John Bolton: Joe Biden Is Inviting Democrats Off the Cliff With Him

During a Friday appearance on CNN, John Bolton claimed that the election is already lost for Joe Biden and he is now pulling other Democrats down with him. 

The debate of whether or not Joe Biden should drop out of the presidential race continues. Biden's public press conference yesterday did not stop several more Democratic House members from publically asking him to leave the race. 

John Bolton, a former Trump staffer who is also a massive Trump critic, says that at this point, the President is only hurting other candidates. 

After host Jim Acosta asked if Biden should step aside, Bolton answered, "Yeah, I think there are two points here. The message that President Biden basically gave to the Democratic Party yesterday evening was ‘Suit up, lemmings! I’m going off the edge of the cliff and you’re coming with me!'"

The former defense secretary continued:

"Now, if that’s what the Democrats want to do, you know, they will elect Trump. They’ll also help elect a lot more Republican senators and House members. There is nobody who can guarantee that that debate failure or something similar to it will not occur in September or October, and everybody knows that. And at that point, the Democrats will not have any option. They will be stuck. They will be tied to the mast of Biden’s ship as it goes down."

Bolton closed, "This is their last clear chance to do anything. And all I can say is if they leave Biden as the nominee and Trump wins, I think Trump has an obligation in his victory speech election night to thank Biden and the Democrats for nominating him."