Wedding Photographer Notices Something Weird About the Bride, Calls 911

Wait, what?

Someone almost died on Jill’s wedding night. Rephrase that. Jill Hadad Hawkins almost died on her wedding night. It was a wedding that was so beautiful that you would not expect a disaster to happen. 

However, it did and the evidence of that mishap was permanently engrained on their wedding photos.

A Supposedly Happy Day

Weddings are supposed to be happy and festive. Jill and her husband to be had invited all these people to celebrate with them on their wedding. But the wedding had to abruptly end on a sour note. Everyone watched in shock as the ambulance drive the unresponsive bride to the nearest hospital.

‘TIl Death Do Us Part

As she lay on the stretcher, Jill thought that the “'til death do us part” part of the wedding vows they had exchanged earlier would only last several hours for her and her husband. 

Dream Come True

Jill had dreamed of having a beautiful wedding since she was young. So when her then-boyfriend, John, proposed to her, it was like a dream come true. Never did the thought of this dream becoming a nightmare occur to her.

Modern Dating

It is not easy to find love, especially if you’re looking for something genuine. In this modern era, it is easy to meet people and be attracted to them. But the chances of that connection lasting a lifetime is very slim. However, this was not the case with the happy couple. They fell in love at first sight and immediately knew they were going to spend the rest of their lives together.

Love and Romance

Jill and her husband to be found a lasting connection that turned into love. There are people who are lucky enough to find it and nurture it until it grows. This is the case for Jill and her husband, John. They were not going to take it for granted.

Jill and John

Jill and John were simply perfect for each other. That much was without a doubt. The way that they looked at each other, how they were attentive to each other’s needs, communicated and fixed their problems, compromised, and even helped each other grow. It was the kind of love that everyone would dream of. It was a tragedy what happened to them.

Fairy Tale

Jill had worked so hard to create a perfect wedding that reflected their fairy tale romance. She wanted everything to be perfect. Too bad we don’t always get what we wish for.


That day, when Jill woke up, she was really excited for her wedding. It was the day that she prepared for the most. She couldn't wait to be John’s wife. She couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle. However, something felt wrong.


Jill felt pain in her stomach. She did not know where it came from or why. She had her theories, of course. But she did not want to think about it. For Jill, on this day, what mattered the most is marrying the man that she loved. If only she knew the truth.


Jill tried to endure the pain. She did her best to make it through the day without ruining anything. She just so wanted to make it through her wedding without any hitches. Despite the pain, she smiled. She wore her beautiful dress, did her hair and makeup, greeted people, and all the other typical things that brides do on their wedding day. But the pain was clearly putting a strain on her.

Before the Ceremony


Before the ceremony, the pain only got worse. Jill had no idea what was happening. The pain that she thought was temporary, she had now been feeling for hours. She was having a hard time standing up at that point. Yet she had to make it down the aisle. She was sweating as she took the first step. And the next one after.

She Made It

Somehow, Jill made it down the aisle. She was able to exchange vows with John. They even took photos on the beach. She even looked happy in them. However, it reached a point when she could not handle the pain anymore. She could not stand any longer due to the pain.


Everyone was shocked to see Jill in pain. They immediately made her sit on a chair. At first, since everyone was taken aback, they did not know what to do. But they immediately called for an ambulance. They were hoping and praying that Jill made it, and that it was nothing serious.


They were able to get an ambulance to the beach. When she got to the nearest hospital, she was quickly taken to the ER. By then, Jill was writhing and crying because she was in so much pain. Her husband was very anxious and the rest of the guests at the venue were worried. They even got more worried upon hearing the results from the preliminary checks.


After they had run a few tests to find out what was causing her so much pain, the doctors said that Jill had to get an emergency surgery. John was horrified to hear that news. He thought that all Jill had was stomachache, why did the doctors need to open her up? Then the news got worse.

Wedding Preparations

As a bride, there really are a lot of preparations to do and so much anxiety to make sure everything is right. At first, that was what Jill thought was causing her stomach pain. Upon waking up with this feeling in her body, she immediately thought that she was just having wedding jitters.

Cold Feet

As John watched them wheel his wife towards the operating room on their wedding night, he couldn’t help feeling that he would have preferred her to have cold feet instead. At least, they wouldn’t be spending their wedding night in the ER, unsure of whether she was going to be okay or not.

John’s Anxiety

His parents tried to distract him and get his mind to focus on happier things, but they couldn’t muster enough cheerfulness to be convincing. They were equally as worried about their new daughter-in-law. Jill had never been one to fall sick out of the blues.

Her Stomach

But on that day, her stomachache had been really severe. It was not the usual kind that you would just get when you feel like going to the bathroom or you ate something silly the day before. It was not the type of pain you feel after a night of drinking, or if you get punched in the gut. It was something entirely different. That much was obvious from the trip to the ER. 

The Operation

At this point, there was nothing that people could do but to wait. They waited for someone to give them more information about Jill’s condition. They were just waiting to know the truth on what transpired. They also wanted to know if she would ever be alright. They could only hope that she would be fine.


Everyone was worried for Jill. Some guests wanted to go home already but they could not because they wanted to wait for her. They could not move. They could not go on with their lives. They could only wish her well.

The Results

And soon, the operation ended. Good thing it went well. People were scared for Jill, even the medical team. But she made it. She survived. Then it was revealed what happened to her.

Medical History

It was revealed that Jill actually had previously experienced something like that before. When she was a teenager, she was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. She thought that it was all over as she has already gone through surgeries and it did not bother her for years. But she was wrong.

What it Was

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the large intestine. It typically feels like knots being pulled tighter and that was the source of Jill’s pain. Good thing she was brought to the hospital before it got worse or she wouldn’t have been saved. But that was not all.

The Doctor’s Explanation

Dr. James Yoo, the chief of colorectal surgery at the Tufts Medical Center where she was admitted, said that Jill’s condition was very complicated as she had a twist in her intestines. This twist cut off the supply of blood in a section of her intestine. He even said that Jill could have died from this if they hadn’t come to the hospital when they did.

Jill’s Statement

Jill upon recovery even said that she could not believe it herself. She said that she thought this day would be a happy day for her and never did she think that she could have died that night, on her very special day.


Everyone was relieved, of course, upon Jill’s recovery. She was finally okay. She got through this difficult part in her life once more. She was able to beat her condition and survive!

Doctor’s Opinion

With that, Dr. Yoo even gave a prognosis for Jill. He said that she would live happily ever after. Jill and her husband, John, were just so happy that she survived and got through what happened to her. And so was everyone else that attended their wedding.

Happily Ever After

And Jill and John truly lived happily ever after. Their marriage was almost cut short before it even began. Good thing it wasn’t. True love should remain, even in sickness and in health, and until death separates the couple who love each other deeply.