During a segment about Donald Trump's latest legal issues, the hosts of The View mocked the former President for lying about his wealth.
It has long been assumed that Donald Trump has been lying about how much money he has. And a New York judge is now claiming that Trump exaggerated his wealth in forms and fraudulently acquired loans.
The View hosts discussed the news today with Joy Behar saying, "What a loser he is. Wait until Melania finds out that he's only worth 800 bucks."
Former Pence staffer Alyssah Farah Griffin chimed in:
"This puts it into the starkest terms. That is how crazy it is. He inflated the value of Mar-a-Lago by 2,300%. That would be like saying my two-bedroom apartment is a multi-floor penthouse. An average person would be in jail for doing it. Here's the thing, because I do know the man decently well. He thinks that being a loser or being poor or struggling financially are the absolute worst things. He never learned that playground lesson that winning isn't everything. I honestly think seeing the sign on Trump Tower taken off 5th Avenue would be more deafening to him than sitting in a prison cell because it says unequivocally he is a loser."
Watch a clip of the segment below, courtesy of ABC: