WATCH: Planned Trump Rally at Madison Square Garden Has Familiar Vibes

Donald Trump is no longer hiding his admiration for the Nazi party and the movement to wipe out any "undesirables" who might try to stand in his way of winning in November.

After spending just a brief amount of time with South African apartheid enthusiast Elon "Leon" Musk, Trump began openly broadcasting his belief in "getting rid of" anyone in America who he says has "bad genes," revealing his enthusiasm for Eugenics. 

Trump's rhetoric has grown increasingly unhinged and more racist in the months since the Vice President became his opponent and immediately began outshining and out-fundraising him

Despite empty seats everywhere he goes, the Trump campaign has booked a rally at New York's Madison Square Garden for October 27th. Trump is famously hated in his native New York, where he lost badly in 2016 and 2020. Despite the bravado from his camp, there's no way he'll win New York this year either.  

So why would they book a rally at the most legendary arena in the country? Who's paying for the rental fee? How does the Trump campaign expect to fill those seats? And why would Madison Square Garden allow an event that promises to draw massive protests and could potentially foment violence?

The only answer is that they want to foment that violence. In the final weeks of a campaign that Trump is badly losing, his staff is getting more and more desperate to maintain the smokescreen that they're winning.

New York State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal is also calling for Madison Garden to cancel the rally.

An email to the PR firm representing Madison Square Garden had not been responded to by press time, please check back for updates.