WATCH: Vladimir Putin mocks Tucker Carlson for Failing to Get Job with the CIA

Now that he's off Fox News, Tucker Carlson is doing anything he can to get attention. This week, that meant flying to Russia so that he could interview Conservative icon Vladimir Putin. The interview did not go as planned as the Russian President continuously mocked and chided the news personality. 

The most troubling moment for Carlson came when Putin mentioned that he had been turned down by the CIA. Some have speculated that the former Fox host's failure to get into the agency is the reason for his constant anger. 

Putin said to Carlson, "the CIA, of course, the organization you wanted to join, back in the day as I understand. We should thank God they didn't let you in. Although it is a serious agency, I understand."

While Putin tried to couch his language, it was clear that he was mocking the Conservative personality. The diss is especially stinging coming from Putin. The Russian President rose in the Soviet government by working in the KBG. 

The interview turned out to be an interesting lesson for the former Fox host. Carlson is used to dealing with men like Donald Trump who talk a big game but have little substance underneath. This week, Carlson had to deal with a real-life supervillain and ended up embarrassed for his effort.