Reagan Speechwriter Thinks the Trumpian RNC Was Downright Creepy

In an op-ed for the Wall St. Journal, Peggy Noonan, a former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, called out the RNC for being a creepy Trump-fest. 

Just because someone is a Republican doesn't mean that they back Donald Trump. In fact, many former GOPers left the party because they were disgusted by Trump and how he goes about things. One of those people is Peggy Noonan, who once worked as a speechwriter for Ronald Reagan. 

Noonan laid out her issues with Trump in a piece for the Wall St. Journal. The Journal, long a right-wing rag, has an interesting relationship with Donald Trump who doesn't get along with the paper's owner, Rupert Murdoch. 

Noonan began by noting that the party is unified under Trump, writing

"This wasn't a divided party, it was a party united. It wasn't only Mr. Trump's party, it was an explicitly Trumpian party. We saw something epochal: the finalization and ratification of a change in the essential nature of one of the two major political parties of the world's most powerful nation."

At the same time, the people who created the current Republican party don't seem to have any interest in Trump, Notably absent from the proceedings was George W. Bush, the only living person other than Trump who has served as a Republican president. 

You can read Noonan's piece in full here