Dr. Sanjay Gupta Calls For Public Assessment of Trump Shooting Wounds

In a column for CNN.com, Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently called for a public assessment of injuries suffered by Donald Trump during the recent assassination attempt. 

While it has been less than a week since a gunman attempted to shoot Donald Trump, there is not that much information regarding the injuries suffered by the former president. And the lack of publicly available information has led to lots of theories about the incident. 

Dr. Gupta wrote, “The concern is that gunshot blasts near the head can cause injuries that aren’t immediately noticeable, such as bleeding in or on the brain, damage to the inner ear, or even psychological trauma. As a trauma neurosurgeon, I have seen how a thorough evaluation after any kind of gunshot wound can provide a complete picture and lead to a speedier recovery."

The CNN personality continued, "From a medical standpoint, these are all very good signs and, despite the visible blood on his face, provided evidence that he wasn’t severely injured."

Gupta closed, "The good news is that most physical symptoms of an injury would probably have revealed themselves over the past few days. At this point, however, the Trump campaign hasn’t yet shared whether a full workup was done at the time or if there has been any follow-up since.."