[COMMENTARY] "Pass the Torch" Trend to Oust Biden is a Fabrication Created By a Former Never Trumper

We've learned a lot more about the effort to replace President Joe Biden from so-called "Democrats" since The Debate That Actually Didn't Matter last month.

And what we've learned is that a lot of very rich white men are trying to get rid of Joe because of his proposed tax cuts.

Seriously, it all comes down to greed. You can't take it with you, fellas, so why do you want to die with the most toys? American women are not living in Project2025 just to protect your bank account.

The efforts to remove Joe Biden--and then push Vice President Kamala Harris out of the way as well--are coming from within Silicon Valley.

Tech bros with deep pockets want to buy a President so they can kick back in their hilltop mansions while the working class is worked to death. 

We've got so-called "Never Trumpers" claiming they just want someone else, but they don't have any real suggestions or solutions that don't involve two white men in the White House. 

And one of them is really trying it with us now.

Steve Schmidt, a political strategist who gave us John McCain and Sarah Palin, claims to be a "Never Trumper" and tried to foist Dean Phillips on us a few months back as an "alternative" to Joe Biden. 

Dean-No slid into my DMs back in December 2023. That's how long Steve Schmidt has been trying to replace Joe Biden, if not longer. I mean, he had to find a willing patsy who was easily bought. 

Why so thirsty, Dean?

I replied with a hard no.

If you're a woman, you know he didn't take no for an answer, no matter how many different ways I said no. So he finally responded in the way most MAGA men do when they try it with me and then find out they shouldn't have tried.

And now we know more about the effort to remove Joe Biden thanks to a lot of people paying attention.

If you're on Harlan "Jim" Crow's payroll, you're not a good person and you don't have the best intentions for the country. 

Additionally, if you're playing Six Degrees of Separation with Peter Thiel without going beyond one degree, you're the problem.

Steve Schmidt--who also backed Joe Manchin, so that tells you plenty--attacked me on Twitter Saturday morning because he's a bully who doesn't like being found out. I share this because the American public at large has no idea who this guy is or the damage he's capable of doing.  I also protect the identity of the person who supplied the information because Steve attacked me, not them.

Stay classy, Steve.

Thankfully, we have the receipts and facts on our side. And I'm not alone in sharing them.

Daily Kos has been on this for a while now too.

We will keep following this developing story and try to get to the bottom of why so many rich white men don't want our Democratic ticket to win.