WATCH: Unhinged Bartiromo Blames Obama for Kamala Harris' 'Meteoric Rise'

The Fox News network is not having a good time with Kamala Harris being the Democrat's leader, and Maria Bartiromo had a bit of a meltdown Sunday over her popularity. 

Conservative media doesn't seem to know where to stand since Kamala Harris became the Democrats' likely nominee, so they are going back to some old standards. On Sunday, Bartirmo attacked Harris by attempting to connect her to Barack Obama. 

Bartiromo had her incident while speaking with Peter Schweizer from the Government Accountability Institute. She asked, "Obama reportedly pulling all the strings from four years of the Biden-Harris administration to the meteoric rise of Kamala. What can you tell us about Obama and his influence here?"

The guest answered, "She was campaigning for Barack Obama in 2003 before he was in the U.S. Senate. And that's why I think there is considerable evidence that Barack Obama is the one that essentially instituted this coup and saw to it that Joe Biden was kicked to the side and Kamala Harris would be the nominee."

Schweizer continued, "So, in my mind, there's lots of evidence, and his fingerprints are all over this. OK, but specifically, did Obama threaten Biden with the 25th Amendment that they have gotten the OK from the cabinet that they will push it forward if he doesn't step down? Did they threaten Biden to say, you better get out?""