MTG: Democrats Would Be Out 'Shooting in the Street' if Biden Had Been Shot

During an appearance in War Room on Tuesday, Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed that Democrats would be out in the streets shooting if Joe Biden had been targeted. 

After this weekend's assassination attempt by a registered Republican, GOP lawmakers have bent over backwards to blame Joe Biden and Democrats. Not surprisingly, it was Marjorie Taylor Greene who had the most extreme response 

The Georgia Congresswoman told guest host Natalie Winters, "then they have spent the past eight years vilifying us, demonizing us. Hillary Clinton labeled us as deplorables," she ranted. "They called President Trump Hitler. They called all of us Nazis. They called all of us fascist, called us a threat to democracy. President Trump is going to destroy democracy. He's going to become a dictator. We're not unifying with that. There is no unity with that."

Watch a clip of the segment here

The host then claimed that if Biden was shot, Democrats would not be attempting to unify. She ranted:

"You people would have been out in the streets burning down cities like you did the entire summer of 2020, looting stores, destroying businesses, attacking police officers, absolutely attacking federal courthouses. You would be fighting us, murdering us in the streets if that had happened, but that didn't happen, did it, Natalie?"