WATCH: Why Is Donald Trump Withholding His Medical Records?

Donald Trump claims to be the "most innocent and transparent" person, but he has a long history of hiding things he doesn't want the public to see, like his tax returns.

Trump never released those, nor has he ever shared the full medical report from the alleged assassination attempt in July. You may also recall that he held off releasing his medical transcripts when he first ran for office in 2016. Instead, the public got a four-paragraph statement written by his then-personal physician claiming Trump would be “the healthiest person ever elected to the presidency.”

It turns out that Trump dictated the whole letter. You have to wonder what he said to a board-certified physician to scare him into breaking the Hippocratic Oath and doing harm by lying to the country. “He dictated that whole letter. I didn’t write that letter,” Bornstein told CNN in 2018. “I just made it up as I went along.”

The public was also mostly kept in the dark when Trump succumbed to COVID-19 in October 2020 and was hospitalized at Walter Reed. His doctors gave minimal information about his condition, which was far worse than his staff described.

After the alleged assassination attempt, Trump, who is now the oldest presidential candidate in history, told CBS News in August that he would “very gladly” release his updated medical records. However, he has yet to do so, leaving the public to wonder what he's hiding.

The same corporate media that was so obsessed with President Joe Biden's age and health are suspiciously silent when it comes to Trump, who is 78 and in clear cognitive decline.