Colin Allred Just Three Points Behind Ted Cruz in New Poll

A new poll conducted by the University of Houston’s School of Public Affairs and the School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University showed Democratic Rep. Colin Allred down only three points to Ted Cruz in this year's senate race. 

Ted Cruz is one of the least-liked politicians in the country with even Republicans admitting that they don't care for him. Lucky for Cruz, he is based out of Texas, one of the reddest states in the country. And that has allowed him to keep his seat despite significant challenges from Democrats like Beto O'Rourke. 

The new findings show that the race is tightening. The last time this poll was conducted, Cruz led by a nine-point margin. 

This week hasn't been kind to Cruz's electoral chances. Again, the state of Texas is experiencing a weather disaster, with more than a million people out of power. The Republican fight against any kind of regulation has given Texas one of the worst eclectic grids in the country. 

Allred recently refused to answer a question about Joe Biden's candidacy, instead saying, "I know that many conversations about next steps are happening and I have not been a part of those conversations. I remain laser-focused on listening to Texans about what matters most to them and defeating Ted Cruz. We already have one political pundit in this race who spends hours and hours podcasting about this instead of serving Texans."