!!! That next beer was especially satisfying & delicious.


5. Wait… You Hit What?

I was driving home from work one day, along a country road prior to a small village. Speed limit on the road was 60 & I was driving at bang-on 60mph.

I was overtaken at very high speed (I'd say probably 75+), very closely, by a gentleman driving a particular German brand of car synonymous with poor driving - whilst he beeped at me as he passed.

Around 2 minutes later, I was driving through the village when I saw my new angry speedy friend pull over at the side of the road. His lovely blue German car was considerably damaged on the side. But not as damaged as the police car he had hit.

Both people involved were not injured, however I assume things were not going to be exceptionally pleasant for the overtaker in the immediate future.


6. Shattered

I (24f) was using one of my boyfriends (26m) spare laptops to look at a recipe while I prepared the food. He went off on me because he assumed I’d get food on the keyboard but I was just using the screen to look at it.

He said something like “I’m going to be pissed if you mess up the keyboard” I turned towards him and told him to chill and turned back around. He threw a lighter at me, missed and hit the laptop screen, shattering it completely. I laughed so hard and his face turned purple in frustration that it ended up being him that messed it up.


7. Into The Abyss

I was at a touristy place at the top of a big cliff. People were hanging around at the top, just enjoying the view, and this one guy was eating a sandwich while staring at his phone. 

After he was done, he couldn't be bothered to find a trash can so he went to throw the sandwich wrappings off the cliff, but he got his hands confused and hurled his phone off the cliff instead.


8. Don’t Mess With The Cats

My uncle tried to kick the cat, missed, kicked a brick wall instead, broke two toes, and almost lost them because he refused to do anything about it and gangrene set in.

A different uncle almost lost his hand after a cat bit him while he was trying to drug it to put it in a crate. Bite got infected, hand swollen up, and they couldn't get the swelling or his fever down.


9. It’s All About Sandwiches

I'm not a well off person, I can afford very very few treats for myself (& my bank often dips into the minus numbers unless I'm VERY careful) and one of my few vices are those £1 scratch cards that normally give you back £1 at most.

It's about 10/11 at night and I'm heading to the store to get one before heading home, since I've just been paid (and I wanted a sandwich/snack too) when I spotted a homeless guy, setting himself up for the night.

Having been very nearly homeless myself, I felt my heart go out to him, stopped and asked him what sandwich he liked and then headed into the store. Got him his sandwich and a drink, meaning I couldn't get one and would have to walk the 45 minutes home before I ate, and my scratch card.

Handed the food over to him and went to start home, scratching the card as I walked.

Won £10. Went straight back in, got my own food, and another sandwich for the gentlemen too.

Good day, man. Good day.


10. Did It To Myself

I was young and a bit of a jerk. I was walking around the neighborhood with some friends when I noticed someone had put a driveway basketball goal in their trash. Well, like I said, I was a jerk. So I decided to drag the goal post into the street so whoever drove across next would be very inconvenienced.

So, the night goes on. We stopped at my friend's place at the end of the street and spent some time there. About an hour later we started heading back in the direction we came from.

Side note: young me was also incredibly hyperactive. So we're heading back and I get a sudden burst of energy. To remedy the situation I decide to start sprinting down the street, with my eyes closed, wishing on the stars. Well, I get half way through my wish and the next thing I know I'm face-planting into the concrete. I forgot about the goal post in the street and tripped over it HARD. Took a ton of skin off my body and broke my foot.


11. Karen’s Nature

When I was working in fast food, there was this one woman at the front counter. Typical "I want to speak to your manager" type of person, down to the haircut, the annoying voice, the utter lack of human decency, etc. She was treating everyone like garbage on this day in particular.

She was insulting us, calling us names, telling us to hurry up (when we were already going as fast as she could and were busy and understaffed), complained loudly that we were slow, all that jazz. Well, finally after less than five minutes, this witch finally gets her order; a milkshake, one of our messier burgers, and lots and lots of fries.

She demanded (her words not mine) to speak to our manager, who had been watching this entire thing, but couldn't really do anything because he was tied up in the drive-thru. The typical thing happened after, she said our service was awful, bla bla bla.

But then, as she turns around to take a seat, she turns too quickly and the milkshake slips on the tray. She tries to catch it, but then ends up tripping on her own feet...When she stood up, she was covered from head to toe in sauce, grease, fries and salt, all of it stuck to the milkshake that had basically exploded all over her upon impact.

We were able to contain our laughter just barely, even the manager. She walked out in enraged silence, and didn't even ask for a refund. Never saw her again.


12. Don’t Harm Thy Mother

The best case of karmic justice I've ever been made aware of and affected me personally was the instant I found out someone died. This person abused me verbally, emotionally, and a little physically for years. They abused others as well, including their mother, even when their mother was over 80 and frail and needed help.

This person mocked them for being slow and displaying all the signs of dementia. Additionally, this person lied to the police about a confrontation/altercation and the police believed I was the aggressor when I was trying to avoid being hit and not allow them to hit their mother while this person yelled and threatened violence, including hollering they want to shoot me.

This person had a lengthy history of drug use, everything from alcohol to weed as well as crack, and it winds up meth. Meth was what killed them. Smoked it, stood up and had a heart attack, died before they hit the ground or so I was told.

The karma was so thick I could cut it. The justice was so sweet I could taste it. The relief was so tangible I stopped having nightmares of this person killing me.


13. Two Plain Dudes

Last Saturday I was on a crowded NYC subway at 2am. Two drunk dudes, young 20's, lighting a joint and walking around flaunting it. One literally came up to me "you think a pothead ain't gonna smoke a joint?" (Whatever that means.)

The whole train kept ignoring them, and they kept parading around being a bunch of morons. They spotted two taller, athletic looking dudes and started making fun of them for "looking like cops."

It was the line "which one of you is the sergeant??" that finally put the athletic guys over the edge. They looked at each other, smiled, reached into their pockets and pulled out their badges. "Okay boys, empty your pockets."

The subway blew up in laughter... they would have gotten away with EVERYTHING if they just didn't go bother the two plain-clothes police officers. Score one for the good guys!

And then I went home and smoked a joint in my living room.


14. Ponytail Punch

I was in daycare as a child. I had very long hair that my dad always put into a ponytail. There was a girl that would pull my ponytail all the time.

We were doing a musical chairs thing at the end of the day while parents were picking us up. The girl was behind me and kept yanking my ponytail, I kept telling her to stop. The teacher "didn't see anything so I can't do anything about it"

There were a bunch of parents waiting for us to finish our game, my mom included and she kept doing it and the teacher "didn't see it" so I turned around and punched her as hard as I could, she stumbled into the "cubbies" where we kept our coats. The teacher tried to chastise me and my mom was like "nope. I didn't see anything"

Didn't even get in trouble.


15. 35 Cents

Maybe not quite "instant" as the whole thing took maybe 5-10 minutes, but back when I worked at a hardware store, this dude threw an absolute fit because the system refused to refund one of the sixteen items he was returning.

Dude proceeds to scream at the top of his lungs, shout at, threaten, and get in the face of, in order: Me, the other cashier, the store manager, and about 3 other customers. He's told repeatedly to leave the store as he's no longer welcome there, but he refuses and instead stands in the entrance way screaming and shouting at every customer that walks in to not shop there cause the store is ripping him off.

Well, maybe 10 minutes or so into this whole episode (probably 5 or 6 of which he spent screaming at people entering the store), the cops show up, and his face just falls SO freaking fast and he gets real quiet and starts trying to meekly make excuses like "well, uh well you see they wouldn't return my item, and--" but the cops were basically just like "Dude, we don’t care. They told you to leave. Get lost, and if you ever come back to this store, we're arresting you."

What's even more amazing is that we told him we were calling the cops and that they were on his way. IDK whether he thought we were bluffing or he thought the cops would take his side or what, but yeah.

The absolute best part? Out of maybe 16 items he was returning with a total value of over $200, the ONE item that the system wouldn't return was a literal 35 cent PVC pipe fitting. He got the $200 worth of other items returned and got his money like he wanted, but then still felt the need to throw a massive tantrum over 35 cents.


16. Karma Burn, Literally

At a restaurant I ran about 15 years ago, we had a couple of employees hired through the Goodwill program. Don, Randy, and Dennis. They were all developmentally disabled, and in the case of Dennis, he was also legally blind and deaf. We hired him to roll silverware. Each morning, he would come into the restaurant, led by his job coach, who would make sure that he was making good roll-ups.

We had a cook, for the sake of this comment, I'll call him "Billy". Billy was the class-clown type. He was great for morale most of the time, but he loved to make fun of people and that included our Goodwill employees, who didn't understand that it was just a joke. He mocked "Randy" mercilessly. I always told him to stop, but it didn't stop him. One day, he crossed the line.

For "Dennis", the highlight of his day was to walk through our kitchen and get everyone to say hi to him. He would shout out, "ROCK AND ROLL" to anyone he encountered. On the day in question, Billy started mocking Dennis..."wock and woll wock and woll hahahahahahahaha". I gave him a dirty look, and was about to say something to him when he turned around, still laughing, and grabbed a saute pan on the stove, of which the handle had accidentally been left (by him) above a fully engaged burner. He grabbed the handle, and got 3rd degree burns on his hand. I just laughed at him and walked away. He needed to go to the hospital, I didn't stop him, but I didn't offer to help with transportation. He had to drive himself. When he came back, I told him that if he ever made fun of Randy, Don, or Dennis again, another burn like that would be getting off easy.


17. Triple Trouble

I had this ex-girlfriend who tried to get me into open relationships and polyamory. I wasn't into it, so it ended badly after a few months. After we split, she moved in with a married high school teacher, his wife, and their two kids. Every Facebook or Twitter post was about how much she loved this poly life and how she was free to have as much sex as she wanted. She also took swipes at me for being "close-minded".

One day I went to return an old sweater she had left behind. She refused to meet me because she had an emergency; it turns out she had just been fired from her job at Wal-Mart for making a math error.

Then she dropped out of college to spend more time with her partners, only to find out that her parents had, unbeknownst to her, taken out a second mortgage to pay for her now-failed education.

Then her partners called a family meeting and broke up with her, which also meant she had to move out.

Last I knew she was a server at a frozen yogurt place. I saw her behind the counter when I went there with some school friends.


18. Bag Of Potatoes Style

I worked in a cell phone store years ago, lines were long and some woman's kid was running blast through the store, knocking over things and just being a general hellion.

I asked her to control her child several times, as he could easily get hurt doing what he was doing.

After about the third time she yells "F… you, don't you tell me how to raise my chil..." She never finished her sentence because the child ran head-first into a very heavy hanging sign and knocked himself out cold. The kid fell like a bag of potatoes, I mean like a sniper shot to the head kind of thing.

The kid was alright, the mom threatened to sue us, I reminded her we had video and audio of me asking her to control her child three separate times as well as well as her swearing at me, never heard from her again. 


19. Had It Coming

Barry from my college English class decided it would be fun to mess with me.

I always did my papers ahead of time, and us being friends, he knew I kept them in my backpack during the few days before they were due.

So, the final essay is due the next day. Barry takes my paper when I'm not looking, scans it, changes the name on it in Photoshop. Not only that, he changed the name to HIS name and then crossed it out, hand wrote my name, and sneaked the paper back in my backpack.

Then he turned in the altered copy with his name a day early saying he had to miss class the next day due to a family emergency.

Then I didn't even think twice and turned in my paper the following day. Yes, the one where it looks like I took Barry's essay, scribbled out his name, and wrote mine over it.

I got an F, I didn't know what to say while trying to explain myself, and the professor told me the only reason she wasn't escalating this was because this was the silliest attempt at cheating that she had EVER witnessed.

So, yeah, karma is a witch. I guess it finally caught up w/me because the week prior he had found out that I was sleeping with his fiance for six months (during their engagement) while dating his best friend.


20. The Punch That Changed Her Life

At a concert my mom accidently stepped on a lady’s foot, and she said sorry multiple times, but the very drunk lady wouldn't let it go and started a fight with my mom. Very bad idea, my mom’s ex-MMA. Straight knockout.

My mom met that lady again a year ago at an event for her work, and apparently the lady stopped drinking from what happened that night, being told by her friends she wouldn't leave my mom alone even after countless times of apologizing. Maybe it was good karma?


21. Greasy Khakis

Worked at a pizza joint. Dude comes in one evening and is clearly in a bad mood and ready to get into an argument with anyone who’ll have him. First, he orders a pizza to go. Then, for whatever reason, he starts getting into it with the kid at the front. He’s kind of teasing him and talking down to him.

Manager comes over and they talk. He’s being a jerk to the manager, too. It’s getting a little heated. Another one of the cooks comes up front, just to provide a little back up. Dude, finally cools off a little bit. People get back to work.

A little while later, the manager hands the pizza to him. The dude is being a menace again. They have an exchange and the manager finally says, “Listen, I think you should leave and don’t come back, all right?”

Dude says something to the effect of, “I wouldn’t come back to this dump if you paid me!”

Then he turns to leave. But, inexplicably, he puts the pizza under his arm so the box is now parallel with his body. It’s a boiling hot pizza and, as he does this, loads of steaming grease spill down the side of this guy’s khakis and the whole staff starts howling with laughter and the dude stomps out.


22. Reverse Sexism

When I was at school, there was a young male teacher that all the girls found “hot”, but was still a good teacher and genuinely nice as a person. There was a group of girls in my class that blatantly flirted with him non-stop. He never responded to any of it, and it was clear that they were making him feel really uncomfortable.

One day they were all laughing over how two of them took videos of him, without him knowing. He overheard this, and calmly explained that because they did it without consent that he would have to report them to the police and get them expelled. Watching the color drain from their faces was the most brilliant thing I’ve ever witnessed. If that was a bunch of guys doing that to a young female teacher, there would have been a scandal, so they totally deserved it.


23. Dirty Business

A few years ago I was a waitress at this Thai restaurant. The owner was a hateful, abusive little man, who seemingly made it his mission to make me miserable.

Anyway, we entered through the back door which was at the bottom of this little hill that was technically the property of the rednecks who owned the house next door.

In the winter they did not maintain it and wouldn't let us maintain it. They also let their dogs crap all over it.

Anyway, one winter day my boss and I showed up around the same time. He went down the hill first, fell, and landed straight in one of the piles of dog feces. I didn't even try not to laugh. He got up and huffed inside. I then proceeded to fall down the hill. Totally worth it.


24. Behind My Back

My freshman year of highschool I joined our co-op hockey team. I was pretty good for a freshman and made a good impression on our Varsity Head Coach (always showed up for physical training, followed rules, tried to be a leader to other freshman). My sophomore year, I had a chance to dress for varsity for the first time but I was competing with a Junior for the spot - he had been struggling to make it out of JV hell and was a little overweight and kind of had a don’t care attitude. Long story short - we both had the chance to dress on the Varsity team but I was getting more ice time than this Junior kid. Our team wasn't great, but skating with the older guys was everything both of us wanted.

After our last day of practice after our season had ended, our JV team was in the locker room goofing off and locker boxing. For those who don't know, locker boxing is when two players on the same team wear only helmets and gloves and beat each other. This is all in good fun and allowed us to goof around as teammates before we split for the summer.

I chose to locker-box a good friend of mine and we were the last ones to go at the end of all the bouts, as it was getting quite late and guys were getting ready to head home. As my friend and I were throwing some weak punches at each other, this Junior kid I had been competing for a spot on the Varsity team put on one glove and unexpectedly punched me in the back of the head while I wasn't looking. From what I've been told, I dropped instantly - knocked out cold. It took me a few minutes to wake up and by that time, the Junior kid had already left the rink. I somehow made it back to my car and drove home; but as I pulled into the driveway I instantly started vomiting, signaling that I had a major concussion.

After 6 months of debilitating physical therapy and bed rest, I was finally making a recovery and was getting ready to start training for my solidified spot on our Varsity team. On the first day of workouts, I noticed that the Junior kid (now a senior) was not at workouts and thought it was kind of odd. Turns out, on his way to school for the first day of workouts, he got hit by a car and shattered his hip. He was out for the entirety of his senior year and ultimately quit hockey altogether. I felt horrible that he was involved in a hit and run, but did it feel nice knowing he finally got what was coming to him.


25. Stealer’s Wallet

Years ago at a high school party my friend got his iPhone stolen, and his girlfriend's phone stolen. Days after we found out through someone else it was stolen by a guy we'll call Brick.

So a couple days later I’m hanging out with the friend who had his iPod, and his gfs phone stolen. We’re at a fast food restaurant, I’m waiting for him to come out of the bathroom so we can order.

He rushes out of the restroom and tells me we have to go now. I follow him out to my car, and there he shows me a wallet with Brick’s ID in it. As well as $300 cash. We get out of there as fast as we can.

Turns out, Brick worked there and he had a wallet full of cash thanks to a recent payday. We had dinner on him that day.


26. Christmas Store

My parents leased a building when I was a kid, to put their business there. They got it for a song because the owner, who was a pretty terrible businessman, had had a string of failed businesses there, so the rent was cheap.

As soon as my parents turned it into a successful business, the owner tried to jack up the rent. When they pointed out they had a contract and he couldn't do that, he spent the next 4.5 years trying to kick out my parents.

Took them to court on trumped-up BS more times than I can remember, because he knew they lost money paying attorneys and closing the business early to be in court (they both had to be there because both were on the lease -- and they couldn't really afford a full-time manager so either they'd have to close early, or pay someone extra for the day). 

The landlord was such an ogre -- he was a rabidly atheist real estate magnate who hated kids, dogs, religious people and religious holidays. My parents being Christian, having kids and the occasional dog at their place of business, and closing on Sundays just drove him nutters.

Eventually, my parents closed the business and went into other lines of work. He gloated to everyone that he had won, and opened a dive bar in its place. Flash forward a few years to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Turns out he had mortgaged every piece of property he owned, taken the cash and invested it into a fighter jet manufacturer. The jet company's stock immediately went to junk status because the end of the Cold War meant there was suddenly a huge surplus of fighter jets. He lost every penny and every property, had to declare bankruptcy and watched as his many properties, including our former business, were auctioned off for pennies on the dollar on the very court steps that were so familiar to his tenants.

A new couple bought the site of my parent's business, at a fire-sale price. Ever since then, it's been a Christmas store. I asked the owners once "why'd you decide to open a Christmas store?" (they had no idea who I was, I was grown by then) and they said "the guy who used to own this place was the biggest witch in town, and he hated Christmas and animals, so we opened a christmas store and our dogs are here every day. Fudge sample?"


27. Karma’s Like A Wave

I'm from San Diego and during the summer, you have to claim bonfire pits on the beach really early in the morning if you want it for that night. So my friends and I got to the beach at 8am and stayed there so we could get a bonfire going into the night.

Just before sundown, this one couple asked if they could share the bonfire with us and since our group wasn't too big, we decided to share it with them. However that couple proceeded to bring a group of like 15 others and they literally surrounded the pit and pushed us out.

We were pissed but we were so tired from being at the beach all day so we decided to head out. Little did we know that that night had an extreme high tide warning and when we moved all of our stuff over the wall that divided the beachwalk with the beach, a huge wave came in and washed out that whole group surrounded by our bonfire.

The wave flipped over their table of food, took a handful of sandals back into the ocean, and destroyed all their stuff. The best part was this one girl was trying to jump the wall to save herself but she didn't jump high enough and ended up falling right back into the waters. Karma's a dish, best served cold.


28. Technology’s Made Her Rude

I work at a movie theater. One afternoon I was selling tickets at the box office when an older lady came up and asked me a question about our app (it’s a Cinemark app).

I, however, wasn’t sure about the answer and told her that. She proceeded to say, very rudely, “isn’t it your job to know??? Are you handicapped or something?”

Then, she turned around and noticed the mall cop was writing her a ticket for parking in a handicap spot when she did not have a handicap plate or placard. She took off running screaming “wait stop! That’s my car!”

I couldn’t keep the huge grin off my face for the rest of the day.


29. Those Neeks

I had a guy punch me once in secondary school trying to start a fight with me just as a teacher turned the corner.

Literally I was chatting to my friends group after math, waiting for form to start and our teacher was running late.

The guy had been in my math class and he was always being loud, cocky and generally not listening to our teacher, and our teacher decided that because I was quiet and just not interested in talking about pointless things, it would be best that I sat next to him.

Now in that math lesson before form, we had a quick ten minute test at the end of the lesson, I basically didn't let the guy copy me.

So back to me waiting out form with my friends, he comes storming over and (with my back turned to him) he punches me in the back calling me a Neek (nerd/geek) just as my form teacher walked around the corner.


30. Alcohol Saved Me

So this is kind of the opposite end of the karma train in two ways.

So a few years ago I was working as a plumber, I worked with another dude, so one day I lost my wallet and he found it in the truck. I am really appreciative and want to make it up to him. Being rural Wisconsin, the only thing he wanted was a 30 rack of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

I go to Walmart immediately after work, in my work clothes, and walk to the alcohol selections. Two buxom young women were awkwardly standing nearby, and I had the impression that they had been there for a while. "W-w-would you mind buying us some alcohol sir?" one girl meekly stuttered.

"Sir?" I thought to myself. I was 22, and the days of struggling to procure alcohol were fresh in my mind. These girls were maybe 3 years younger than I was. I laughed to myself, wondering how these women imagined me to be an authority figure as I wore a tattered t-shirt speckled with feces on it.

"No problem" I responded. Their eyes lit up and smiled "OMIGOSH THANK YOU" said the other girl. "We're having a party!" I grab the PBR and they grab a number of alcoholic beverages. I grabbed a bottle of something I thought they'd like. I go to check out and take the stuff to their car where they meet me and promise me they're "super close to 21 so it's pretty much legal". I give them my number for all their future alcohol procurement needs and carry on my way, happy that I did a good deed.

Remember how I said rural Wisconsin? That's important to the story now. There's this stop sign out in the middle of  nowhere, two farm roads that intersect and lie in the route to where I was staying from the nearest town and Walmart. At first when I moved, I always did a complete stop, checked both ways, and then crossed the intersection. Over time that became a rolling stop, then finally glanced left and right as I rolled through. But that day I was so happy, so content with life I just drove through that intersection at 30 mph. There's literally never anyone on that road, it doesn't matter.

About 2 seconds after going through the intersection, I see red and blue lights behind me. Guy pulls me over, it's a lieutenant. "Do you know why I pulled you over?" He asks grinning. "Well officer, I blew right through that stop sign, I only now realize my mistake." I responded. "Yup" he says, "you almost hit me actually." He gets my drivers license and runs it, coming back about 3 minutes later.

"Hey man, I know you're in a hurry, make sure you keep it under the speed limit and observe all road laws" he says, letting me go with a verbal warning. There is no conceivable explanation for how easily I got off, except that God works in mysterious ways. Had I not bought alcohol for those underage girls, I may well have been arrested or had my license suspended.
