Four Boys Caught Snooping In The Yard Of An Elderly Woman, End Up On The News

A Woman’s Lonely Life

This is the story of Gerry Suttle, a 75 years old woman from Texas who has spent a peaceful retirement on her two acres of land. The neighbors have always known her for being a lovely, sweet lady. 

There is no one there who doesn’t know of Gerry and her welcoming smile. She’s always helped out those in need and has never faced any issue whatsoever. But that was about to change, unfortunately.

Once Peaceful Life Becomes A Living Nightmare

Gerry was able to purchase the land when she was very young, and so she got to build the house of her dreams without any restrictions. While she was definitely a kind of wild and free person in her youth, her retirement years have been quiet and reflective. This was one of the many reasons why she wasn’t expecting one day for the police to come knocking at her door.

What Was Going On?

She was unfortunately unaware of one Texas law that she was breaking. As stated, the property’s grass cannot be longer than 18 inches, and you’ll be issued a fine if you’re breaking the law. Gerry was never informed about this, and she was never given a fine either. She asked the police chief about what was going to happen next, and his words left her completely appalled. 

And So It Begins

The police chief told her that she was officially breaking the state’s law, but even after this meeting, she wasn’t updated or issued a ticket. Gerry had no idea what was going on. And soon after, she woke up to another policeman knocking at her door. She hoped he was there to tell her how everything was settled and that she was no longer facing any issues. But that didn’t happen. Instead, she was told the shocking news: she was going to jail.

Nothing Could Be Done

Gerry was brought to tears after hearing the news. She was confused and had absolutely no idea how she was going to fix this or where to start from. Gerry then found out that you are issued a fine before having to show up in court to defend yourself. She claimed to have never received any kind of fine or an announcement that she was supposed to show up at court. And that got her in some really serious trouble.

What Are The Options I Have?

Gerry thought about the options she had day and night. She was too old to take care of the grass herself, and she also didn’t have enough money to pay someone to do the work for her. The poor woman was bothered by the thought of going to jail and feeling completely hopeless. She couldn’t see a way out of this situation. Yet that was soon going to change. 

No One Was There To Help

She was starting to barely go out at all, locked away in her room and wondering what her next days were going to look like. Gerry didn’t know who to reach out to, as her family members were living far away. Her husband passed away years ago. She was completely out of options and had no one to help her or to at least offer her a shoulder to cry on. Just as she was pondering on her future, some strange noises were heard from outside. 

A Scary Encounter

Gerry carefully walked closer to her window to gain a clear view of her backyard and what she saw sent a shiver down her spine. There were four boys coming from the edge of her land, marching confidently towards her house. She couldn’t recognize their faces, and neither could she tell what they were hiding behind their back. She felt an extreme sense of fear. But things were far from over.

A Thousand Questions

What were those boys doing on her property? What did they want from her? She started to become increasingly worried, as it was the last thing she wanted to deal with because of all the problems she was already facing. Were they a bunch of troublemakers targeting and taking advantage of older people? Gerry was going to soon find out exactly who they were and their intentions.

The Was Only One Thing Left To Do: Fight Back

She knew how serious the matter was and how especially in her state, the elderly were victims of home invasions. For those with ill intentions who view older people as weaker and more naive, this has always been the ultimate target. Gerry was prepared for whatever was coming her way. She wasn’t going to let them take her home, no matter the cost. 

The Lost Boys

Gerry was ready to do anything to protect what she worked so hard for. Yet as the boys were walking closer, she noticed something rather odd about them. They were all really young. They were just a bunch of young boys, and the oldest of them couldn’t possibly be more than 15 years old. Even so, she felt uncomfortable about their presence. There was a voice in her mind telling her something would soon happen. And so it did.

Just Looking For Some Fun?

She couldn’t really understand what they were doing there and why they were not leaving. Gerry’s instinct was telling her to call the police and let them know about this bunch of reckless kids. Yet something was telling the woman to be patient and wait for them to speak up. Before they could say anything, she noticed they were covered in dirt and mud. The boys then started laughing and playing, leaving Gerry even more confused than before. What did they want from her? 

Closer To The Truth

Gerry tried to get closer to them. They were still playing and looking around her property. They didn’t look like an immediate threat, but Gerry thought about how appearances could deceive you most of the time. Just as she grabbed her phone to call the police, she noticed one of the kids taking a tool out of the bag he was carrying. Gerry dropped her phone to the ground.

What Is Going On?

Two boys stayed behind while the other two disappeared. Gerry could not see them any longer. The boys who remained started bringing tools out of their bags, one by one. She was in shock and still very confused. Soon enough, the other two boys came back. And they brought along something to bring Gerry to tears.

The Moment Of Truth

Once they came back, she noticed one of the boys holding a lawn mower. They started to work on the grass and cutting it, using the lawn mower and all the tools they had in their hands. Gerry could not believe her eyes. For a second, she wondered if she was dreaming, if it was real or if it was just all an illusion. She had no idea what was waiting for her.

The Nightmare Was Almost Over

Gerry had lived in that house for decades, and to see the boys out cutting the grass had brought tears to her eyes. Just as she was starting to get hopeless, when there was no way out of that difficult situation, the group of young boys came out of nowhere and decided to help her out without even knowing who she was. Did they actually know about the warrant, or were they helping out simply as a gesture of pure kindness?

Some True Heroes

The efforts they have made went above and beyond Gerry’s imagination. Turns out the boys were not actually aware of the warrant, and they just wanted to help out someone who looked like they needed help. For those little boys, it was nothing really important. For them, it was just a way to spend their summer time together. They had no idea they just saved Gerry from going to jail. 

Always Count On Them

As the sun was shining brightly on that hot summer afternoon, what the boys were doing for Gerry didn’t go unnoticed by the neighbors either. As she was worried about how they were working under the sun, Gerry rushed with a couple of glasses of lemonade and handed them the drinks. At that exact moment, something extraordinary happened.

Help Is On The Way

Five men started to approach Gerry’s house as well, and they were the same people who observed the boys working the grass. Gerry then noticed they were also pulling out their own gardening tools! Apparently, the neighbors reunited and established together a plan to help Gerry steer clear of any trouble with the law. When she saw them, her reaction was priceless.

Team Work Makes The Dream Work

Gerry gasped as she saw the neighbors joining the boys. She was completely speechless and couldn’t say anything but stand still and try not to break down in tears right in front of them. They took their own lawnmowers and got to work. Despite the 90-degree weather, all these people gathered up to make Gerry’s life easier.  Why were they all doing this for her?

An Act Of Pure Kindness

The whole community was showing Gerry how much they cared and supported her. She was in a state of shock and at loss for words. All that work took only two hours to complete because of how many people decided to finally join the act. The four boys eventually found out about the warrant from the neighbors and the situation Gerry was in. Their reaction shocked everyone.

Not Just A Bunch Of Kids

Even with how young they were and how people usually consider younger boys to be only troublemakers, they have shown honesty and compassion towards Gerry. They started to remind her of her own grandkids, which were far away from where she lived. They almost had her feel as if she was talking to family. And the story didn’t end that day.

Not Over Yet

After that day, Gerry was informed she was still supposed to go to the courthouse to sign some papers. In those statements, she had to confirm how she never got the original documents and was not aware of how she was supposed to go to court. Gerry only wanted the charges to be dropped, but the courtroom apparently had other intentions. 

More Problems Waiting By The Corner

For Gerry, this was absolutely heartbreaking. She had to watch so many people spend time under the sun and cutting the grass, thinking this was what the city wanted to be done. But she was wrong. The city turned its back on Gerry and ignored everything she said. The courtroom wasn’t giving up. They wanted more than the grass to be simply cut. 

Fighting Against Injustice

The courthouse still would not, unfortunately, drop the charges. In their opinion, she still violated the city’s laws and needed to be charged for it. The community didn’t agree with their decision, and as soon as the information was made public, they made sure their voices were heard as well. And for sure, they did not go unnoticed.

The Community Vs. The Courthouse

The story made it to the news soon after Gerry’s story was shared on the internet. Everyone was speaking about it, and not only people from the same city! It became a story known all over the world, to the point where people from all generations would discuss the courthouse’s unfair decision. This was soon going to change Gerry’s faith.

Coming Closer To An End

After the community went against the courthouse’s decision, Gerry’s charge was soon dropped, thus the story coming to an end. This proves just how strong a community’s voice can be, even in the darkest of times. They didn’t know Gerry that well, but it didn’t stop them from helping her out and making sure she got the justice she deserved.

A Bright Future Ahead For Gerry

After the charges were finally dropped, Gerry saw this as a sign to enjoy every single moment of her life to the fullest. In just a matter of days, her life changed drastically, from almost being arrested, to meeting all these wonderful people who chose to stick around even after the courthouse’s decision was made public.

Never Give Up

What’s most important about Gerry’s story is that people never gave up on her. Even after cutting her grass, their support did not stop there. For a moment, any argument or rivalry between the community was forgotten, and they all gathered up with one purpose in common: to make someone’s life easier and offer help no matter how close they were.

Kindness Is What Brings People Together

It was such a beautiful experience for Gerry, an act that she was never going to forget about. This is a lesson for all of us from all around the world: we should help those in need without bringing them any sort of judgment. Whenever we have the chance to make someone’s life easier, we should not hesitate. And for sure, our acts of kindness will never go unnoticed.