[COMMENTARY] Republicans Say Trump's RNC Speech Was "Hard to Watch"

After their candidate showed up to the RNC wearing what's been dubbed a "MAGA Maxi Pad" (okay, this Dublin dubbed it that, and it's trending on Twitter, so it's officially a thing now) on the side of his head, the Republicans in attendance had a choice of whether or not to go with the flow or remain out for blood.

According to The Independent, most of them decided to stay free and clear of always being associated with the de facto captain of Project2025.

Despite being promised a "new and improved" Trump, capable of fully absorbing the seriousness of the actions last Saturday at his rally in Pennsylvania, a grumpy Trump instead leaked his usual toxically shocking rhetoric to create the kind of lasting stain no amount of cold water and salt can remove.

Footage of the crowd during his 93-minute speech, which was heavy on the xenophobia and fearmongering but light on substance and facts, showed delegates looking bored and growing visibly cranky in their cramped seats. Cameras caught many checking their phones, zoning out, or fully nodding off during Trump’s spotty performance.

Calling the speech "bizarre and boring," former Obama advisor David Axelrod said it was the "first good thing to happen to Democrats" in the last 28 days.

Trump simply doesn't have the poise to lead his party, and some Republicans are now wondering if they've made a mistake in being so carefree when it comes to holding him accountable, period.

So much for the Red Wave that has yet to materialize.