Mother-In-Law Attempted To Punish Daughter-In-Law Who Didn't Want Kids

The New Daughter-In-Law

Anita Conrad, who was from Orlando, Florida, was very fond of her only son, Bruce. It had been five years since her husband had passed away and since then, she and Bruce had formed a strong bond.

When Bruce proclaimed that he was tying the knot, Anita could not help but shed tears. She was scared that her son would go away and she would be left alone. Nevertheless, when she got to know Bruce's fiancee, Lucy, her apprehension vanished.

A Kind Heart

Anita was thankful that Lucy always ensured Bruce came to see her and made sure that he remembered his treasured mum.

She was incredibly appreciative of Lucy's generous and caring nature. Despite the fact that they had recently tied the knot, Lucy consistently welcomed Anita to join them on their trips. Anita was an outstanding daughter-in-law. Sadly, that would not remain the case for much longer.

Three-Year Anniversary Lunch

Anita was welcomed to a meal celebrating the third anniversary of Lucy and Bruce's marriage. They chose a wonderful eatery with a seating area in the garden.

Anita was pleased to be given the chance to join their anniversary meal. Nonetheless, her intuition told her that this was not a common anniversary. She was expecting a certain proclamation.

Is This What She Was Waiting For

She was certain that they would tell her soon. She had been waiting with anticipation for three years. She figured that this was the perfect moment.

In addition, she had observed that Lucy had put on some pounds over the past several weeks. This could be the indication and time she had been waiting for so long.

She Waited And Waited

At lunch, Anita waited patiently but nothing was said. Could she have been wrong or maybe they wanted to wait a bit before they made it known?

She was aware that it was usual for couples to delay this for a minimum of three months. Still, as she glanced at her son and his bride, she could not be definite as to what was happening.

A Close And Honest Relationship

Anita finally mustered up the strength to question herself. She figured that if she posed the query, it would not cause any damage to their already strong and truthful bond.

She inhaled a long breath and gazed at the pair. "So, beloveds, I was wishing that you had something spectacular to tell me today?

Silence And Tension

Anita's statement reverberated through the atmosphere, producing an abrupt stillness at the dining table. Bruce and Lucy quickly peeked at each other, their faces displaying an unuttered strain.

Anita's pulse raced as she waited to hear back from them. She couldn't decipher the expression on their faces, leaving her feeling uncertain.


Bruce took a deep breath and gave his wife an encouraging look. “We have something to tell you,” he said, a hint of nervousness and resolution in his tone.

Anita felt a wave of disappointment rush over her when Lucy and her partner declared that they had opted not to have kids. All of Anita's expectations were suddenly dashed.


She tried to mask her distress and surprise, yet her eyes revealed her genuine feelings. She looked for any trace of doubt or indecision in their countenances, wishing they would alter their decision.

Anita was overwhelmed with a wide variety of musings and feelings. She was perplexed as to why her son and his wife refused to allow her to experience the delight of being a grandparent.

A Mother's Determination

She had pictured herself devoting attention to her grandchildren, enjoying special moments, and making permanently held recollections. The news was like a terrible shock to her aspirations.

Anita was not the kind of person who would give up without a fight. She was very determined and her ambition was strong. Right away, she made up her mind to not let this obstacle ruin her intentions.

The Seeds Of A Plan

For the coming days, Anita kept a closer eye on Lucy's actions. She was unable to ignore the persistent suspicion that something else was going on.

She observed Lucy's fatigue, her sporadic episodes of queasiness, and the slight alterations in her looks. A thought began to form in Anita's head, nurtured by her longing to have grandchildren.

Uncovering The Truth

She began to think it was likely that Lucy was expecting a baby, so she kept her idea to herself. Anita became determined and worked out a plan to make sure her thoughts were true.

Anita chose to take action by herself. She snuck a used pregnancy test from the wastebasket in the restroom while she was visiting Bruce and Lucy's house. She was determined to learn the reality, no matter what.


Anita anxiously yet remorsefully inspected the pregnancy test in the seclusion of her house. The result showed that Lucy was not expecting after all.

Rage surged inside of Anita, temporarily taking away any feelings of guilt. She had a plan and was aware that she had to take action prudently to make sure her strategy would be executed without any mistakes.

She Really Wanted To Become A Grandmother

She desired to give her son and daughter-in-law a surprising notice that would make them acknowledge their destiny as parents. She earnestly wanted to be a grandmother, and this was her sole option.

Anita devoted a great deal of time forming a scheme, talking to specialists, and researching the area of assisted procreation.

Secret Appointments

Anita figured out how IVF works and the way to make embryos without using a uterus. In order to keep it a secret, she made a reservation at a trustworthy fertility center, pretending to be Lucy.

She had a mission to ruin her daughter-in-law's hopes of not having children. She was not going to allow them to stop her from becoming a grandmother.

The Unexpected Twist

Anita experienced a combination of enthusiasm and regret during the multiple conversations. She was aware that she was overstepping and taking advantage of the situation, but her longing for grandkids was more powerful than any ethical issues.

Nevertheless, destiny had an approach of introducing unforeseen turns into Anita's precisely designed arrangement. Things were not proceeding as arranged.

A Mysterious Phone Call

A couple days after Anita consulted with doctors about in vitro fertilization, she got an odd phone call. The person on the other end of the line disguised their voice, so it was impossible for Anita to figure out who was calling.

Anita felt a chill run down her back when she heard the hushed, yet stern, voice say, "I am aware of your activities. If you wish to keep your mystery hidden, you must stop interfering in other people's matters.

Paranoia And Doubt

Anita felt her pulse quicken as she attempted to make sense of the puzzling communication. Who was aware of her scheme? Was somebody following her every step?

Anita was stricken with fear and uncertainty. She felt like someone was always observing her. Each noise sounded louder than normal, and each person she encountered seemed to be dubious.


She doubted if she should be taking such drastic measures to get what she wanted. She felt guilty, but there was no turning back. She had already started down this path and there was no returning.

She had taken a course of action, but what was the thought process behind it? It was too far gone to turn back now, someone was already aware.

The Stolen Embryos 

Anita went back to the fertility center to get the embryo transfer done, wanting it all to go smoothly. Yet when she got there, she was taken aback by the unexpected news.

The nurse spoke with a kind voice and expressed their regret. They had experienced a burglary at the medical centre last evening and it appears your embryos are not present.

A Desperate Search

Anita was filled with terror when her heart stopped beating. What could have caused this? Who might have a reason to take her embryos?

Anita ardently requested answers from the clinic, but they could not give any quick clarification. She was heartbroken and saw her meticulously crafted plan fall apart in front of her.

Uncovering The Truth

Anita was adamant to discover the reality. She made a strenuous effort to discover the facts. She studied the past of the fertility center and asked the team many times for information.

She was not going to let someone stop her from becoming a grandparent. Who could this be and what was their motive for targeting her embryos?

Security Cameras

She navigated her way to the security station and examined the surveillance recordings. She stumbled upon a revelation that was unmistakable. An individual had infiltrated the facility without being observed and proceeded directly to the laboratories.

Anita's face was filled with rage as she watched the individual hunt for something belonging to her. There was no way they were going to escape without consequences.


Nevertheless, she was despondent. She had strived hard in order to become a grandmother and her hard work had been in vain.

She was in her home, pondering what could have happened, when her phone suddenly jolted her out of her reverie. She was amazed to discover who was on the other end.

Unexpected News

Anita was taken aback when her physician from the reproductive center delivered stunning news to her. She attentively heard the incredible information.

She was delighted to receive the positive information, and it was time to put her ideas into action. There was no opportunity to change her mind and she wasn't about the let anyone do so. 


The physician informed her that some of her embryos had been located, as an individual in the laboratory had stowed them away in an alternate area.

Anita was determined to go forward with her idea and made a consultation with the physician straight away. She was not in the mood for delay.

Was She Doing The Right Thing

Anita was tensely waiting her opportunity to meet with the physician and at last commence the operation. Nonetheless, her head was full of a variety of considerations.

She was troubled by the thought of someone following her and if this individual had taken her unborn children. Prior to the IVF process, she had experienced a lot of unlucky events, causing her to question if she was making the right decision.

Her Only Chance

Once Anita heard her name, the only thing she could contemplate was the possibility of her turning into a grandmother. This opening was her only opportunity.

She barred all forms of anxiety and gloominess from her consciousness as she slipped into the hospital robe and rested on the chilly mattress. This was the moment.

A Fairy Tale Ending

She was certain that the conclusion would be favorable. Bruce and Lucy would be grateful to her and all of them would exist blissfully from then on. Much like the stories in the fairy tales.

Yet, Anita was not ready for what came next. In the end, the results were not what she had anticipated.


During the IVF procedure, all the embryos formed properly, causing Anita to have not just one, but three potential grandchildren. Her plan had a very unexpected result.

Anita was in a massive pickle. She was uncertain of how to explain her actions to her son and daughter-in-law, and she was equally concerned about how she would manage to look after three children all by herself.