Pumpkin carvings are everywhere this month, and it’s no news to you that an unspoken contest has risen up in your neighborhood to create the funniest and most creative ones. With all of the unique carvings out there, we have taken the liberty of compiling a list of the funniest pumpkins for your entertainment. These five pumpkin carvings will make you smirk at the very least, because they are some of the funniest (G-rated) ones we’ve seen all year!
Number Five: The Headless Horse…Squirrel?
This pumpkin isn’t exactly a funny carving, but it made our list just for its comedic scenario. Apparently, squirrels like to dress up for Halloween too, and this one was caught in the act. To be honest, this is how I normally imagine squirrels.
Number Four: Honey, the Pumpkins Ate Our Kid.
If you don’t believe the urban legends of jack-o’-lanterns coming to life, you may have a change of heart after seeing the face on this guy. Not only is he disturbingly realistic, but somehow he has also claimed a victim! Better keep the kids clear if you see a pumpkin like him this year.
Number Three: In a Pinch.
This pumpkin appears to have been whipped up in a pinch – figuratively, of course – he is frighteningly intricate. However, how the carver found a model who’s arm didn’t tire out is a Halloween miracle in and of itself.
Number Two: Pumpkin Pi.
Who doesn’t love corny word play? If you’ve been itching for a slice of pumpkin pi(e) this season, make one out of your jack-o-lantern! You can take that either literally or figuratively; either result should be great!
Number One: Drunken Pumpkin.
The drunken pumpkin has become a carving favorite, as it has been trending for the last few years. The only downside: no pumpkin seeds out of this guy! However, you’re sure to get a few laughs out of your neighbors or party guests when they see this hilarious pumpkin who can’t hold his liquor.