[COMMENTARY] Where Is Trump's Post-Rally Medical Report?

President Joe Biden has a mild case of Covid-19 and is taking a brief pause from the campaign trail, it was reported Wednesday.

On Thursday, White House Physician Dr. Kevin O'Connor released a fully transparent statement regarding the President's condition and treatment.

It's pretty straightforward and fully believable. The President is fine with his doctor sharing the facts about his mild Covid case because he has nothing to hide. He's also not using it to grift from his base.

Meanwhile, we still don't know a thing about Donald Trump's medical treatment after a Republican shooter opened fire at his MAGA rally last Saturday. 

All we know is that the MAGA Maxi Pad he affixed to the side of his head wasn't present the next day on the golf course, nor when he was first spotted at the RNC on Monday.

But then it was back for more photo ops. And now his dumb cult freaks are wearing maxi pads on their ears for him. 

No, really. Lots of them are. Look at this cult freak, would you please? The same people who wouldn't wear masks during the initial months of the pandemic are walking around with maxi pads on their faces while also wearing solidarity diapers just like Donny Shittypants.

I don't understand why the entire MSM is just accepting the Trump campaign's story as fact without challenging any of it, but I'm not taking any of it.

Especially since his base is using the staged photo op as another merchandising grift.

I've sent an email to the Butler County Police Department to ask the questions I haven't seen anyone else in the MSM ask. I don't expect an answer, but maybe more people will pick up on this and at least ask their favorite member of the MSM (if there can be such a thing anymore) to ask these questions too.

1. What hospital was Trump taken to for medical attention?

2. If he wasn't transported to an ER, did he receive medical attention backstage, and from whom?

3. Why have no medical reports been released to the press? For example, the White House physician has already released every last detail of Joe Biden's recent Covid diagnosis, but we have zero medical information about Trump.

Allegedly Trump was taken to a hospital via his motorcade, yet there's no footage being played over and over by the MAGA cultists, so I don't think that happened.

If I ever get the answers, I'll be sure to update this piece. In the meantime, send all the good healing vibes to Joe Biden.