Bill Maher Dresses Down Kevin McCarthy on Real Time [VIDEO]

Kevin McCarthy willingly went on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday night and during the interview, the host called out the former Speaker for kissing Donald Trump's a**. 

While Conservatives regularly appear on Maher's show, it is one of the few where they are actually challenged. So it was a bit of a surprise to see McCarthy, who has had a humiliating couple of years, willing to talk to Maher. 

The conversation began cordially enough, but Maher fired back after McCarthy claimed Hilary Clinton didn't concede in 2016. The host responded:

"Challenging is not the same as not conceding! Hillary Clinton conceded the election. You guys like to conflate this with people who say the Democrats have said Donald Trump is not a legitimate president. Yeah, maybe that’s kind of cool thing to say. It’s different than actually not conceding the election and saying–."

Maher later hit McCarthy for coming out angrily against the January 6th riot only to fly down to Mar-a-Lago the next week, saying, "You went down to Mar-A-Lago and kissed his ass after that!"

"Oh bullsh*t," McCarthy retorted. I have no qualms going to see Donald Trump. He’s my friend. I served with him just like I do. Anybody else. Go down and have a conversation with him."