West Wing Creator Pens Wild Op-Ed Calling For Dems to Replace Biden

Aaron Sorkin, the creator of the West Wing, penned a New York Times op-ed calling for Democrats to dump Joe Biden and replace him with Mitt Romney. 

As the creator of the renowned West Wing, Aaron Sorkin certainly has a fair amount of respect in the political community. His call to replace the top Democrat on the ticket with a Republican, though, was widely panned. 

Sorkin gave his take via an op-ed in the New York Times, arguing, "Nominating Mr. Romney would be putting our money where our mouth is: a clear and powerful demonstration that this election isn’t about what our elections are usually about it, but about stopping a deranged man from taking power."

The television writer continued:

"Does Mr. Romney support abortion rights? No. Does he want to aggressively raise the minimum wage, bolster public education, strengthen unions, expand transgender rights and enact progressive tax reform? Probably not. But is he a cartoon thug who did nothing but watch TV while the mob he assembled beat and used Tasers on police officers? No. The choice is between Donald Trump and not-Trump, and the not-Trump candidate needs only one qualification: to win enough votes from a cross section of Americans to close off the former president’s Electoral College path back to power."

You can read Sorkin's entire piece here