An EMT Got Revenge On a Cop Who Blocked His Parking Zone

He Couldn't Believe What The Cop Had Done

They had an assignment to complete, and that was to make certain everyone was secure. The dazzling blue and red lights did nothing to stop the observers, who had slowed down out of interest.

All eyes were on the police officer and the EMT as they engaged in a fierce argument. The intensity of the dispute was the focus of everyone's attention, not the bright lights.

Squeezing Past

The street was slim, however there was much less area for the cars to drive due to the five police vehicles and the rescue car. All the vehicles had to be redirected to find a way to get around the incident.

The EMTs were energetically doing their job, one aiding an injured person while Troy, the other, searched for an escape route. He had a displeased look on his face due to the police car that was preventing his exit.

Move Your Car

Troy saw that his associate was preparing to attach the hurt individual to the stretcher. He wanted the police officer to quickly move his vehicle, yet he was astonished to be welcomed by the cop's stern expression.

He grumbled quietly as he examined the license plate, then bellowed the name of a rookie officer standing close by. He commanded him to relocate his car, yet it seemed like his command was unheard.

Get A Move On

Troy was flabbergasted at what he observed. Who would not give way for an ambulance or even a police car? The Sergeant became incensed and wanted to shift the car by himself, however, the car was secured.

Troy was pulled in by his buddy who was gesturing wildly for him to get in the ambulance. He looked towards the Sergeant and declared, "We have to hurry up." He shouted for the follower once more, but again he didn't listen to the command.

Searching For Solutions

Troy was becoming increasingly distressed as time went on, something that was not in character for him, considering his job. It was grueling to stay tranquil when the ones obstructing their course were the ones who had promised to aid and guard.

He was desperately trying to think of a way to fix the problem, looking around to see if he could find anything that would help. Then he noticed the tow truck.

Tow Truck Driver

Troy addressed the Sergeant and declared, "Perhaps we should solicit his aid." The Sergeant instantly noticed the man drinking from the canteen at the truck and immediately raced in his direction.

The driver spotted the Sergeant and told him that he had been summoned for additional aid. He wondered if there was anything he could do to help. The Sergeant nodded his head and pointed at the car blocking the street. He told the driver to move it out of the way.

A New Plan

However, he was aware that the tow would be pricey. He questioned the driver how much it would be to get the car to its destination. Troy was delighted, as was the Sergeant, when the driver gave his response.

Troy dashed to the ambulance and told his partner what had happened when he gave him an inquiring gaze. They switched on the motor and waited for their new plan to be put into motion.

Flip Of The Lever

The onlookers kept their eyes fixated as the tow truck operator connected the lengthy rope to the vehicle. He strided back to the lorry and pulled the switch.

The engine hummed and the rope was taut. There was a squeaking as the nose of the police car was raised off the street, and soon the car was hoisted onto the lawn. A shout came, and Try observed the young officer sprinting.

Angry Demands

Troy and the person he was with drove by and had to obtain information on what took place from the policeman.

The young police officer was flushed with fury as his temper raged. He continued to yell that the tow truck driver should give his car back, but the driver paid no attention to his orders.

One Hundred Dollars

The driver declared that the only method of retrieving his car was if he paid the fee. "How much money do I owe?" the young policeman inquired. "One hundred bucks," the driver answered. At this point, the cop was infuriated and glanced to the Sergeant, expecting him to intervene.

His supervisor was firm and said that if any cars were obstructing the way of emergency personnel, it was permissible to have the car taken away. The policeman's ire rose once more. This was not the conclusion.


I'm willing to offer forty. That's my final offer." The driver, who was very muscular, stood by the truck and refused to budge. "Fifty dollars?" "One hundred. That's the price.

He was determined, yet he sighed in frustration. He reluctantly took out his wallet and decided that he had to do what he had to do. 


He pulled out four 20 dollar bills from his wallet and pushed them into the driver's palm. As soon as the tires made contact with the ground and the tow truck unhooked the vehicle, the young man hopped into his car and sped off, still furious.

The Sergeant eventually released his grip and let out a loud, hearty chuckle. It seemed like he had been expecting this lesson for a while.

Only A Few Weeks

Apparently, the new employee had only been employed for a short period of time. He was just like most newbies - overly confident and acting like he was the most superior one.

The man in question was not at his best and acted arrogantly. Additionally, something else funny was not revealed.

The Law

The reasons they used to relocate the vehicle were incorrect. There was absolutely no legal basis.

The young, arrogant deer didn't require to shell out a large sum. But his supervisor believed that it was beneficial to teach him that even the police are not outside the regulations. As for Troy...

One Team

They managed to make it to the medical facility quickly, and those hurt in the crash received the necessary treatment.

He and his mate had an excellent, extended chuckle. It relieved the strain of the day and reminded them that everybody was in this together, including those you weren't anticipating.

The Sergeant

Troy continued living his life as always, yet something unexpected was in store for the police sergeant who had backed him up when he showed the novice lawman who was in charge. It seemed that he was about to be taken to task for his joke, and by the person he'd wronged.

The officer continued his daily routine as the novice policeman had a plan brewing. The key to it all would be the sergeant's vehicle.

Sergeant Spencer Oswell

Sergeant Spencer Oswell was a police officer for more than two decades. He advanced to the position of sergeant quickly and stayed in that rank. Nevertheless, he often reminisced his days of fame.

He reminisced on all of his initial experiences as a novice police officer. His first police vehicle was particularly significant. Unfortunately, he had no clue what the future held for him.

His First Car

It would be expected that the majority of police officers would be delighted to get a new vehicle. It was usually seen as a good thing to have a more modern ride, but if Oswell was given the choice, he would rather keep his sparkly police car that he was given when he first started patrolling.

He formed an intimate connection with her.

A Lot Of Memories

Oswell had a strong recollection of his vintage automobile. He was aware that the majority of law enforcement wouldn't be familiar with the classic versions. They had been introduced before their time. Nevertheless, he would envision it in his slumber and reflect on it more than he ever revealed.

He was nostalgically thinking about his former vehicle when a scheme was hatched against him. The rookie police officer was devising a plan, and it had something to do with the old police cruiser.

A Good Mentor

Oswell was a teacher for the other officers. He was tough on them, but it was always for the best. Whenever an impulsive rookie had to be kept in line, Oswell would usually be the one to do it.

Despite his popularity, a novice police officer who had been disregarded multiple times made the decision to take action.

Getting A Phone Call

Only a week following the problem with the EMTs, Oswell learned from his associates that a relevant telephone call had been received. It seemed that an odd vehicle had been left near the law enforcement station.

He assumed control and examined the situation. What was happening? Unfortunately, he was unaware that the entire police station was in on the joke.

Checking It Out

Oswell stepped away from his work space and went down in the elevator to the main floor. The weather was sweltering, and leaving the cozy atmosphere of his office was not something he wanted to do, but it was his responsibility. He had to get to the bottom of the situation.

He departed the law enforcement building and strolled across the car park to where the mysterious car was abandoned. His thoughts were spinning with what could be in store. He earnestly wished he wouldn't have to contact the explosives team.

A Ghost From The Past

Oswell was astonished when he came around the bend. It was as if he was gazing at a spirit from the past. He laid his eyes on his first ever car, his classic cruiser. But how could this be?

He went up to the car and examined it carefully. Then he saw something really peculiar.

Who Set Him Up

Oswell was extremely distrustful. Something was totally off, and someone was accountable for it. He contemplated all the people who would wish to do this to him. Then he remembered what he had done to the inexperienced officer from the other day.

He pivoted and perceived the very same person standing directly behind him, wearing an expansive smile. It had to be him.

Looking Into The Cruiser

He looked over his shoulder at the car and studied it carefully. It was the same as his previous car, which made him even more confused. He examined every detail of the car, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

The inside of the car was precisely the same. The exterior color was the same. It almost seemed like it could have been his vehicle, although he was certain that was not the case.

There Was A Slip-Up

Oswell noticed something that didn't seem right. The paint job was obviously redone recently, but this was not his original car. How could it be so similar? Who made a copy of it?

The rookie policeman had an idea in his head, but he would soon discover what it was.

The Rookie Cop

Oswell spun around to face the new police officer who had a self-satisfied expression. “What is all this about? What made you go to such lengths to take revenge on me?” He stuttered.

The new police officer gradually moved closer. His grin was as wide as always. He then put his hand on the other person's shoulder and spoke.

The Truth

I brought up my suggestion to the other police officers. Everyone looks up to you and we would like to show our appreciation in a special way. One of the more experienced officers mentioned that you had been nostalgic for your former patrol car." The new cop informed Oswell, speaking with enthusiasm.

Oswell was deeply affected by this. He was astounded at the generosity of the precinct. He felt regretful for having such distrustful thoughts.

His Breaking Point

Oswell had hit his limit. He was renowned for never disclosing his feelings, particularly when confronted with peril. However, he was not able to conceal the amalgamation of sentiments he was experiencing at that instant. His eyes shone with salty droplets, and his speech was cracked.

He embraced the rookie cop and expressed his gratitude. He went on to say that even though he may be demanding, it is only because of his deep concern.

Taking Her For A Spin

Oswell soon found himself in the driver's seat of the cruiser. It was as if he was a new police officer again, beginning his first shift. He couldn't resist the temptation to accelerate the engine. The car was special, and so was he.

He would not overlook what they did for him. The station was like a second family to him, and they would constantly take care of each other.