Top 10 Weirdest Apps of All Time (Part 2)

If the first five weirdest apps didn’t get your head spinning, part two is sure to entertain you! Find out about the apps that make you the most intuitive parent you can be, help you with understanding bodily functions, and much more by reading on!

Number Five: IAmAMan. For the men who just can’t seem to understand women, at least you can have an app that does. This unique app called “IAmAMan” offers a log that will keep track of the menstrual cycles for all the women in your life, and advise you on how to behave around each one. The app will predict how a woman is feeling based on their cycle, and tell you how to understand how to interact with them. If you’re quite the ladies’ man, the app even allows you to track multiple women with password protection, you little player!

Number Four: Cry Translator. If you’re the parent of an infant, you have learned quickly how frustrating it can be to decipher what your baby needs. Because a baby can communicate only with crying, the “Cry Translator” is here to help. This helpful technology will analyze your baby’s crying, and let you know if it means he or she is tired, hungry, or just aggravated. It may seem a bit bizarre, but the information this app uses to decode your baby’s cry is based on medical studies, and is surprisingly accurate and helpful!

Number Three: Hold On! Have you ever been so bored that you’re willing to try anything to occupy your time? The “Hold On!” app understands. This “game” is designed to fill your schedule with just the press of a button, literally! The objective is to hold down the “Hold On!” button for as long as you can. That’s it! While it’s not the most stimulating experience, it’s definitely a unique way to embrace your competitive nature.

Number Two: Airpnp. When away from home, how desperate do you get for a bathroom? Desperate enough to knock on a stranger’s door? Forget the pit stop at McDonald’s, now you can use “Airpnp” to find a nearby restroom. The app allows users to rent out their bathrooms to those in need, but for their own price! The app even allows users to instantly contact renters to check if the restroom is available.

Number One: PoopLog. This is by far the oddest mobile app of the bunch. In order to track the healthful nature of your bowel movements, “Poop Log” is pretty self-explanatory. Simply log your… uh, “events” every time you exploit the porcelain throne, down to the finer details like amount and type. The log will analyze your habits, and let you know how healthy your number two’s are. Feeling especially proud of your bowel health? You can even post your events to social media. Bathroom magazines are a thing of the past; with PoopLog, now you can kill bathroom time with a log that benefits your health!