Woman Forgets Something Important at the Airport, Insists They Turn the Plane Back

It’s Vacation Time

It was a long awaited trip for this mother, a couple of family members and her baby. The hotel room was already booked, everything was fully paid for, and the only thing left to do was to take the plane. Kuala Lumpur was their destination, which was far away from home, yet the woman told herself “It’s going to be unforgettable!” She wasn’t entirely wrong.

She will never forget how she single handedly caused havoc in an airplane and almost ruined the family vacation by being forgetful.

Being A Mom Is Not Easy

We’ve all been there, either as a mother or a child. The stress while packing everything you need, having to be at the airport on time, making sure you didn’t forget something important back home. All these things are really important, and it wasn’t the first time when they were going on a vacation. But this time, the trip was destined to become something completely unexpected.

Is There Anything Missing?

With a list in her hand, the mother checked off all the necessities for their two weeks long vacation. From baby clothes, to supplements and toys, everything was packed and ready to go. She was a very organized person, always there on time, both at work and in her personal life. So what exactly changed this time?

The Start Of An Adventure

After she packed everything, the mother, the family members and her baby started their trip towards the airport. She was expecting a quiet drive towards their destination, but her baby was really agitated. He kept crying and demanding for something she couldn’t quite understand. She was already starting to show clear signs of stress, which wouldn’t get better later on. It was about to get much worse. 

Is This The Right Thing To Do?

Gradually, she started questioning herself and her abilities to be a good mother. What if she couldn’t calm him down before getting on the plane? What if he was sick and she didn’t notice? She started doubting herself and whether leaving the country was a good idea. Luckily, the taxi driver was there to help.

An Unexpected Hero

While she was rocking the baby back and forth, the driver whose car was currently stopped in front of a red light looked back at them and smiled. Then, he told her “Don’t worry, he might just be feeling how nervous you are. It’s going to be fine, everything will settle down.” Those were exactly the words she needed to hear. And soon after that, they arrived at the airport.

Running Late

After thanking the driver for the kind words, she gathered up all of their bags and started to rush inside the airport. There was no time to waste, and they already lost plenty of time in the traffic. She could hear her heart pounding in her chest while making her way through all those people. Little did she know the insane amount of people was about to be the least of her problems.

Almost Missing The Flight

They barely made it to the boarding area. They had to stop because her mother needed help, but luckily, everything went smoothly. An extra five minutes would have meant missing the flight, but luck was with them, at least in that moment. After presenting all the necessary documents and the plane tickets, the mother and her baby were getting closer to their awaited trip. But also a series of insane events.

Nothing Could Ever Go Wrong

The exhaustion was starting to take over. It was tiring, handling things on your own and traveling with a little baby. But things seemed to slowly settle down. The baby was no longer crying either, and they were moving slowly towards the plane. She felt a sense of relief washing through her veins. Things were finally getting better… or so she believed.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The woman embarked on the plane and finally sat down on her seat. She released a sigh as her feet finally got to relax after running around the airport in the search of the right gate. She was already beginning to picture all the great memories they’d make together, all the pictures they were going to take and show to her friends. And then, she heard a loud noise from inside the plane.

An Unexpected Guest

As she was starting to wonder where the other family members were sitting in the plane, the mother heard a loud noise coming from the opposite end: a baby. It was crying at the top of its lungs, and a man was desperately trying to soothe him. He looked embarrassed for disturbing other people, but the effect he was going to have on this woman was going to be crucial.

Life’s Strange Way Of Showing A Sign

She could immediately relate to how the man was feeling. Overwhelmed by the whole situation, scared of what others might think and how they would perceive her. Yet the baby soon calmed down, and the sight brought a smile to her lips. The plane would start flying in only a couple of minutes, as announced. And so, she raised on her feet to check on everything once again.

Taking A Double Check

Her family members were still nowhere to be seen, and she began to grow extremely worried. What if they didn’t make it onboard? What if they were still in the airport? Anxiety was slowly starting to take over, and one of the flight attendants seemed to notice that. She was approached by one of them.

Something Feels Off

She was asked to take a seat, and in order to avoid any argument, she nodded her head and sat down to buckle her belt the way they instructed. The woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath: it was all just in her mind. ‘I’m just being over dramatic.’ she thought to herself. But something was indeed not right. And she was about to realize the mistake she’s committed.

The Moment When It Clicked

As the plane was already in the sky, the woman took one last look around and thought of finally asking someone about her family members. She undid her seatbelt and looked at the seat next to her, ready to check on her little one before making sure everyone was safe. It was at that moment when a scream was heard in the entire plane. Her scream. The baby was not there. 

A Terrifying Moment For Any Mother

No one knew what was going on. Everyone was staring at her, how she was screaming and crying. Two flight attendants rushed to her side, asking what was going on. But the poor woman could barely even speak or connect some words to tell them what had her panicking so bad. She was so worried about her family members that she totally forgot to check on the most important person — her own child.

It Was Already Too Late

With the flight attendants by her side, who were trying to calm her down, the woman started to repeat the same sentence over and over again: “I forgot my kid.” The issue was going to escalate, and in only a couple of minutes, the captain found out about the missing baby as well. There was an issue though. They were already flying towards the destination.

An Issue Impossible To Ignore

While the woman was being assisted, the captain made contact with the air traffic control to request an emergency landing. He asked for an all-clear to fly back to the city despite some of the other passengers already starting to complain. No one, not even the captain had any idea of how confusing the situation was about to get. 

A Much Needed Coordination

The pilot was told that the woman refused to stay on the plane as long as her baby was not with her. They needed to land, immediately. “Please confirm whether we can get back to the gate or what," the pilot was heard saying to the ATC officer. They needed to come up with a plan, as it was vital to the woman and the other passengers as well. 

Let The Mystery Begin

It is really rare for pilots to request to turn around unless it's a medical or mechanical emergency, but this time, the request was approved by the ATC officer as well. The plane was going to fly back to the city, where everything first started. But there are still many questions regarding the case, one of them being: how could she forget her own child at the airport?

Was It All A Misunderstanding?

According to many sources, the information the captain heard and the overall shared information on the internet was wrong. First of all, due to a language barrier, they misunderstood what the mother said while she was panicking, saying how she ‘forgot’ her baby when in fact she meant ‘left behind’. And this is only one of the many misunderstandings. 

What Is The Truth?

Some sources claimed the woman actually knew the baby wasn’t with her. According to them, she left the baby with her family members, and also knew they had different seat arrangements. There was indeed one true statement the woman also confirmed. The family members never got on board. But how did this happen?

A Rather Confusing Situation

Apparently, some of her family members were directed to go to a different gate and a different flight, which is what caused a lot of confusion for them as well. Most of the family members were first time travelers as well, and so they didn’t really know what to do or where to go. The question remained, was she actually aware of this or not? 

Far From The Truth

A source claimed that she knew from the beginning that her kid was not with her and her family members were still at the terminal. She was informed that they were going to be boarding with a new batch of passengers, but in the end, they never actually left the airport. When people from around the world found out about this accident, new theories were released. 

And The Mystery Continues

While new theories were arising from various sources, the craziest claiming that the plane wasn’t even in the sky when this happened and the issue was handled before the plane took off the ground, people from the internet were starting to get really vocal regarding the woman’s negligence. Their opinions were truly harsh.

Woman Harshly Judged By Other Mothers

Other mothers were claiming that she was negligent and no actual parent would ever leave behind their child without realizing immediately. One comment said “Raise your hand if you have ever gotten on a plane and taken off within 30 minutes. To me this seems like PLENTY of time to remember that you had a travel companion!” It was far from over. 

The Funny Side Of The Story

This was equally traumatizing for both the mother and the child, but some people online found it adequate to compare this story with the infamous ‘Home Alone’ movie. One person even wrote this comment: “This article leaves behind the best part. The baby had to defend the airport from two burglars trying to break in! What a little hero.” Yet in the end, the truth came out.  

Not Everyone Is A Hater

While most of the people were quick to judge the poor woman, some were more sympathetic, acknowledging that staying on top of all your mom duties all the time is extremely difficult. Because of how chaotic the situation was, there were people who claimed this could also happen to them within a second of distraction. After a couple of days, the official version of the story was posted.

The Explanation Behind The Incident

Because of all those rumors, it was important to come out with the official story once and for all. The issue started out like this. The mother was with her sister and her son. They were all going to Malaysia and got on different buses heading to the plane. While the mother got on a bus, her sister and the baby got on another. And there is one essential information many left out.

Everything Made Sense In The End

The latter's driver drove to a plane flying to Jakarta. And when they realized the mistake, the mother was already on the plane, which was on its way out of the airport. While indeed, the woman should have been more careful, one thing is certain. They were all safe in the end and got to enjoy their long planned vacation in the end, and no traumatizing event stopped them from having fun.