Creepy Tales: Creepiest And Most Absurd People Ever Existed

We are living in a world where different people have different personalities. There are good, and there are bad. Imagine yourself just minding your own business and just wanting to go home and take a rest when someone suddenly forces you to stay with them.

These people choose to be on the bad side. Have you ever experienced being followed by a creep? These stories show how weird and creepy people can be. Watch out!

1. Unidentified Reason

A guy at my university followed me around for about 15 years. I have a unique surname. There used to be a way for students to use Pine to find out who else was logged in and where on campus.

He would use that command and show up in the computer lab and sit next to me. He looked me up in the phone book and showed up at my parents’ house.

After a restraining order, you would think it was done, right? Wrong. I was speaking at an international conference in another country.

Guess who was sitting in the front row! This was a conference for a very niche scientific field that he was definitely not part of.

A few years later, I was at an alumni event with my husband. My husband left the table to go to the washroom. Guess who sat down the second he left! Police were called. It’s been a few years since the last incident. Still paranoid.


2. The Observer

My friend and I were 16 and wandering around at a makeup boutique in the mall, just swatching eyeshadow and highlighter on our wrists.

He was the only guy in the store, and I only vaguely noticed him in the same aisle as us just before we paid. It didn’t ring any alarm bells for me whatsoever, so why should it? We picked up our highlighter and went to pay.

The girl at the register rang up our items, leaned over, and said quietly, “That guy followed you two into the store and has been watching you in each aisle.”

“I’m going to give you your bags and ask him if he needs any help. You two need to get as far away as possible. If you see him follow you Outside of this store, go talk to security.”

She handed us our bags, gestured at the door, and walked up to him as we ran out. I hope she gets all the good things in this life.


3. Open Door

There was a guy in my hometown who would wait outside the high school with the door to his Corvette open, hoping a girl would get in. I lived in the middle of nowhere.

To get to my house, I had to walk over a mile on a one-lane dirt road winding through a forest. One day, as the school bus approached my laneway to drop me off, the Corvette guy was waiting in my laneway with his door open.

The bus driver wouldn't let me off the bus; he continued to the next drop and told me to go to that house and call my parents to pick me up. (This was in the days before cell phones existed)


4. The Store Owner

I unfortunately have a few stories, but this one tops the list. I’m a bartender, and one night, I was serving three men who work at an Italian restaurant nearby.

I was offered a job, which I politely declined. They were my last patrons. I closed out their tab, finished my side work, and had a busboy walk me to my car.

As the busboy left in his own car, this black Porsche SUV blocked me in my spot. The window is rolled down, and I realize it’s the owner of the Italian restaurant. He asks if I want to go home with him. I decline.

He asked if the busboy was my boyfriend, and I lied and said yes. He scoffed and sped off. I hurry and leave to head home. As I pull into my parking spot at my house, I see the same SUV drive by!

I woke up my military guy neighbor, and he said he’d keep an eye out. That night, I found the guy's name online, his Facebook profile, his business profile, his wife’s profile, and his phone number. I took screenshots and sent them all to him, telling him not to attack me or that I’d retaliate.


5. No Room For Kindness

The most memorable was when I was sitting in my parents' front garden, on the swing, reading. The way everything is laid out with the trees and whatnot, you can barely see the swing/deck/BBQ area from any perspective that's not from the front door. Very private spot.

Anyway, I was just sitting there reading when I heard someone walking up. Assume it's a family member because how would it not be?

Someone plops down on the swing next to me and throws an arm around me, and it's just some guy. Says some stuff, tries to move closer, and proceeds to attempt to keep me from leaving when I get up.

I get out of there, practically sprint back to the house, and tell my dad what just happened and that there's some jerk in our garden being completely gross at me. He just laughs and says, "Oh, that's just [new across the street neighbor]. Be nice." The heck?

Over the next couple of years, the jerk would go on to make me and my older, only occasionally visiting, sisters super uncomfortable any chance he got. Long stories.


6. The Carpool

I was 21 in a strange city and got separated from my friend at a bar. I was drunk and wanted to go back to the hotel, so as I was leaving, this guy who had been sitting near me all night followed, got IN MY CAB with me, and closed the door.

Again, I was very drunk, so I had to think quickly and stay as calm as possible.

He tried to talk to me, and I just nodded and made small talk (I didn’t know if rejection would turn him violent, so I played along the best I could) after telling the driver where to take me.

The whole time, this guy was moving closer and touching me, so as soon as the car stopped, I got out, RAN into the hotel lobby, where I knew this man would be following me, and screamed to the hotel security and desk employees, “I DO NOT KNOW THIS MAN. HE IS FOLLOWING ME,” and they took it from there.


7. Stranger Admirer

I was walking my dog & made the mistake of not rushing home once it got dark. A man in a baseball cap & oversized jacket blocked my path to comment on how pretty my dog was & how I must take good care of him.

I smiled (tightly) & thanked him. I told him to have a good day & nodded & went to go around him.

So he naturally grabbed my arm & said, "Yeah, I bet you take real good care of anything you have. You married?"

I lied & said yes. He let me go but followed me home. I wound up calling my boyfriend to come pick me up. It made me feel uneasy for quite some time.


8. Persistent Guy

When I was 18, my friend and I were driving home around 3 am, and we stopped by a gas station to get a snack. We hop out of the car, and immediately, this guy nearby calls out to me, saying, “Brunette, white jacket!”

He asked my name, I gave him a fake one, and my friend and I went into the store. We decided to wait there until he drove away, but 15 minutes later, he was still there.

Eventually, he comes into the store, looks around for us, and approaches me. The guy looked to be around 25-30. He smelled of cigarettes, and I backed up closer to my friend, but he took a step forward and proceeded to ask me for my number, saying I was cute, etc.

I lied and told him I was a minor, to which he respected and backed off. He then says, “Good to know. Maybe next time,” and leaves.

We watched their car drive away and only leave about five minutes after we were sure he was gone. We left the store and got into the car.

As we pulled out of the parking lot, I saw his car pulled over on the side of the road. We drove past it, and I watched as the car turned on and started following us.

I begged my friend to take the long way home (because I didn’t want to lead him to my house, and the long way passed by a fire station that I would’ve gone to for help had they followed us that far). Eventually, we lost sight of the car and went home, and I never saw him or the car again.


9. Desperate Creep

Weird Larry lived in my dorm. He unsuccessfully hit on all the girls, which is why he was Weird Larry. It totally ruined his self-esteem.

One night, Larry just showed up and invited himself into my room. I was not fully clothed. He took this as an invitation and climbed up into my bunk bed. I asked him to get down, and he asked me to come up there with him so we could make out.

When I refused, he took some quarters out of his pocket, put them on my nightstand, and said, "What if I paid you? You could do your laundry!" I told him that wasn't enough change to do a full load of laundry, and he started crying and getting snot all over my pillow.

I had to go wake up the RD (person in charge of the dorm) and have him escorted out. Then he wouldn't stop sending me messages.

They became more desperate until they became threats. I saved the messages and used them to file a restraining order. A few other girls wanted in on it, so Weird Larry was evicted from his own dormitory and had to drop out of school.


10. Delivery Danger

When I delivered pizzas, and I was 18, this guy asked me if I wanted to step in while he grabbed his money. It was cold and rainy, so I took him up on the offer.

He tried to keep me there until his mom got home because he didn't have enough for the pizza. He tried to force me into a pyramid scheme and kept making uncomfortable comments about me.

I had left my phone in my car, so I couldn't text my manager to call me to give me an out because no matter how hard I tried to leave, this guy would find some way to block my path.

I took off when he went to the bathroom and told my manager about what happened. Females weren't allowed to deliver to him anymore.

We eventually found out he was a criminal, too. Normally, I find an out and always have an escape plan. But I put myself in a position where I couldn't give myself an escape.

I went on to manage/deliver pizzas for several years, but after that day, I implemented a new rule: NEVER enter anyone's home unless I knew who it was.

I'd stand in the pouring rain any day over entering a stranger's home. I come from a "safe" low-crime area, but my gut instinct that night was that I was in danger.


11. Not A Good Samaritan

So, last year, I got a flat tire on a semi-busy road right when a snowstorm started. Since I had AAA, I figured I would use one of my roadside assistants to have them replace the tire with a spare that I had, and I wouldn't have to go outside since I forgot gloves.

While I was waiting, a mid-forties fifties man came up to my window and asked if I needed help. Thinking that he was just a good Samaritan at the time, I thanked him but told him, no, I was just waiting for AAA.

If he left here, I would have a nice story about a guy willing to help me with a car problem. Instead, he gets downright pushy. He lives nearby.

He said I could just take my car there and change it in his garage. Why don't I just stay in his house until AAA comes? I kept telling him no until he started yelling.

I rolled up the window, and he started pounding on it. Eventually, he left when the AAA guy came, but I still took a long, circuitous route home.


12. The Tire Scam

Some guy was driving around telling women who were in their cars alone to roll down their windows. Once they did, he would tell them that it looked like their back tire was flat and that he was a mechanic.

He would then follow them as they pulled over onto a side street. The woman who wrote about it said she realized what was happening because the guy wasn’t wearing mechanic clothes and gave off bad vibes.

So when he came over to her car, she kept her window rolled up, and he started yelling at her. She drove away, luckily, but when she posted about it, at least ten other women confirmed that they had similar experiences.


13. Unwanted Help

I experienced this when I was coming home from college for the summer years ago. My car broke down in the middle of the Ocala National Forest in Florida in the summer.

AAA gave me an eta of almost 2 hours and asked if I would like a cop to come wait with me, but I stupidly said it wasn’t necessary. I was just sitting in there with the windows rolled down when this dude in cut-off shorts rolled up on a rusty bike and offered to help.

I got bad vibes right away and thanked him but lied and said my dad was right around the corner. I stayed in my car the whole time, and after becoming firmer and firmer in my response, he finally backed off, only to circle back about 20 minutes later, probably now figuring out I lied.

He continued to pressure me into letting him help me, but I kept my doors locked and only had the windows cracked just enough not to suffocate in the 100-degree heat.

Another man driving past stopped and asked if I needed any help, and the crazy jorts guy started swearing at him, accusing him of being a pervert. They argued in the street for a few minutes before the second guy sped off.

Fortunately, there was a ranger station about a mile down the road, and one of the rangers must have driven by at some point, seen creepy jorts guy, and called in for help because three giant park rangers rolled up and shooed him off before pushing my car to a safe spot at the side of the road.

They waited with me until AAA arrived. Hours later, the police dispatch finally called me and asked if I still needed someone to come out.

They said they hadn’t come yet because they didn’t want to drive all the way out there if they just had to turn around and leave.

To this day, I am still so grateful to those park rangers for recognizing the situation I was in and coming to my rescue. Who knows what could have transpired if they hadn’t?


14. Hint Of Connection

I talked to him for 2 minutes at a welcome/icebreaker game when the university first started. A few months later, I decided not to go to university anymore and to move in with my parents (I had not seen him since the game).

He contacted not me but the Priest of our village! He told him I had a "special aura," and he needed me around. He drove 2 hours to say that to my priest.

Thank god the priest did not like that and called me and offered to call the cops. It still haunts me how much he must have found of me online/ researched to know where I live and that I was religious. I definitely did not tell him that. Really weird.


15. The Condo Guy

A few years ago, I lived in a tiny condo right next to a few trails in San Diego. I was on a pretty strict running & hiking routine. One night, it got dark faster than expected.

A man who appeared to be about 6’3” & 200 pounds approached me as I neared my hike's end. With a smirk on his face, he told me to be careful as there were many things that could hurt me when the sun went down.

The next day, as I exited my back gate, he was standing there as if waiting for me. He introduced himself and admitted he’d been watching me for a while.

I decided to pretend like I was grabbing something from my car and went back into my house. For the next few days, I saw this guy circling my condo, looking in to see if the curtains were open.

He was always walking around day and night. I checked Megan’s Law website, and surprisingly, there he was, with multiple crime charges.

I decided to contact his parole officer, and he immediately returned my call, stating he could tell I fit his guy and to use extreme caution. He said he would do what he could to get him out of the neighborhood. After that call, I thankfully never saw him again.


16. The Clingy Type

When I was 16, I would walk to college once a week to keep fit, as it was an hour away. One day, I had just set off and was accosted by a guy on a bike who wouldn't leave me alone.

I was shy and anxious, so I tried to be friendly, but he wouldn't leave me alone. He finally said he'd go away if I gave him my number, and I didn't feel like I could say no, so I gave it to him to get him to bugger off and just thought I'd ignore his calls.

Fast forward to later in the day, and I had to shut my phone off cause he was calling and texting so much. He was sending texts saying that he loved me. When I turned the phone back on, I had 100 missed calls and nearly as many texts.

It only stopped after about a week of this. It seriously made me nervous for a long time because he'd originally accosted me so close to my house, and I was scared that he'd see me again and follow me, but I never saw him again.


17. Strong Gut Feeling

Lived in a super cheap, super crappy “apartment” when I was in college. It was a decent city, but the apartment was located in the only bad neighborhood. I was willing to deal with it for $300 per month rent.

Because of the price, people constantly moved in and then bailed after a month or two. One of these people was an older (50s - 60s) veteran.

He seemed polite at first, but after he had been there a few days, I’d catch him weirdly leaning to watch me from behind a wall when I’d be outside.

When my boyfriend wasn’t around, he’d wait for me to be outside and then run up to start a conversation. The conversations were usually harmless at first, then would get creepy, like asking sensitive questions.

About two months in, I was leaving my house at about 10 pm, and I saw him stumbling around the parking lot covered in blood. I quickly left and never saw him again.

However, a few days later, my landlord knocked on my door and was pale in the face. He asked me if I had seen anything unusual with the guy.

I explained that I had and asked why. He said that if I ever see him on the property again, I need to call the cops first and then call him.

It took some prying to find out why, and he told me that he had just gone in to clean out his apartment, and all that the guy had in his house was a dirty mattress, a broken toaster, and a full-on dungeon.

I don’t know what all that entailed, but he mentioned the place was full of bondage and restraint-type things. It still makes my skin crawl to think about it.


18. Double Panic

I was a moron and took a drink after walking into a club from a guy. Hadn’t had one other drink. Drank it, tasted like jager. Twenty minutes later started freaking out to my friend, apparently saying there was someone watching us.  

We hurriedly went to my car, which was manual, so she couldn’t drive it. I shifted, and she steered. For some reason, we never called the cops.

We apparently were running stoplights and took the interstate, and this guy was following us. We got back to her neighborhood and ran inside as he walked around outside. I fell asleep talking, peed on myself, and couldn’t be woken up.

She violently shook me, trying to wake me, but I didn’t budge. She finally got me awake about 6 hours later to my alarm going off for work.

I woke up (6 am), got dressed, went to my car, and wrecked it by running into a bridge. I don’t remember anything after ~20 minutes of taking the drink. I still wonder to this day why we just didn’t call the cops.


19. Snap Of Wood

I was walking with my children on a secluded river walk. I noticed that we were being followed at a distance. I figure this individual may just be enjoying the same path I was.

We stepped off the trail onto a scenic deck off the path that overlooked the river. I was showing the girls the ducks and different types of trees.

We hung out there for about 20 minutes. However, I noticed the person behind us on the path did not reach us at that time. At that moment, I heard a stick snap off in the woods close to us.

I then saw this man hiding behind large shrubs, thinking he was unable to be seen. This man had been watching my children and me for the entire time we had been stopped. He was getting closer, unaware that I could see him.

It became apparent to me that we were in danger. I told the older child to grab the stroller and run to the closest public area, yell for help, and call 911. I then confronted the man as he came barreling out of the woods. He realized he had been spotted.


20. No Is Not A Word

A typical "guy wouldn't take "No" as the answer." He was part of the church group I was with at the time. Asked me out, and I said No. Asked me out again. Again, "No."

Then he started showing up on my college campus just randomly. He didn't go there. So, I informed the campus police. Then, he began showing up at the places where my college group hung out.

Some of my bigger guy friends told him to get lost. Then he started showing up where I worked. So, some of my friends started hanging out with me at work.

He then began showing up randomly at my house. So I called the police. And took out a restraining order against him. Luckily, it worked.

That said. I am a much different person now than I was in college. Now, it would have stopped at the second "NO" And gone not one bit further.


21. The Walking Man

As teenagers, we (three females) were walking to the local park when a middle-aged man started following us. We made it to the park, and he came in and actually started swinging, glancing our way occasionally.

After a few minutes, we decided we felt too weird and left. He got up and started following us again, so we ran.

Found a police officer and told him and gave him a description of the man.

It was a tiny town, a half-mile-long town center, and we weren't aware of any guys like that hanging around the area despite being pretty well aware of all the known faces in our town.


22. Traffic Saves The Day

This happened back in the summer of 2017. I was walking to work, which was about 1/2 a mile away, and it was around 8:45 AM.

This guy in a car slowed down next to me and asked where I was going and if I needed a ride. I politely said no and just kept walking.

The dude followed me all the way, driving slowly, and kept asking over and over if he could give me a ride.

I said no several more times, then just ignored him. Luckily, the way to my work was a heavy-traffic area with other people walking around.


23. Uninvited Guest

Got stalked in college. The date went awkward with a guy, so I decided not to go on a second one, and he started just showing up in my dorm building (I did not live in my building; doors were controlled by swiping ID for entry).

I'd leave my room to just find him sitting outside my door, even at weird hours. It was corridor style, so I had to leave to go to the communal bathroom. Luckily, the girl's bathroom did have locks on the main door.

I'm also talking about finding him at 1 am on a Tuesday...Ran into him at random places on campus, and he seemed to have my schedule memorized.

I went on one date, never gave him my schedule, and wasn't even in the same major. To find me most days, he had to go to a fairly remote part of campus that literally took a bus ride and only included classes from my major.

This went on for a couple of months. My RA noticed him constantly lingering in the hallway, talked to me, and quickly realized he was not a guest. She found him outside my room one night and laid into him. He stayed away from me after that.


24. Weirdest Doc

Time for Doctor Creep. I had my thyroid removed and changed doctors after changing insurance to check to see if everything was still ok.

The doctor told me that I was just a paranoid girl who saw a golf tumor and freaked out, and I shouldn't remove it. He was so rude.

When he examined my thyroid (in your throat), he massaged my shoulders and didn't touch my neck. Then sent me home with a diagnosis of Chlamydia (this is an ENT. No blood work or anything like that was done).


25. Outside The Door

I was legitimately stalked during my first semester of college. The guy was in the same English class as me. In the second or third week, we talked a little after class and found out that we lived in different dorms but in the same complex.

Now, the dorms were towers, 17 floors with 35 or so rooms per floor. Huge buildings. One day, he and his roommate showed up at my door... except I never told him which floor I lived on.

So he had to go to each floor and try to find me. He then proceeded to come into my room while my roommate and I were doing work and lay on the floor. Finally, his friend tells him he’s weird and that they should go.

Then he started just sitting outside my dorm room. I would come back from class, and he would be there, just sitting and waiting. He would leave notes on the whiteboard that he just wanted me to read his essay for class. He just wanted to talk to me. Why wouldn’t I give him a chance???

He then started sending me creepy song lyrics over MySpace about how he would burn down the dorm to get me to leave my room.

I printed those up and involved my English teacher. She got her supervisor involved. My teacher started walking with me to my next class, on the other side of the (huge) campus. He followed us the whole way, even when we made detours to the bathroom or to get coffee.

Finally, the teacher had us write an “ode to our favorite study spot.” Kinda weird, but whatever. He wrote about sitting outside my door, how he felt powerful when he knew I was trapped inside, and even put my room number and other identifiable stuff in it.

That ended up getting turned over to the university, in addition to the song lyrics, and there was a whole hearing, with myself, my roommate, and some others having to give statements. Unfortunately, they never told me what had happened, but he wasn’t at the school the next semester.

The next year, his roommate was in one of my classes. On the very first day, he came up to me and said that he had “no hard feelings about what you did to my friend.” Jerk.


26. The Hug

In my freshman year of high school, I walked to my regular lunch table spot, and there was a kid we didn’t know sitting there. No biggie, I assume he’s friends with somebody else at the table.

He strikes up a conversation with me, saying I look familiar. He asked about my grades, middle school, and elementary school. We went to the same middle school, but he was a senior, so we wouldn’t have gone at the same time.

He asked about elementary school, so I gave him my school, and we went to different schools. I talked about how crappy mine was, and he said, “Oh can I give you a hug because you went to a crappy elementary school?”

I’m caught off guard, so I give him a hug anyway. I asked around the table, but no one knew him. He keeps showing up for a few days, but we ignore him and only speak to him when spoken to, leaving a seat between us, etc.

But the really creepy part is at one point, he came to my history class for yearbook interviews and wanted a boy and a girl. I was literally the only kid with my hand down, and he chose me and my male friend.

He takes us out in the hall separately, and my friend takes us first. He says we need to do two interviews with different endings, one with a handshake and one with a hug. I do both, not knowing better.

The first thing I did when I came back to class was ask my friend if he did the hug, and he said no. After chatting with my friends about it for a bit, I remembered yearbook kids can access schedules.

I only gave this kid my first name, too. I told my history teacher about it, and he said he’d email this kid’s yearbook teacher. The kid left me alone after that, but I still made my friend pretend to be my boyfriend when I saw him around.


27. Running Around

One time, I was walking in my neighborhood. It was evening in the early fall, and I lived up north, and the sun set faster than you'd expect. A car pulled up next to me and said, "Hey, need a ride" or something. 

I said no and kept walking, but he rolled next to me, trying to get my attention, until a car pulled up behind him, and he had to drive off. 

I thought I was in the clear, so I kept hurrying home, but he just pulled around the block and rolled next to me again, this time saying things like, "Come with me." 

I was 14 or so, didn't have a phone, and couldn't see anyone else outside to go to for help, so I kept walking until another car made him pull away again. Worried he'd come back, I dashed down a side road and hid between some cars for maybe 10 minutes, hoping he'd give up, and I could make it home. 

I was the kind of kid who always carried a pocket knife, so I opened it and slipped it up my sleeve in case I needed it in a hurry. If I had been smart, I would have picked a random house and gone there for help, but the closed doors seemed just as scary as the guy in the car. 

Eventually, I started heading home again and was half a block from my house when guess who pulled up? But he didn't have more than a couple of seconds before he had to move on to another car. I waited until he had rounded a corner before I ran the rest of the way home and got the door safely locked behind me.


28. Subway Nightmare

I had a guy get off the subway and follow me off. I was on the phone with my parents at the time, but regardless of that, he kept telling me I was beautiful and trying to talk to me.

He insisted he would walk me home. I said no, but he kept insisting, which made me worried, so I said I had to stop in a store for cat food.

I then called my boyfriend from within the store, and he came to pick me up. We saw the guy cross the street and get back on the subway, just proving he got off the subway specifically to follow me.


29. Mysterious Car

I used to go running in a park that had a parking lot at each end when I lived in Lubbock, and some guy in a maroon Pontiac sedan used to drive back and forth to watch me.

I have no idea how long he had been doing it because I used to be so interested in the goings-on of the prairie dogs when I ran by them.

When I finally started noticing the car (day? Weeks later?), he would speed off and then show up on the other end of the park when I made it back around.

I decided to go later when more people were there, and he still showed up. So I pretended not to notice him one day and blew him off, and he slowly drove down the park street, pacing me.

It scared me so bad but also pissed me off, so I hauled to my car and peeled out after him in my crappy car. Unfortunately, he had a faster car, but he actually fishtailed out down the main road as I sped up to him.

He went through a red light to get away from me. So I went home and didn’t go back to that park for a few weeks. When I went back, no more maroon Pontiac - just the cute prairie dogs.


30. Odd Customer

I worked at a "department store." I was in customer service and cashed checks. There was this guy who would wait until I was available just to cash his check and talk.

He would try to hold personal conversations in the line and wanted to know my work schedule and where I lived. If I covered a break on a register, he would find me and get in a long line just to buy a soda and see me.

He would sneak up behind me and tickle my ear if he saw me anywhere in the store. I was very uncomfortable. I told my supervisors, and they would intervene whenever he came in. One day, I was leaving the store late (I got off at 11 p.m.).

As I was walking out, he approached me from the side of the building in a shadowy area and tried to grab me. Luckily, I walked outside at the same time the truck boys were on a smoke break. They grabbed him and told me to run and call the cops.


31. Secret Age

When I was 16, working at a grocery store, we had a secret shopper who told me he was 18. We talked on Facebook until I realized (another coworker told me) he was 24.

I confronted him, and he said the age of consent in our state was 16 anyway, so it was fine. I couldn’t tell my dad because he would flip out. So, for two weeks at work,

I had to deal with him following me everywhere I went, and he would text me nonstop. If I blocked him, he made another account.

I went to management, and they immediately fired him, and now he’s never allowed in our store again. Still grosses me out to this day.


32. Keep Running

Some guy on a small motorized bicycle came up to me and my friend as we left the fair. He asked if we wanted to party, and I said, "We can't. We're young," he didn't care.

He asked our names, and my friend said, "I don't want to tell you," that's when I realized I could just say no. I'll also never forget the time I was chased.

I was full-tilt running and narrowly escaped because I ran into a huge, beefy dude who scared my pursuer. What is kinda of wild, but even more wild, was how my two male roomies didn't care when I told them once I got home. It's made me feel unheard. It's deeply embittered me.


33. Waiting For the Right Timing

Went to a dive bar with my bf and his friends. This creepy man, about 60, kept coming up to me and talking to me anytime my bf left my side.

I was drunk and stupidly left the bar alone to walk to the 24/7 garage that was 2 minutes away and a straight walk down the High Street.

It was dark, everywhere was closed, and I made it all the way up the high street when I heard my bf shout my name from the bottom of the street (he wanted to know where I was going and came out to look for me).

I turned around to find his voice, and this 60-year-old man was about 10/15 feet behind me. I had no idea he had followed me all the way up the street.

I never heard or saw him. When he saw my boyfriend, he immediately turned around and walked back to the bar. Never went back there again as I learned he works or owns that bar. I hope it's not something he does to drunk girls regularly.


34. Unknown Guy

There are two deli near my apartment. One deli may have more things than the first. I was going to the second deli (which is a block or two further than the first deli), and I saw a man with a black hoodie start following me.

I got creeped out and walked across the street (I'm 15).

And then again he followed me, so I decided to go to the nearest deli even tho they didn't have what I wanted. He came in right behind me.

After waiting 5 mins for him to go, I went to the cashier and told him what was going on. He threatened to call the cops. The man left, and the cashier walked me home.


35. For Money

I had just finished getting groceries, and as I walked out of the shop, a rugged, dirty-looking man approached me and said something about how beautiful I was.

Embarrassed and uncomfortable, I just smiled and walked. Then he followed me. He kept saying things like, ‘Oh sweetheart, and you're so gorgeous’ and ‘C’mom beautiful, talk to me.’

I didn’t engage him. Just kept walking. It’s about a 30-minute walk home from the shop. He followed me for about 15 minutes, and he started asking for money near the end.

I ignored him until I eventually told him I didn’t have money. He kept asking for a little while after and then walked away. It was the middle of the day. I’m happy he didn’t follow me all the way home. I don’t know what I would have done then!


36. Dodging Danger

I don't do it anymore, but I used to run early morning around my neighborhood. The area I lived in had a lot of shops and businesses, so I didn't think it was unsafe.

On one of those runs, I had a car started following me. Keep in mind that this is at 6 AM. Really early, and basically, only a few people were out. He followed me for several blocks before I stopped to look at the car.

When I did, the man inside motioned me over. Thankfully, there was a gas station open nearby. I was able to go inside and ask the clerk to call the police.


37. Money Can’t Buy Everything

I used to live deep in the country, like the dead center of the woods. My neighbor's boyfriend used to stalk me. I would randomly look out my window and see him standing in my yard, looking at my house like he was tracking me through the windows.

What's crazy is that my "neighbor" 's house was not even in sight. It was a few minutes away through a big wooded area. When it first started, he was far away but still out in the open.

As time went on, he got closer and closer. One day, he came by when I had company, and for some reason, that gave him the balls to actually approach me for conversation.

He actually told me he had been watching me and then pulled out a couple hundred dollars and told me he would pay me for my time. I snapped. My husband came back into town a few days later, and he stopped showing up.


38. Too Much Confidence

This all happened at my workplace. But I drive a tugger at work and had another tugger driver hit on me a lot. Ask me if I wanted to party, if I've ever tried drinking with people, to come to his house.

Just a bunch of stuff trying to get me to hang out with him, which I would tell him I have a boyfriend and don't want to go out partying or drinking and so on.

He told me I should break up with my boyfriend and date him, to which I told him no, and from then on, I made it a point not to speak to him unless it involved work.

He was also hitting on other women at the same time and creeping them out. What pushed it over the edge for all of us to report him was when, at the start of the shift, he blocked my tugger in and started confessing his 'love' for me and almost demanding that I should date him.

After that, I told my female coworker that I was going to report him, and that's when she jumped in, saying he had been saying the same stuff to her, so she was gonna join me in filing a case.


39. Too Friendly

I was walking down the street, and there was a guy ahead of me. When he noticed me behind him, he slowed down to talk to me. He asked me for directions on how to get somewhere.

I told him it was a few blocks up and kept walking. He then tried to walk with me and kept talking. Like we're not friends now! I don't have to talk to you because you hit me in the street.

And I acted like I was an ice queen for not engaging with him since he was so friendly. And I was scared because there was no way for me to know if he was flirting or playing at getting close and attacking me. Unfortunately, this is a common thing.


40. Elevator Conversation

When I was a teen, my family's apartment was 15 minutes away from the subway if you had to walk. The bus wasn't coming anytime soon that night, so I decided to walk.

As I opened the building's front door, this guy popped up out of nowhere and came in the door. We're both waiting for the elevator, and I realize he's talking to me, but I hadn't realized it because I had music playing in my ears.

He's asking me questions like my name, how old I am, and whether I have a boyfriend. Unfortunately, I was raised to be more polite than I am nowadays, so I answered his questions.

But I lie and say I live with my boyfriend, who's upstairs. I gave him a fake name. The elevator has always been slow, but GOD, it had never been so slow until this moment.

The elevator finally shows up, and the dude literally leaves the building. Maybe he lived there, but I just didn't know him. Nope.

I saw him maybe a week after that as I was walking down the street, and he asked if he could talk to me, and I loudly said NOPE without stopping.


41. Holding Too Tight

I wasn't being followed, but one time, after a night out, I ran into an older man on my way home. He asked me about the club I just left and introduced himself, wanting to shake hands.

Drunk me gave him my hand. But he then wouldn't let go of it. Being drunk, I didn't know what to do and got scared.

This continued for a good few minutes until I asked a stranger walking by if he could help me.

He first didn't believe me when I told him this man wouldn't let go of my hand because it was such a surreal situation. But eventually, he told the man to leave me alone, which he then did.


42. The Night Run

A few weeks into quarantine, my sleep schedule was completely screwed up, and I was fully nocturnal. I have always hated running when the sun's out because there are always a ton of people out, and I really don't want anyone looking at me to look like a fool.

Anyway, I'm out running at about 10:30 pm. Kids are in bed, and many adults are up, but not out, so I figured it was a good time. The streets are empty, and everything is super chill.

I slow down to a walk because I started getting a stitch in my side, and I'm on a street that goes in a big loop. I pass the first curve, and again, nobody is outside.

Then I get a feeling of looking over my shoulder, and out of the blue, I see that some guy is behind me. Maybe a good 20 yards behind, but it was a little unsettling.

I move to the other side of the street and start walking a little faster, and this dude is still on my trail and closer than he originally was. I pass the second curve of the loop, and I'm momentarily out of his sight, so I start sprinting for my life.

I make it to the end of the street. I'm super out of breath, and that stitch is hurting like crap, but I turn onto another street and pray I'm alone again.

I pulled my phone out and called my friend, and he stayed on the phone with me till I was inside my house. Never have I been so scared in my life.


43. I’m Not A Kid

I was driving an old car that often broke down. Some guy flashed his lights and frantically waved me over. I pulled over, thinking my car was smoking or something was wrong.

He walked up and leaned on my car door to ask me on a date. I tried to say no, but he kept arguing with me, "What do you mean you don't want to come to see a movie with me? Everyone likes movies."

"What kind of food do you like? Everyone needs to eat, so you can come over, and I'll cook you whatever you like. How can you say no to your favorite food?"

The whole time, he was leaning on my car. I tried starting the engine, but he didn't step back, asking me why I didn't like him or want to go home with him. He was in his late 20s I was 17.


44. Unfamiliar Places

When I lived in France with a host family at age 16 (I didn’t speak French). I was sent to dance class and told to take the bus home after class. I forgot my cell phone.

After class ended at 9 pm, I couldn’t remember which bus stop I needed to go to as there were many different directions.

I missed the last bus, so I sat at the stop waiting for them to come and look for me.

While I was waiting, a guy continually drove by me. After several times, he drove up on the sidewalk towards me. I took off running down the street. A lady was coming out of her house, so I stopped her and begged her not to attack me and to drive me to my house.


45. Preparing Went Wrong

I am a woman who was in my early 20s. To get home from work, I had to take a bus at 2:15 am from Downtown Seattle; the bus that got me there dropped me off at 1:30 am.

I was walking around trying to find a stop with my bus that had a few people at it. There was a creepy guy who I noticed following me for a few blocks, so I pulled out my pepper spray.

Because I'm a clutz, I tripped, and when I fell, the pepper spray started spraying out everywhere. I was soaked, my whole face was on fire, and I screamed so loud they could probably hear me in Canada.

I ended up stumbling into the street, and some nice bystander saw me and helped me out with a bottle of water and a bandanna.

My bus came along, and I made it home. No idea what happened to the creepy guy, but seeing me start screaming and thrashing around like a crazy person was probably enough to scare him off.
